If you were not able to attend the 2006 North Carolina Master Gardening Conference in October, some of the attendees provided their impressions of the conference:
Shirley Waggoner Eisenman: “If you missed the 2006 North Carolina State Master Gardener Conference (Gardening on the Edge) you missed an excellent conference. There were between 250 and 300 attendees. It was held on the Outer Banks and hosted by 6 counties. There were tours to the Outer Banks Arboretum and the Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo.
Authors Pamela Harper and Peer Loewer, both presentations were enjoyed by all; they were also available to sign their books and talk with Master Gardeners. Bryce Lane from WUNC “In The Garden" series as always gave an outstanding presentation. Workshops ranged from Propagating Exotics and Heirlooms favorites, Mystery Critters in Your Garden, and The DaVinci Garden Code, to Going Native. There was an entire afternoon devoted to a hands-on workshop on Bonsai. Many vendors were available in the Garden Marketplace.
We sold our "Gardening by the Month"; one person was taking it to Mississippi to use in the rebuild of that area. Our Display Board was set up showing what we do here in Brunswick County as Master Gardener Volunteers. Thanks to Barbara McCoy and Vickie Kay for all the work they put into the Display Board.
Look forward to seeing you at 2007 Conference.”
Vicki Kay: “We had a great trip to the Outer Banks and the Gardening on the Edge Conference.
Lecture subjects and speaker presentations were timely and done well.
I enjoyed the Outer Banks Arboretum and Teaching Garden, which led to a delightful reception.
We tried everything and did everything. All this I especially enjoyed doing with my friends from the Brunswick Co. Master Gardeners.”
Maggie Hoon: ”The North Carolina Master Gardener Conference ‘Gardening on the Edge’ held in early October was great and extremely well run. As this was my first conference, I was well pleased with the programs. It was lovely to have so many from our group attending. The speakers were outstanding including Bryce Lane and Pamela Harper. I also attended sessions on herbs (medicinal), night gardening and propagation by Ozzie Coor. You will be in for a real treat when he comes in November.”