A message detailing the requirements for membership in the Master Gardener Association was sent out by email late last month and is quoted here in full for those members who don’t receive email: “To belong to the Master Gardener Association (MGA), you must first be an active Master Gardener. To be active, you must have donated at least 40 hours – 20 hours minimum Hot Line plus at least 20 hours on other activities – in the last year. For other than new Master Gardeners, those who graduated in June 2006, you must have completed your hours by the end of December 2006. The class of 2006 has until the end of June to complete their minimum of 40 hours Hot Line time or equivalent. Let me repeat, if you have not completed the hours listed above, you are not a Master Gardener! You can not call yourself one and you can not join or continue to belong to the Extension Master Gardener Association.
If you wish to continue with the Master Gardeners but are short on donated time, there are still two months to go before the end of the year. We have plenty of activities and could really use your help.
The only other requirement is to pay $5 a year dues. These are payable no later than January 2. Recommend that you pay a few years in advance so you don’t have to worry about it. If your dues are not paid by March 1, you will be removed from the MGA and no longer be entitled to any of the MGA activities.
For unusual circumstances, such as sickness, out of town for an extended time period, etc., please call Charlie or David Barkley.”