Al Powell would appreciate your cards, or better yet, a visit from MG friends. He is at Summit Place, 491 Highway 17, Little River, SC 29566.
John Kellett fell and broke his arm – we hope he’s doing well, and again he’d like to hear from you – send him a card and wish him a speedy recovery.
And Mae Moore is recovering from surgery. She was in a large class – if you were a classmate, let her hear from you.
Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman says “Thank You” to everyone who worked to make the Reunion Social a big success. And many of the MGs who attended expressed their appreciation and talked about what a great event it was. The Botanical Garden was a perfect setting, the weather was great and it was fun getting together just to socialize.
Our two entries in the Regional Fair in Wilmington netted us a First Place and Second Place award. Not only did we receive a total of $350 in prize money, but the first place entry received a “Best in Show” ribbon, too. Thanks to the following MGs for their efforts in putting together the entries:
Barbara McCoy Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman
Vicki Kay Dominique Loewenstein
Maggie Hoon Pat Hagerty
Ann Marie Bellamy Richard Boland
David Barkley
Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman has been elected President of the North Carolina Master Gardener Volunteer Association. Congratulations, Shirley.
Joe Loughlin will be taking over as newsletter editor starting with the January 2007 issue. Joe has a lot of newsletter experience and is a computer whiz, so you should see some exciting changes in future issues. I have really enjoyed doing this, but it’s time for a change and it couldn’t be going to a better person! If you have items for the newsletter, send them to him at Thanks to everyone who has contributed ideas and articles these past two years. Becky