Thursday, December 14, 2006

Have You Paid Your Dues??

Your $5 dues are due by January 2. Remember, you can pay more than one year if you want. Make checks payable to: Brunswick County Master Gardener Volunteer Association (BCMGVA) $5.00 per Individual.

Mail checks to:
Linda Lemieux
3882 Members Club Blvd.
Southport, NC 28461

Be sure to include your name, address and email information.

Outstanding Volunteers

Do you know an outstanding MG Volunteer? Why not nominate that person for The NC Master Gardener Volunteer Association’s Outstanding Volunteer Award? The Guidelines and a Nomination Form are available at the NC website to print out.

Poinsettia and Luminarias event

On Tuesday, December 19, the Extension will hold a Poinsettia and Luminarias event. Our main purpose is to try to encourage the Hispanic population to come to the Extension and discover what we have to offer. Poinsettias were brought into SC from Mexico by Joel Poinset. Luminarias are a Latino Christmas tradition. The event will be from 4 to 6 pm so visitors can walk through the gardens as they follow the luminaries path. If you can help - meeting and greeting visitors, lighting candles or manning the MG booth - let Charlie know.


CONGRATULATIONS TO AL HIGHT who is now officially Extension Director- and to GINA BRITTON who is “our” secretary. We’re lucky to have them both. Al has some great ideas for Extension and the gardens. And Gina is always a great help with everything!

From Charlie:

The following Master Gardeners participated in the recently completed “Life on the Farm” series held at Funston Farms:
Joe Loughlin
Boyd Stanley
Ann Marie Bellamy
Barbara Stone
Lynn Schwartzkopf
Richard Boland
Judy Hilniski
Fred Mina
Becky Dus
Barbara McCoy
Judy Koehly
Nancy Einbinder
Hilton Holcomb
Dominique Loewenstein
Vicki Kay
And Billy Privette, who helped every day,
even though he has retired.

This has to be one of the best, if not the best, Master Gardener organizations in the entire state. You all deserve to be known as the best. Thanks for everything you do for Extension and our Association.


Remember, if you provide refreshments for a MG meeting, save your receipts and turn them in for up to $50 in reimbursement for your costs.

Election Results

If you were at the November meeting, you already know this: we elected the following “Honorable Leaders” to serve next year:
• Richard Boland, President
• Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman, Vice President
• Al Smith, Treasurer

Member News

Al Powell would appreciate your cards, or better yet, a visit from MG friends. He is at Summit Place, 491 Highway 17, Little River, SC 29566.

John Kellett fell and broke his arm – we hope he’s doing well, and again he’d like to hear from you – send him a card and wish him a speedy recovery.

And Mae Moore is recovering from surgery. She was in a large class – if you were a classmate, let her hear from you.

Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman says “Thank You” to everyone who worked to make the Reunion Social a big success. And many of the MGs who attended expressed their appreciation and talked about what a great event it was. The Botanical Garden was a perfect setting, the weather was great and it was fun getting together just to socialize.

Our two entries in the Regional Fair in Wilmington netted us a First Place and Second Place award. Not only did we receive a total of $350 in prize money, but the first place entry received a “Best in Show” ribbon, too. Thanks to the following MGs for their efforts in putting together the entries:
Barbara McCoy Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman
Vicki Kay Dominique Loewenstein
Maggie Hoon Pat Hagerty
Ann Marie Bellamy Richard Boland
David Barkley

Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman has been elected President of the North Carolina Master Gardener Volunteer Association. Congratulations, Shirley.

Joe Loughlin will be taking over as newsletter editor starting with the January 2007 issue. Joe has a lot of newsletter experience and is a computer whiz, so you should see some exciting changes in future issues. I have really enjoyed doing this, but it’s time for a change and it couldn’t be going to a better person! If you have items for the newsletter, send them to him at Thanks to everyone who has contributed ideas and articles these past two years. Becky


Next year’s classes will include:

• Possibly two Master Gardener classes, one beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 6 and the other – if needed - beginning the following Wednesday.
• Three dates will be set up for the Turf class – watch the newsletter for the notices when the schedule is set up.
• Plant ID class will begin the end of March.
• There will be others – watch for notices.


Please get your timesheets up to date before the end of the year. Charlie will be out for several weeks after the first of the year for hip surgery and he needs to get timesheets taken care of before then.

Not Getting Mail?

If you are not receiving e-mails from Charlie re: upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, it’s because either he doesn’t have your correct e-mail address (verify your address with the office) or your carrier is, which blocks his e-mails (you will have to take care of this – Charlie can’t).

Meeting Speakers

Ozzie Coor… was a very entertaining speaker at the November General Meeting – we learned a lot about plants native to our area – his presentation and the photos were excellent – who knew there were so many varieties of hibiscus or that NC has the second largest number of native orchids (only Hawaii has more)?

We have a great line-up of Speakers for 2007. Once again, David Barkley and Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman have worked hard to develop a great group of speakers and topics.

On January 25, Bill Cline will talk to us about grapes and blueberries. Bill works at the North Carolina Horticultural Crops Research Station in Castle Hayne as the Small Fruits Plant Pathologist for the University. He works mainly with blueberry, grape and strawberry crop diseases.

Some of our other speakers for next year include Dan Keir (in February), the owner and operator of Japanese Maples of Wilmington; many of you have purchased Japanese Maples from him by way of the MG plant sales. He will talk to us about grafting; this will be a hands-on demonstration. In March we will hear from Gloria Kidd on Butterfly Gardening; April will bring us Debbie Roos to talk about Organic Gardening. Other speakers will be announced in future newsletters.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Spring HERB & PLANT Festival

Saturday, April 14, 2007
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Horticultural Speakers, Live Demonstrations, Garden Art, Live Herbs & Perennials, Published Authors, State Herb and Rose Associations, Garden Craftsmen, Extension Agents, Gardening Experts and much more! Educational events, demonstrations, entry and parking are all free! Open air market, with shelter, ample gravel parking and indoor restroom facilities. Handicapped parking is also available. Rain or Shine! One of the largest Herb & Plant Festivals in North Carolina!

Sponsored by:
Cabarrus Master Gardener Volunteer Association & NC Cooperative Extension-Cabarrus County Center

Diana DeVore at 704 784-1925, or David Goforth, Extension Agent, at 704 920-3310,

Event Location:
Piedmont Farmers' Market
518 Winecoff School Road
Concord/Kannapolis, NC
For Event Specifics:

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Time sheets and expenses

From Charlie: If you attended the State Conference at the Outer Banks, include your total expenses, travel time, mileage totals both ways – also enter 8 hours for Tuesday and 4 hours for Wednesday seminars on your time sheets in the office. That information needs to be entered by the end of November if possible.

Your Dues are Coming Due

Your $5 annual dues are due by January 2. Remember, you can pay more than one year if you want.

Master Gardener Requirements:

A message detailing the requirements for membership in the Master Gardener Association was sent out by email late last month and is quoted here in full for those members who don’t receive email: “To belong to the Master Gardener Association (MGA), you must first be an active Master Gardener. To be active, you must have donated at least 40 hours – 20 hours minimum Hot Line plus at least 20 hours on other activities – in the last year. For other than new Master Gardeners, those who graduated in June 2006, you must have completed your hours by the end of December 2006. The class of 2006 has until the end of June to complete their minimum of 40 hours Hot Line time or equivalent. Let me repeat, if you have not completed the hours listed above, you are not a Master Gardener! You can not call yourself one and you can not join or continue to belong to the Extension Master Gardener Association.

If you wish to continue with the Master Gardeners but are short on donated time, there are still two months to go before the end of the year. We have plenty of activities and could really use your help.

The only other requirement is to pay $5 a year dues. These are payable no later than January 2. Recommend that you pay a few years in advance so you don’t have to worry about it. If your dues are not paid by March 1, you will be removed from the MGA and no longer be entitled to any of the MGA activities.

For unusual circumstances, such as sickness, out of town for an extended time period, etc., please call Charlie or David Barkley.”

Gardening on the Edge

If you were not able to attend the 2006 North Carolina Master Gardening Conference in October, some of the attendees provided their impressions of the conference:

Shirley Waggoner Eisenman: “If you missed the 2006 North Carolina State Master Gardener Conference (Gardening on the Edge) you missed an excellent conference. There were between 250 and 300 attendees. It was held on the Outer Banks and hosted by 6 counties. There were tours to the Outer Banks Arboretum and the Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo.

Authors Pamela Harper and Peer Loewer, both presentations were enjoyed by all; they were also available to sign their books and talk with Master Gardeners. Bryce Lane from WUNC “In The Garden" series as always gave an outstanding presentation. Workshops ranged from Propagating Exotics and Heirlooms favorites, Mystery Critters in Your Garden, and The DaVinci Garden Code, to Going Native. There was an entire afternoon devoted to a hands-on workshop on Bonsai. Many vendors were available in the Garden Marketplace.

We sold our "Gardening by the Month"; one person was taking it to Mississippi to use in the rebuild of that area. Our Display Board was set up showing what we do here in Brunswick County as Master Gardener Volunteers. Thanks to Barbara McCoy and Vickie Kay for all the work they put into the Display Board.

Look forward to seeing you at 2007 Conference.”

Vicki Kay: “We had a great trip to the Outer Banks and the Gardening on the Edge Conference.

Lecture subjects and speaker presentations were timely and done well.

I enjoyed the Outer Banks Arboretum and Teaching Garden, which led to a delightful reception.

We tried everything and did everything. All this I especially enjoyed doing with my friends from the Brunswick Co. Master Gardeners.”

Maggie Hoon: ”The North Carolina Master Gardener Conference ‘Gardening on the Edge’ held in early October was great and extremely well run. As this was my first conference, I was well pleased with the programs. It was lovely to have so many from our group attending. The speakers were outstanding including Bryce Lane and Pamela Harper. I also attended sessions on herbs (medicinal), night gardening and propagation by Ozzie Coor. You will be in for a real treat when he comes in November.”

MG apron

If you would like to a buy the green MG apron worn by some of MG volunteers at the plant sale in October, see Shirley Waggoner Eisenman. She can order them for you for $15 each.

Light Up the Night

Don’t let the long nights of fall and winter get you down! Put all of that darkness to good use by adding low-voltage lighting o your landscape. Learn how to design the system and install your new lights at the “Light up the Night” seminar on Thursday, November 16 beginning at 4:00 p.m. at the Cooperative Extension Center in Bolivia. Part of the session will include actually installing some new lighting in the Brunswick Botanical Garden, so please dress appropriately.

Even though there is no charge to join us for this seminar, please register by calling 253-2610 by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14 so you won’t miss out on the handouts and written information.

Botanical Garden Work Schedule Has Changed

Word from Maggie: Because participation in the third Monday work group was pretty light, we are dropping that day. From now on, we will be working on the first Monday and third Tuesday of every month. This way, we will have workers at the garden roughly every other week. Please join these work groups – the more the merrier, and there is always a lot to be accomplished. Let Maggie know if you can join one or both of the groups.

November General Meeting

Native Plants will be the topic for our speaker at the November General Meeting. Ozzie Coor is an internationally known plant propagator. He is President of Coor Farm Supply and co-owner of Rainwater Farms. He frequently presents hands-on workshops to Master Gardeners.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holiday party

The Holiday Party is December 14. This event is always a lot of fun, but it takes some work to put it together, so be sure to sign up to help when the chance comes up.

Botanical Garden

The next time you come to Extension, be sure to look at all the changes that are taking place around the Botanical Garden and in front of Building N. The night lighting should be completed by mid-November and there will be a program some time around Thanksgiving/early December to unveil it

Pack Your Bags!

The Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender county Master Gardener groups are planning a trip for next spring. The itinerary is still being planned, but some of the stops could include Philadelphia, Brandywine Valley, Richmond, Norfolk, Maryland and a stop or two at a winery. Watch for details as the planning comes together.

Richard O'Dwyer

We are sad report that Richard O’Dwyer, class of 2006, passed away on Thursday, September 21 in Charlotte. Richard was born in Wilmington, DE and was a resident of Shallotte. He enjoyed golf and gardening and was a member of the National Arbor Day Foundation. At the request of the family, memorials can be directed to the Brunswick County Master Gardner’s Volunteer Association.

The date has changed

The Reunion Social, originally scheduled for November 10, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 15 because the building will be closed on the 10th for Veterans Day. So, mark your calendars for this new date, watch for your invitation, to arrive later this month, and plan to join your fellow Master Gardeners for a fun afternoon in the garden.


• LIFE ON THE FARM will start up again during the last two weeks of October. We will probably work with three schools each week. Let Charlie know right away if you can help so he can put you on the schedule.

• The date for HERITAGE DAY at Indigo Farm is October 7. We will be doing a plant clinic that day and help publicize the Extension. As per usual, Charlie is looking for volunteers for this event – he needs about 3 people for the morning shift, including setting up the tents and the same number in the afternoon to take down the tents when it’s over. This counts as Hot Line time! Call Charlie if you’re able to participate.

• We will be continuing with the rain lily project, going back out to collect more bulbs once the grass dies back. David will be looking for help with this so be sure to let him know if you are interested.

• The North Carolina State Fair is Oct. 13 – 22. If you have any plants, produce, etc. that you want to submit, let David know. His deadline is October 10!

• The County Fair for Brunswick, Pender and New Hanover counties will follow the State Fair. We will be setting up an educational booth – need someone from October 24 through Nov. 5. Again let David know if you can volunteer some time.

• Our next PLANT SALE is scheduled for October 12, 13 and 14. Call Charlie if you can help out. Ash needs some additional help, too, preparing the plants.

October 26 meeting

Don Gilbert… will be our speaker at the October 26 general meeting. His topic will be “Hydroponically Grown Fruits and Vegetables.” Don is a local businessman who grows hydroponic fruits and vege-tables.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Household Hazardous Waste Collection, Clothing Drive and Electronic Recycling Event

Brunswick County will collect household hazardous waste, clothing and electronics at the Southport Wal-Mart on Sept. 16 from 9 am to 2 pm. This is a one-day collection only – items will not be picked up with regular trash service and will not be accepted at the four convenient sites or at the landfill. This collection is free for county residents and farmers only – no commercial or industrial waste will be accepted. For info call 253-2520.

Litter Sweep 2006

Volunteers needed! The NCDOT’s annual Litter Sweep Fall Roadside Clean-up will take place Sept. 16 – 30. Brunswick County will waive tipping fees at the landfill In Bolivia for anyone bringing in DOT bags from a roadside clean-up during this time. Contact the DOT office (754-4540) to register. DOT will provide gloves, safety vests and trash bags.

Free mulch

Brunswick County is giving mulch to county residents only. The mulch will not be delivered, but will be loaded at the landfill in Bolivia only. For info, call 253-2520.

Fall Clean-up

The Brunswick County Fall Clean-up is scheduled for Sept. 11–16. During that week, county residents can dispose of all materials except regular household trash for free. This applies to material brought to the landfill in Bolivia only – items will not be picked up with your regular trash service. The four convenient sites will maintain regular fees during this time. For more info, call the Brunswick County Solid Waste Department at 253-2520.

Bug Fest

Want to have some fun? Attend BUG FEST at the Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh on September 16. Free food….hope you like bugs!

New Projects

Lots of new projects are in the works. Some ideas include:
• Installing lighting in the Botanical Garden area.
• Continuing to bring in different varieties of crepe myrtle; when finished we will be the only garden in the U.S. with every variety of crepe myrtle. We will hold an open house when all are in bloom.
• Creating a semi-tropical planting area outside the conference room door.
• Beautify the area around the entrance to the greenhouse, including installing additional drainage and irrigation, new beds, new plantings.

We will also be acquiring PowerPoint presentation software and developing some presentations and/or editing NC State programs for the seminars we provide in the community.


If you are providing refreshments at the meetings, are you aware that you can be reimbursed? Just save your receipt and give it to our Treasurer…I think there’s a cap of $25.00.

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed how nice the planters in front of the Extension Office look? How about all the changes – improvements and new plants, etc – in the Botanical Garden and where the planting area is being extended out from the Garden? Our volunteer work groups are doing a great job in these areas, with a LOT of help from Jim, too.

He Didn’t Really Mean It….

When Charlie Spencer announced that he will be retiring at the end of September, he really thought that’s what he would do. But, as he announced at the General Meeting in August, there are just too many exciting things on the horizon here at the Extension Center and he just can’t leave and miss the opportunity to be involved. Thanks, Charlie, we’re glad you’re staying on.

Other dates

• NC State Fair is Oct. 13 – 22.

• Mark your calendars for the next COASTAL GARDENING SEMINAR on September 29 (the August newsletter said Sept. 21 - sorry). Topics and speakers will be announced soon.

• Our next PLANT SALE is scheduled for October 12, 13 and 14. There will be no pre-sale of plants at this or any future plant sale. Come in, help out.

• We have SEMINARS scheduled and Charlie’s looking for volunteers to help – here are the dates, places, times:

• Sept. 11, 10:30 am, Roark Library, Shallotte
• Sept. 14, 9:00 am, Oak Island Library
• Sept. 22, 2:00 pm, Hickman Crossroads Library
• Sept. 25, 1:00 pm, Coastal Garden Club (Richard Boland has the details)
• Sept. 28, 2:00 pm Southport Library
• Sept. 30, 10 am – 1 pm, Southport Wal-Mart, including a plant clinic
• Leland Library will also have a seminar – date and time will be announced when it’s scheduled

Reunion Garden Party

Planning continues for the Reunion Garden Party on November 10. We’re looking for photos, too – if you have any photos of MG events that you would like to share, let Barb McCoy know (575-7679; – her group is going to set up a history display as part of this event. And…we’re still searching for a 1996 class list! And, as always, we’ll be looking for help with setting up, cleaning up, etc. – the more help, the easier for everyone.

Life on the farm

Life on the farm will start up again during the last two weeks of October. We will probably work with three schools each week. We will have more information as the time approaches, but keep this in mind and let Charlie know if you can help

September Meeting Speaker

Soil Science will be our topic at the September 28 meeting. Our speaker will be Rick Morros; he is Regional Agronomist with the NCDA Agronomic Division. Rick works in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland and Robeson counties. FYI, in case you’re wondering, the Agronomic Services Division analyzes soil samples, plant, solution and irrigation water samples, and animal, municipal and industrial wastes. Recommendations are designed to improve production efficiency and protect natural resources. Regional agronomists help growers solve field problems and implement recommendations.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Got Recipes????

A number of respondents to the Newsletter Survey said they would like to see some favorite recipes in future issues. We had some great food at the Recognition Banquet and a couple of people left a copy of the recipe with the food, but I didn’t take the recipe because I wanted others to see it, too.
So…if you have a recipe you want to share with your fellow Master Gardeners, send a copy to me at and I’ll be happy to include in future newsletters. Thanks!


Whoa! The “Refreshment Team” Blinked! And we almost didn’t have refreshments at the July meeting except for fast work on Cathie Rod’s part. These are our “Teams” for the rest of the year:

August: Anita Waite, Gail Earley, Charlie Spencer
September: Ann Duke, Nancy Gooding
October: Croly Petrea, Mary Ellen Clagett, Grace Wrigley
November: Anne Marie Bellamy – we need someone else – let Cathie know if you can help with November’s refreshments.

Large patch

Treatment, if needed, should start in early September so now’s the time to start thinking about it. Charlie will be writing an article on this problem and on the options and schedule for treating with Bayleton, Banner MAXX, Heritage, etc. for next month. Charlie also mentioned that Wal-Mart may begin to stock less expensive sizes of the effective treatments – which will be a help to the home gardener with not a lot of area to be covered.

Troops collections

We’re collecting items for our troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. There is a box in the lobby of the Extension Center – bring in all those hotel/motel soaps and shampoos that you’ve been saving, and any other toiletry items you have that you want to send to the men and women who are serving our country overseas.

Many Thanks to Gina

We took a few moments at the July General Meeting to thank Gina Britton for all the help she gives the Master Gardener Association’s members and programs. Gina is always happy to work with us on things – most recently she has done a great job of cleaning up the list of past MG classes – and we do appreciate everything she does!

Appointments and resignations

It was announced at the July meeting that Al Hight is returning to the Brunswick County Extension Office as Interim Director, effective August 1. So….welcome back, Al, and we hope you stay for a good long time.

But, we’re going to miss you….

The next time you are in the Extension Office, be sure to stop by and wish Billy Privette the best. He will be retiring at the end of August from his position as Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development.

And Charlie Spencer announced that he will be retiring at the end of September. The Extension website lists Charlie as “Agricultural Technician,” but we know better… Charlie coordinates and organizes and staffs and mentors and runs things…and he cooks, too.

Both will be sorely missed, but we wish you both well.

Other dates

Mark your calendars for the next Coastal Gardening Seminar on September 21. Topic and speakers will be announced soon.

Our next PLANT SALE is scheduled for October 12, 13 and 14. There will be no pre-sale of plants at this or any future plant sale.

The State Fair will be October 20 through 29.

Have we mentioned that the Hot Line needs you? Please sign up and come on in and share all your gardening wisdom with the community.

Walmart presentation

Charlie will be at the Southport Wal-Mart on September 30 from 10 am to 1 pm to do a presentation on planting trees, large patch treatment and other fall gardening topics. Want to join him? Let him know.

Reunion Garden Party

Planning for the Reunion Garden Party on November 10 is well under way. We expect to invite all current and former Master Gardeners, although we still can’t find a class list for the 1996 class! So, if you graduated that year or if you know anyone who graduated that year, please call Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman (754-4148) because we want to include everyone. We’ll be asking for volunteers to help set up, decorate, clean up, etc., so the work involved goes quickly. If you want to help, let us know.

The Hardscape Team

The Hardscape Team is working on their ‘to-do’ list and is making great headway. The drainage is complete now from the boardwalk to the road. There are always new projects and plantings so Hilton is still looking for members to join the Team – you don’t need previous experience to participate. Let Hilton know if you can help.

August Speaker

Dr. Kenneth A. Sorensen who is a Professor of Entomology at NC State University in Raleigh will be our speaker at the General Meeting on August 24. He has been at NCSU as an Extension Entomologist since 1970, working on fruits and vegetables, and has international experience in Bolivia, Ecuador and India. He is going to talk to us about fruit and vegetable pests around the house and their management.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Beach Rock Available for Home Gardens; Contest Gives Oak Island MG a Chance to Shine!

Master Gardeners from throughout the county are invited to the shores of Oak Island this summer to gather beach rock deposited in the sands during the 2001 Sea Turtle Habitat Project, in an environmental initiative sponsored by Oak Island Beach Preservation to rid the beach of the stone to provide an unobstructed strand for beachgoers and turtle nesters.

At the same time, Oak Island MGs have the opportunity to shine by gathering the rock and using it creatively in the Beach Preservation group’s first ever Beach Rock Landscape & Design Contest, which runs from July 1 to Aug. 31 and seeks to reward Oak Island residents who use the unwanted rock in gardens or landscaping projects, for example to outline planting beds or walkways, or to build structures or artistic projects, integrating the rocks with trees, shrubs, flowers and other decorative materials.

The most unique and creative project will be awarded a $150.00 Grand Prize of $100 towards pavers or flagstone materials from Bianchi’s Brickyard Supply plus $50 cash from Beach Preservation. 2nd Prize is a $50 Gift Certificate from Stewart’s Hardware & Garden Center. 3rd Prize is a $25 Gift Certificate from Bridgers Landscape & Garden Center. All entrants will be mailed a coupon for 10% off up to $200.00 in garden merchandise from Lowe’s Home Center, Southport.

Composed of a mixture of limestone and clays and some embedded shells, the naturally beautiful beach rock ranges from the size of golf balls to foot-long boulders. It surfaces mainly between 20th and 50th streets SE, accessed by turning left towards the beach at the second traffic light at 58th Street. It is easiest to collect at low tide and is especially abundant following tropical storms.

Complete contest rules and entry blanks are at OI Town Hall and OI Recreation Center. Judging will be held in September with awards made October 14 at “Celebrate Oak Island.” Entrants do not need to be present to win.

For more information, call Fred or Elizabeth Mina at 278-6205 or visit

Reunion Garden Party

The Reunion Committee is planning a Garden Party for November 10. All current and former Master Gardeners will be invited to this get together. We are compiling an up-to-date list of all our MG class graduates and making good progress except for the 1996 class – we have not been able to find a class list for that year. If you graduated that year and have a list filed away somewhere, we need a copy! Please call Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman (754-4148) if you have a list or know where we can get one. And Mark Your Calendar for November 10.

Hardscape Team

The Hardscape Team is making progress on the tasks to be accomplished. They have already completed repairs to the irrigation system. Hilton is still looking for members to join the Team – you don’t need previous experience to participate in this group. Let Hilton know if you can help.

4-H Summer Youth Program

The 4-H Summer Youth Program will offer three classes at the County Extension Center. We will work with 4-H to provide a version of the “Life on the Farm” series. The first class, for kids ages 6 to 8, will be from 9 – 11 AM on July 25 at the Extension Center. The second, on August 1, for 9 – 12 year olds, and the third on August 15, for kids over 12, will be from 9 AM to Noon, at Extension and in the Greenhouse. Most of the information is already assembled so other than a short meeting before each session, there shouldn’t be much extra work involved. Charlie is looking for volunteers – please call him at 253-2610 if you can help at any of these sessions.

Reminder - state conference

Go to and click on “Events” for information on the State Master Gardener Conference – “Gardening on the Edge.” The conference will be October 2 - 4 in Kill Devil Hills and will feature great speakers and workshops - including grafting, healing powers of herbs, native plants, tough plants for tough places and a ½ day bonsai workshop - plus pre-conference tours. Invitations were mailed in June. The registration fee will be discounted if you register by August 1.

July meeting speaker

At our July 27 General Meeting our speaker will be David Nash, Area Specialized Agent for Coastal Management from the New Hanover Cooperative Extension Office. He will give an overview of the dunes and dune vegetation in Brunswick County. He has co-authored a book on this subject.

Fresh Vegetable Marinade

Recipe from the Recognition Banquet, from the Hamilton County (TN) MG cookbook, submitted by Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman.

Fresh Vegetable Marinade

4 stalks broccoli, cut into flowerets
8 fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 medium green or red pepper, sliced
1 head cauliflower, cut into flowerets
1 small purple onion, chopped (optional)

1 cup sugar ½ cup vinegar
2 tsp dry mustard 1½ cup veg. oil
1 tsp salt 2 tbsp poppy seeds

Place vegetables in a large bowl. Combine all ingredients in marinade and mix well. Pour over vegetables and toss well to coat. Chill at least 3 hours, but not longer than 12 hours (over-chilling will make the vegetables soggy). Remove from marinade to serve.

Monday, June 12, 2006

News from Charlie

I didn't have the opportunity to really thank all the folks involved in the Supply School project. Everyone involved seemed to think that it was an outstanding success. Special thanks go to Nancy Einbinder for all the extra efforts that she put forth to insure success. She was the glue that held the whole thing together. This effort is what the Master Gardener Program is all about.

Please help welcome the new Master Gardener class as they pitch in to help us. Most of them have already joined us in our plant sales, etc.; now let's give them some help on the Hot Line. We are trying to develop a "Mentoring Program" to help our new members further. If you can help, please let me or David know.
Please read the updated info above on the volunteer hours required to maintain your status as a Master Gardener. It also contains info on the annual dues required to belong to the MG Association.

I know this is a busy time of the year for all of us. We can use any help on the Hot Line and all the other activities that we do. So any help that you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for everything that you all do. This is a great program and it can only happen as a result of each and everyone's efforts. Give yourself a great big pat on the back!


• Our Recognition Banquet is June 20. This is our opportunity to honor the new class of Master Gardeners and those who took advanced classes and to relax and visit with each other. Invitations should be going out soon.

• If you want to join Charlie and others for a visit to the daylily farm on June 14, let Charlie know ASAP. We’re planning a trip to the Marietta Daylily Gardens on June 14th. I can take 11 people with me in the Extension van. It's about one and a half hours from here. If you are interested, call and let me know. We will leave here at 7:30 and can pick up some folks at the McDonalds on State Road 904 and US 17 about 8:00. It is a great trip and the owners like us. You will never find betters buys on daylilies. If you can drive, it leaves lots more room for your daylilies! They really take good care of us.

• Don’t forget the Pond Tour on June 10.

General Meeting Speakers

Bryce Lane …was a terrific speaker – he was a lot of fun, very informative and very interesting – he brought a lot of plants and some pots and soil and gave us a great demo on container gardening. And we had a full house for him – it was good to see so many MGs come out for this program.

David Barkley and Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman have the following programs lined up for the rest of the year:

June 22 – Dr. Jeannie Davis, Associate Professor, Extension Specialist, Horticulture Science. Her subject will be Herbs and Other Interesting Specialty Crops for North Carolina.

July 27 – David Nash, Area Specialized Agent, Coastal Management, New Hanover County, will give an overview of the dunes and dune vegetation in Brunswick County. He has co-authored a book on this subject.

August 24 – Dr. Kenneth Sorensen, Professor, Entomology, NCSU, will give a PowerPoint presentation with posters and handouts on Fruit and Vegetable Pests Around the Home and Their Management.

September 28 – Don Gilbert will talk about Hydroponically Grown Fruits and Vegetables.

On October 26, we will hear from Rick Morris re Soil Science and on November 30, Ozzie Coor will discuss Native Plants.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Recognition Banquet

Recognition Banquet will be June 20 – Mark Your Calendar and Plan to Come Out and Have a Good Time with Your Fellow Master Gardeners.


Thanks from Charlie to everyone who has helped in all the wonderful things that have gone on during the last month. Remember the plant sale on May 18, 19 and 20 – sign up now and avoid the rush. We really need help on the Hot Line. This is the busiest time of the year with lots and lots of interesting questions. For you all who are preparing for visitors and taking trips this summer, please be very careful as we need and want you back in good health. Be careful out there.

Ash is in the greenhouse most mornings, including Saturday and is always happy to have help!

Memorial Garden

On Sunday afternoon, April 23, A Memorial Garden at the intersection of Moore Street and River Drive in Southport was dedicated to the memory of Sue Jones by the Southport Garden Club. A reception followed in Keziah Park. Sue completed the Master Gardener course in 2000. She was a dedicated member of the Southport Garden Club for many years and was active until shortly before her death in 2005. Her immediate and extended family, members of the Southport Garden Club and many friends were present at the dedication to reflect on Sue’s love of gardening, love of family and her many contributions to the community at large.

When in Southport, please stop by the garden for a moment of reflection. It’s a beautiful memorial.
-Submitted by Ken Morris

A Note from Supply Elementary School:

“The first session of your plant propagation series went beautifully. It was flawless. The teachers and students had a great learning experience. I also heard many wonderful comments from your Master Gardener volunteers. We’re all looking forward to the next session. Thanks for everything.”
-Dwight Willis, March 31, 2006


• Our next Plant Sale of the year will be Thursday, May 18 to Saturday, May 20. Our first sale was a great success – let’s make this next one just as successful. Help at the sale (let Charlie know if you’re available) and help in the greenhouse before the sale (a lot of preparation is needed for each sale).

• Hilton is still looking for members to join the Hardscape Team – you don’t need previous experience to participate in this group. Let Hilton know if you can help.

• The Supply Elementary School program was very successful. Charlie and some very able assistants put together an excellent program. Look for the next opportunity to get involved in a school program!

• We need to verify the information on our Membership List. Do we have your correct address, phone number, email address? Check the information the next time you’re at Extension to be sure it’s correct. We’d also like to include your spouse’s or significant other’s name. Thanks.

May 25th Speaker

Our next general meeting is on May 25 at 9 a.m. Our speaker at that meeting will be Bryce Lane, a national award-winning instructor in the Department of Horticulture Science at NCSU, and host of the PBS series “in the Garden,” a 30-minute weekly educational program which introduces viewers to the science behind gardening. He will provide a hands-on workshop on Container Gardening.

Monday, April 17, 2006


April 10 – 15, Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents Only. Brunswick County Landfill. They will also be giving away free mulch.

And the Survey Said:

“Thank You” to the 21 MGs who responded to the survey questions. You provided some good feedback and suggestions for future issues.

Of the respondents, 18 read the newsletter online, 3 read the hard copy that is mailed out and one does both. Everyone reads it every month and most read all of it.

Of the items you rated as to their importance, the speakers for upcoming meetings, info on projects and activities, gardening tips and Dave’s gardening information ranked the highest, but everything ranked above average.

As far as adding items of interest, several people said they really weren’t interested but more of you said “Yes” to this and made some suggestions – recipes (especially easy to make ones) for the snacks served at our monthly meetings or at the June banquet and holiday party. Some of you also suggested member news or a “member spotlight” article, cartoons, photos or tips/links to gardening sites on the internet.

So, if you are willing to share the recipe for that great snack or banquet/party food, make a copy and give it to me for a future issue of the newsletter. Or, if you want a recipe, let me know what it is and who provided it and I’ll ask for the recipe to share. I’ll also give some thought to a ‘spotlight’ item and look into the other suggestions.

Only one person never goes to the website; otherwise, it was pretty evenly split among those who visit it weekly, 2 - 4 times a month, monthly or ‘seldom.’ The only other comments were re the redundancy between other areas of the website and the newsletter, a wish for photos in the newsletter, and a comment that all the notifications/emails re what’s available on the website are confusing.

Overall, the feedback was positive and that’s good, and the suggestions were helpful and gave me some ideas to work on. If you come up with other suggestions and ideas, be sure to let me know. I’d like to be sure the newsletter is serving its purpose and is interesting to all its readers.


Springtime in Asheville!

Carolina Gardener magazine invites you to the 9th annual Carolina Gardens & Gardeners Symposium and Tours in Asheville, NC, on May 5 and 6, 2006. Visit the North Carolina Arboretum, Peter Loewer’s garden and more beautiful gardens in Asheville, plus shop B.B. Barns and the perennial plant sale at the Botanical Gardens at Asheville. Top off your weekend experience with an evening learning from garden authors Felder Rushing and Barbara Pleasant. You’ll lunch at the Arboretum and stay on to see part of the 65 acres of gardens and their new bonsai collection – the largest in the Southeast. Your stop at the Botanical Garden of Asheville will coincide with the garden’s annual native plant sale, which draws selections from nurseries from around the region, and a B.B. Barns, an exceptional regional garden center. If you wish to extend your visit with a tour of the world-famous Biltmore Estate gardens, you can purchase tickets at discounted rates at the hotel where you stay.
We are looking for MGs who might be interested in attending as a group. For more information or to sign on, contact Arlene Hubner at 253-3269 or

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week will be celebrated from April 23-29, 2006. The Volunteer Center of Brunswick County is hosting a Special Recognition Celebration on April 26, 2006, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Odell Williamson Auditorium, Brunswick Community College. There will be a reception and refreshments from 3:30 to 4:15 followed by a program to honor all volunteers beginning at 4:15 with guest speaker Frank Capra, Jr. There will be door prizes and a special thank-you gift for each volunteer. Please RSVP by April 17 by calling the Extension Center office.

Project Update

• Our first Plant Sale of the year will be Thursday, April 20 – Saturday, April 22. (You can do your shopping early, on the 19th from 9 a.m. until noon.) Let Charlie know if you can help out during the sale. Come in before then and help Ash out in the greenhouse – the sale takes a lot of preparation.

• Hilton is still looking for members to join the Hardscape Team – you don’t need previous experience to participate in this group. Let Hilton know if you can help.

• The Supply Elementary School program has had a very successful beginning. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the activities, including the MG instructors. If other schools hear about this, we may have more than we can handle. Thanks to everyone involved in the effort. We have two more sessions scheduled – April 4-5 and April 25-26.

• We will be working at the Dosher Nursing Home on a project with the Oak Island Beautification Club to improve a small courtyard. Let Charlie know if you are interested in this project.

• We continue to explore the possibility of a new program at Shallotte Middle School – keep watching for details as (or if) the program comes to be.

• The NCMGVA Board of Directors meeting will be held here in Brunswick County at the Extension Building on April 17 at 10 a.m. All Master Gardeners are welcome. Let Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman know if you plan to attend so lunch can be arranged for you.

• Turf and Vegetable Seminars:

o Thursday, April 7, 2:00 p.m., Hickman’s Crossroads Library
o Thursday, April 13, 2:00 p.m., Southport Library
o Thursday, April 15, 11:00 a.m., Southport Wal-Mart
o Wednesday, April 19, 10:00 a.m., Leland Library

• The Hot Line needs you!

• Supply Elementary has asked us to help them develop a garden area – we are exploring this potential project.

• There will be a plant clinic for MGs at Brunswick Community College from 10:15 to 12:15 on May 2.

• Ash has lots of projects in the greenhouse that can use some extra help, among them starting @700 tomato plants for the students and teachers at Supply Elementary School, and all the preparation for the April plant sale. Ash is in the greenhouse most mornings, including Saturday.

Master Gardener Conferences

Information on the State Master Gardener Conference – “Gardening on the Edge” - is now available on the NCMGVA web site – go to The conference is scheduled for October 2 - 4 in Kill Devil Hills. This conference will feature great speakers and workshops, plus pre-conference tours. Watch for your invitation packet this summer.

Information on the Southern Region Master Gardener Conference in Chattanooga, TN on June 8 - 11 is also on this web site, also under “Events.” This too looks like an excellent conference, with lots of good seminars and activities.

April and May Meeting Speakers

The speaker at our April 27 meeting will be Dr. Lane Tredway, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Dr. Tredway has a B.S. in Agronomy from Penn State Univ., a M.S. in Plant Science from Rutgers Univ., and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from the Univ. of Georgia. His subject will be “Turf Diseases: Identification, Management and Control.” The meeting will begin at 9 a.m.

The May meeting will feature Bryce Lane, in the department of Horticulture Science at NCSU, and host of the PBS series “in the Garden,” who will provide a hands-on workshop on Container Gardening.

Friday, March 03, 2006

DOT request

We have been asked to work with the Dept. of Transportation to preserve an endangered day lily plant in the area of the new Sunset Beach high rise bridge. We will monitor the plants and once they finish blooming, collect seeds, plant them in temporary beds holding beds while the bridge is under construction, and then help replant them once construction is complete.

NCMGVA Board of Directors Meeting

The NCMGVA Board of Directors will meet here in Brunswick County at the Extension building on April 17 at 10:00 a.m. All Master Gardeners are welcome. Let Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman know if you plan to attend, as lunch will be served.

Southern Regional Conference

Chattanooga, TN will host the Southern Regional Master Gardener Conference on June 8 thru 11 this year. You can find information on this conference at

Botanical Garden

We are fast approaching the time of year when bulbs, perennials, shrubs and trees come to life and, wonder of wonder, millions of weeds. It is a favorite time for me and I hope for you as well. When you read this, it will be happening in our Botanical Garden. The garden is an every-changing, ever-growing project.

I would like to invite any Master Gardeners to come and join one of our work teams. Right now we are working the 1st and 3rd Mondays and the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Each team works one time a month. Spring is a very busy time in the garden and greenhouse and we could use more help. We do weeding, light pruning, mulch spreading, planting, etc. Hilton and David Barkley check the garden to prepare our chore list and Davis is usually there to give direction. It is a great way to gain knowledge and meet some really neat people.

Also, Ash Tyler could use help in the greenhouse/hoop house. He is there almost every morning and would love the help. Remember our plant sale is our “Biggest Fundraiser” and it requires many work hours from many people. We hope everyone will participate in some capacity.

If you would like to help, please call Hilton Holcomb – 575-4943, Ash Tyler – 278-6101 or me -253-0195. We would love to have you join us!

Happy gardening,
Maggie Hoon

April Plant Sale

It’s time to beginning preparing for the April Plant Sale. We need to plant seeds, repot, trim and prune and move plants around. Please come on in and help us get ready for the sale. Ash is here almost every morning and can show you what needs to be done. The plant sale is our primary fund raiser and there is a LOT to do. Call Charlie if you want to work in the afternoon and he will let you know what needs to be done.

Coastal Garden Club meeting

The Coastal Garden Club has invited us to join them when they host Alessandro Tombelli at their monthly meeting, at 1 p.m. on March 20 at the Brunswick Electric Company in Supply. Alessandro has a vast resume of international garden restoration and design experience. He graduated with a degree in Horticulture from the National Horticultural Institute of Florence and has continued to expand his knowledge by attending The Royal Horticultural Society’s Garden in Wisley, England, the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies in York, England and the Scuola Agraria di Monza in Milan, Italy. Alessandro is currently a garden consultant and advisor to many historic villas and estates across Europe. With his expert knowledge of horticulture, he has given lectures, consulted for a television program and currently organizes and leads Globalgardens tours. He is a member of both The Royal Horticultural Society and the British Professional Gardeners’ Guild.

Space is limited – both in the meeting room and in the parking lot. We are limited to the first 40 people who sign up. If you want to attend and hear this interesting speaker, call Bette at Extension (253-2610). We will meet in the parking lot behind Extension and use the vans and carpool. There will be a $3.50 fee at the door.

Coastal Garden Seminar

“Meeting Your Plants’ Needs”
March 31, 2006
9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

David Hardy, NC Dept. of Agriculture Soils Lab, re soil samples, analysis, soil problems
Dr. William Fonteno, Professor, Horticultural Science, NCSU, re: building urban soils
And more to be announced.
Call the Extension Office to register.

The Hardscape Team

This promises to be a busy group with some interesting projects on the agenda. Here are some that are waiting for spring time and drier weather to get started:

1. Work on irrigation in the garden and around Building N.

2. Install drainage at the garden to include the center circle.

3. Modify the pump station doors, install drainage and complete path

4. Install terraces at rear of biofalls and repair steps up the bank.

5. Pressure clean, spray and waterproof the deck and walkways.

6. Plan and install drip irrigation for containers in front and rear of building.

7. Install a pathway to Building F.

8. Plan and install drainage at the greenhouse area.

If you would like to join this team let Hilton know (575-4943;

We've Got Projects

Check out these great opportunities to get involved with our community and share your gardening know-how:

• The Home and Garden Show at West Brunswick High School on March 24-26. Let Richard know if you want to help out (579-5791 or

• Our first Plant Sale of the year will be Thursday April 20 – Saturday April 22. Charlie’s looking for volunteers.

• Hilton is looking for members to join the Hardscape Team – you don’t need previous experience to participate in this group. A list of projects on the current To-Do List is on page 2. Let Hilton know if you’re interested.

• The Supply Middle School program gets under way with the training session on March 2.

• We have had an inquiry from Shallotte Middle School about working with their students – watch for more news on this.

• Have also had an inquiry from Communities in Schools re: working with them. More info to come if this develops.

State MG Conference

Information on the State MG Conference will soon be available on the NCMGVA web site – click under ‘Events” – The conference is scheduled for October 2 - 4 in Kill Devil Hills. This conference will feature great speakers and workshops, plus pre-conference tours. Watch for your invitation packet this summer

March Meeting Speaker

THE SPEAKER AT OUR MARCH MEETING…will be Dr. Tom Creswell, Manager of the Plant Disease and Insect Clinic in the Plant Pathology Department at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. He will talk to us about “Ornamental Diseases Common to Our Area.”
The meeting will be on March 23 at 9 a.m. The April meeting will be on the 27th – Dr. Lane Tredway, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at NCSU will be there to tell us about the identification, management and control of turf diseases.
Shirley and David have been working hard to put together a great group of speakers and topics for our meetings. So be sure to put all these meetings on your schedule and come take advantage of these great opportunities to add to your gardening knowledge.

Monday, February 06, 2006

A Taste of China:

The Extension and Community Association, directed by Susan Morgan, would like our help in preparing food for their annual cultural program. The theme this year is China with an emphasis on history and cuisine. As in years past, the ECA is asking MGs to prepare food for the tasting program, which will be on Saturday, March 11 in the Extension Training Room. Those who prepare a dish (or two) will receive special treatment:

• A special guest table with the privilege of going through the line first

• A complementary cookbook with recipes for all the featured dishes

• The tasting is free to all preparers (you guests will have to pay)

Save your receipts for reimbursement. For more information call Susan Morgan or Bette Rose at the Extension (253-2610).

Volunteer in the greenhouse!

Ash is in the Greenhouse every morning – why not come in and help him out – Wednesday is the most popular morning for working in the Greenhouse, but he would appreciate your help any morning!

Pro Days Seminar and Trade Show

The NC Cooperative Extension Service will present the 6th Annual Regional Pro Days Seminar and Trade Show for area “Green Industry” workers and plant professional on Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 15 and 16, across from the Leland Industrial Park. The schedule of events will include a number of seminars, e.g., on turfgrass weed management, pesticide application, pesticide disposal, ornamental and turfgrass diseases and insects, plus exhibits featuring equipment, plants and landscape supplies, and finally, educational programs offering NCDA pesticide recertification credits; pesticide applicators will be eligible to receive specialty credits to satisfy their “X.” For information, contact Matt Martin or David Barkley at 253-2610 or Al Hight at 259-1235.

Supply Elementary School

We have an exciting new program coming up at Supply Elementary School working with students in the K through 5 classes, and Charlie will need a lot of Master Gardeners to volunteer some time to make this a success.

The program will cover three topics and we will be working with students in two age groups: Kindergarten through 2nd grade and grades 3 through 5. A brief overview of the topics is:

Propagation, March 21 and 22: We will provide each classroom with containers with growing plants/seedlings, plus measuring devices for water and plant growth. The pots will have 3 types of soil – sand, clay and loam. Students will learn how to care for the plant and will keep charts until we return in April.

Soils, April 11 and 12: Review what students learn re: plant growth in the three different soil types. The program will involve what plants require for growth and why plants grow in certain environments and not in others, as well as how soils are amended to provide what plants need to grow. We will also ask the cafeteria staff to save plastic containers to use in each classroom to collect scarps or discarded fruits and vegetable from the tasting breaks; then put the scraps into a compost bin which we will provide the school.

Compost and Worm Bins: April 25 and 26. This will be an outside program. We do final plant measurements and will bring the worm bin so student can see and touch the worm and see how worms aid in the soil. Also, at this class we’ll give each student a plant to take home, probably a tomato plant.

Charlie is looking for volunteers to work on this project and others that may develop. If you want participate, let Charlie know.


Please remember that to be a Master Gardener you must have completed all the requirements each and every year. There have been some occurrences where folks have claimed to be Master Gardeners and they have not completed and maintained their obligations. This is a violation of the law.

What a great success the Blazichs’ seminars were. We not only paid for all their expenses but also made a little bit of money as a result. We helped out our friends in 4H as well since they provided the meal. Our visitors seemed to really enjoy themselves and hopefully they will come back for the next one.

Speaking of which, the North Brunswick Expo was a great success also. Twice as many people attended as last year and there were lots of new questions. We must have over 20 "Newcomers Kits" to pass out.

Which brings on the next topic, which is all the seminars coming up. I will be contacting you on the Supply Elementary School project. Other upcoming seminars include: Feb. 16th, Southport Library, 2:00-3:00 PM, subject "Are you ready for Spring?"; Southport Wal-Mart, Feb.18th, 10:00-1:00, seminar at 11:00, same subject as above; Feb. 20, Coastal Garden Club, BMEC room, 1:00-2:00 PM, “Preparing for Spring”; Mar. 1st, Welcome Center in Southport, 1:00-2:00 PM, "Composting"; Mar. 8th, Leland Library, 10:00-11:00 AM, "Are you ready for Spring?"; Mar. 24-26th, "Home and Garden Show" at West Brunswick High School. I'm sure other things will come up. Please remember these events and I will call if you live in the area and ask for some help signing folks in and selling books, etc.

What a great year we had in 2005 and it looks like this year will be even better. New class starts Feb 8th; stop in and say "Hi" to our new members. Help make them feel at home!

PS, I almost forgot, Mar 31st is the all-day "Coastal Garden Seminar" We will invite the public again and try and cover expenses. Billy Privette and 4H will again prepare the food. Topics will be provided at a later date.

A Note from Kathy Walters

Thank you so much for the lovely South Sea pearl and silver brooch and the plaque you presented me upon my resignation from the Cooperative Extension Service. I will treasure them always…but most of all, I treasure the Brunswick County Master Gardeners! So many of you have been in touch and expressed such kindness – I can’t thank you enough for your thoughtfulness! I am so fortunate to know you and to count you among from friends!

February's Speaker

Don’t miss the February meeting. Our speaker will be Phyllis Meiloe. She will speak about “Ability Gardening: the Use of Garden Tools to Make Gardening Easier for Seniors.”

February Meetings:
Board, Feb 16, 9 a.m.
General Meeting, Feb 23, 9 a.m.

Richard's Ramblings

What a great way to start the New Year! We had a well attended, productive business meeting and who didn’t benefit from the “double dip” program. “Team Blazich” can’t be beat!
Shirley and David have worked hard to offer us a dazzling line up of programs for the remainder of 2006 and far into 2007. Many of us have had a chance to glimpse the roster of those who will be presenting programs and I don’t want to miss out on a single one - to do so would be to throw away an extraordinary learning opportunity.
Remember, too, that YOU are the association. What goes on at business meetings concerns YOU! Mark your calendar so you can be at every meeting. Your participation is valued!
Thanks for all you do for Master Gardening and have a great month!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Message From The President: New Year's Resolutions

As a rule I avoid making New Year’s resolutions as they usually last until January 2. But as we embark upon a new year as a Master Gardener chapter I thought I’d give it one more shot. So, here goes.

I resolve:
1. To lend a hand whenever I can.
2. To look for ways to make new ideas work and not for reasons they won’t.
3. That when in doubt I’ll check things out and not make negative assumptions.
4. To help others succeed, and celebrate their accomplishments.
5. To speak positively about others and about the organization. Someone might be listening.
6. To maintain a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances.
7. To act with initiative and courage, believing that if it‘s to be, it‘s up to me.
8. To act with enthusiasm. I have found it to be contagious.
9. That whatever I want for myself (recognition, respect, loyalty, etc.) I will give to others.
10. To keep faith and never give up.

I know this sounds ambitious but I think it’s worth a try. I invite you to join with me in working for an exciting and productive year of growing our chapter.

Happy New Year…..Richard

Upcoming Events

• Board Meetings: Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 16…
• General Meetings: Jan. 26, Feb. 23, March 23…
• Board and General Meetings will start at 9 a.m. unless you get notice of a change.
• The second annual Business Expo will be held at the Leland Fire House January 28. We will have a booth – sign up to help staff the booth.
• The new Master Gardener class starts Feb. 8
• The Forestry Service will provide trees for our give-away sometime in February. We are promised a much better selection this year. We can use volunteers to help with this.
• The Home and Garden Show is March 25 and 26 at the West Brunswick High School. We will have a booth both days. See Charlie to sign up.
• We will hold a Coastal Gardening Seminar on March 31 in the Extension Training room, with guest speakers and lunch, and will charge a small fee. Sign up to help with this event.
• On April 15 there will be a waste collection for homeowners, and we will conduct a plant clinic at the Southport Wal-Mart.
• Our first Plant Sale of the year will be April 20 – 22.
• The second Plant Sale will be May 18 – 20. Sign up to help with one or both of these events.
• There will be a Pond Management Seminar on May 4. This will be an all-day seminar, and lunch will be provided for a small charge.
• Our annual Recognition Banquet is scheduled for June 20..

Educational Training Programs for 2006

Our speakers for the first six months of the year have all been confirmed and we have a great roster of speakers and subjects. Please put these on your calendar, come to meetings to hear these interesting speakers and learn about their areas. Here’s the lineup for January through June:

January 26: Dr. Frank and April Blazich. This is going to be a double-header and both sessions will be open to the public. So come early and get your space! Dr. Frank and April are both very interesting and engaging speakers. April will conduct an herb seminar following the General Meeting, from @ 10:15 to noon. We will serve lunch from noon to 1 p.m. and then Dr. Frank will show us how to take hardwood cuttings. While the public will pay a fee for these seminars, they are free of charge for Active Master Gardeners.

February 23: Phyllis Meiole. Phyllis will speak on the topic of “Ability Gardening: the Use of Garden Tools to Make Gardening Easier for Seniors.”

March 23: Dr. Tom Creswell. Dr. Creswell is Plant Disease and Insect Clinic Manager in the Department of Plant Pathology at NCSU. He will speak to us about “Ornamental Pathology.”

April 27: Dr. Lane Tredway, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at NCSU. His subject will be “Turf Diseases: Identification, Management and Control.”

May 25: Bryce Lane. Mr. Lane is the host of the PBS series “In the Garden” and a national award-winning instructor in the Department of Horticultural Science at NCSU. He will conduct a hands-on workshop on “Container Gardening.”

June 22: Dr. Jeannie Davies. Dr. Davies is Associate Professor, Extension Specialist, Horticulture Science, NCSU. Her subject will be “Herbs and Other Interesting Specialty Crops for North Carolina.”

Reminders from Charlie!!

Are your timesheets for 2005 up to date? If not, please fill in all the required information as soon as possible.

Each Master Gardener is required to sign a Certification Agreement each year. Please see Charlie or check in the Hotline Office for a copy to sign, and give it to Charlie, David or Bette at the front desk.

State Association News:

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held January 8 at the Johnston County Extension Building, beginning at 10 a.m. The April Board meeting will be here in Brunswick County on April 17 at 10 a.m. All Master Gardeners may attend any or all Board meetings (only delegates may vote on issues brought before the Board). If you plan to attend a Board meeting, please let Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman know.

The Regional Master Gardener Conference will be held June 8 – 12 in Chattanooga, TN and the State Conference will be October 1 – 4 in Kill Devil Hills, NC. More information will be provided on the Regional and State conferences at a later date.