Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Season Premiere - In the Garden with Bryce Lane

Watch UNC-TV Saturday, August 25th at noon for the season premiere of In the Garden with Bryce Lane!

Now in it's fifth season, In the Garden continues to get rave reviews from viewers across the state. This program is a 30-minute home horticulture show that doubles as an introduction to horticulture course

AND it's a product of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences!
Bryce Lane, instructor in the horticultural science department hosts the show. Communication Services produces the program.

This season Bryce will feature some beautiful and unique North Carolina gardens and highlight some of the latest gardening trends, so tune in to

UNC-TV each Saturday at noon!

The show repeats Sundays at 11:30am. Check local listing for airtimes on UNC-TV's digital channels.

10 years award

David presented Jo (Josephine) Chebat with a certificate for 10 years of volunteer service.

Gardens: Hilton Holcomb

Work continues in the garden with the work teams meeting the 1st Monday and the 3rd Tuesday of every month. When trying to water the large planters out front, use the new watering cans found in the hot line office. Get water from the kitchen or any other location in the building.

State Conference Information

If you are going to Conference this fall, now is the time to make your reservations. You should have received a packet in the mail. If not, go to the internet site I gave you on page 1 and get a form. Let’s all go party together and learn something to boot!
If any of you own a "Mini Cooper" please contact Charlie. The 4-H in the state is selling tickets with the first prize being a Mini. We would like to have the owner make their car available for a couple of hours to help sell tickets to support our local 4-H.

Member news

David Nash is facing cancer treatments and David Barkley asked all to keep him in their thoughts.
David Barkley will be having foot surgery at some time in the future.

Other news

Jim Blake thanks all volunteers who helped move plants at the sight of the new pond.

David asked all interested members to attend the plant clinic update at the BCC Leland campus. If participation declines, this program may be stopped.

Charlie added details:
held at the BCC in Leland on Aug. 14th, from 10:00 until 12:00.A lot of good info will be presented. Should help answer some questions on the Hot Line. I will drive a van and can take 6 more folks from here at the Extension. May even stop somewhere for lunch if anyone is interested. Give me a call. (910-253-2610)

If a member does a garden activity that might be considered toward volunteer hours, a short written report should be given to David. This would help with his yearly reports of “good success stories”.

Al Hight is conducting a seminar on Aug. 23rd, at 4:00 PM at the Woodsong Subdivision in Shallotte. The topic will be learning to design and install "Rain Gardens". There is no cost and this is a good way to help control storm runoff. Please call 253-2610 to register.


Becky Dus spoke of the Reunion Social planned for September 27. She gave details of the event and asked for volunteers to sign up for such duties as setup, food, program, etc. There will be garden information and decorations located at different stations in the Botanical garden coming from the “Gardening by the Month” book along with a possible “What type of Gardener Are You” quiz. Some of these items may be used by David Barkley for the State and County fairs.

Upcoming Speakers

Aug. 23rd Program will be a tape of an “In the Garden” segment by Brice Lane.
Sept. 27th Reunion Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - authors books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.

Upcoming events…

Aug 14th Plant Clinic on Vegetables
Aug 23rd Regular Meeting
Aug 23rd Rain Gardens Seminar in Shallotte
October 4, 5, 6th Fall Plant Sale
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13th Holiday Party