Ozzie Coor… was a very entertaining speaker at the November General Meeting – we learned a lot about plants native to our area – his presentation and the photos were excellent – who knew there were so many varieties of hibiscus or that NC has the second largest number of native orchids (only Hawaii has more)?
We have a great line-up of Speakers for 2007. Once again, David Barkley and Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman have worked hard to develop a great group of speakers and topics.
On January 25, Bill Cline will talk to us about grapes and blueberries. Bill works at the North Carolina Horticultural Crops Research Station in Castle Hayne as the Small Fruits Plant Pathologist for the University. He works mainly with blueberry, grape and strawberry crop diseases.
Some of our other speakers for next year include Dan Keir (in February), the owner and operator of Japanese Maples of Wilmington; many of you have purchased Japanese Maples from him by way of the MG plant sales. He will talk to us about grafting; this will be a hands-on demonstration. In March we will hear from Gloria Kidd on Butterfly Gardening; April will bring us Debbie Roos to talk about Organic Gardening. Other speakers will be announced in future newsletters.