Thursday, May 08, 2008

from the President's desk...

Thank you to all who continue to attend the membership meetings. Mark your calendar for the May meeting as our speaker will be Bryce Lane. Why not check with fellow Master Gardeners in your area and car pool.

We had a successful plant sale another one is scheduled for May 8th - 10th. We are conducting seminars across the county. Master Gardeners are always welcome to attend these seminars even if you are not scheduled to work them. If you have had a change of address, phone number or e-mail address let us know so you can continue to be contacted. Some of the new classes have been attending the membership meeting we encourage more of you to attend.

Very shortly I will be looking more volunteers for the conference hope we can count on you.

Our dues year is from January thru December. If you are not sure you have paid this year's dues check with Al Smith. He will have a record of dues payments. Only dues paying members may hold office or vote at Association meetings