Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Brunswick County Green Pages …

directory is now available online! Follow the link. This quick-reference directory outlines horticultural products and services available in Brunswick County and lists the business locations, hours of operation, products and/or services, telephone numbers, and addresses.

The directory may be obtained by visiting the Brunswick County Welcome Center, Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce, Southport-Oak Island Chamber of Commerce, North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce, Southport Visitors Center, public libraries, or the Cooperative Extension Service in the County Government Center in Bolivia.

Come to the work days

Work days are scheduled on the First Monday and Third Tuesday, monthly, 8-11.
Tools you will need will be provided, bring your own gloves & safety equipment.
Hilton and Jim have many tasks to accomplish:

1. Incorporation of organic matter in the planting bed at the fuel station
2. Plant the trees at the fuel pump garden
3. Remove gardenia stump and the vitex tree stump
4. Add fill dirt to the area where the gardenia stump is taken out
5. Re-grade the rain garden
6. Set the drain tile through the rain garden to the ditch
7. till the connector building garden
8. Transplant trees and shrubs needing to be moved
9. Fluff all the mulched areas lightly to refresh
10. Move the pallet of stone to an out of way place
11. Move the pile of rock to the greenhouse area and apply where needed - under propagation beds
12. Cut undergrowth along the tree trail path
13. Weed beds
14. Edge along walks
15. Plant labeling

The gardens that have the highest priority are:
1. Connector garden
2. Fuel station planting
3. Circle garden - for crape myrtle planting
4. Rain garden/shade garden
5. Garden area near the water pool where gardenia was removed -proposed conifer garden site
6. Finish plantings for building F

Thanks for your interest in the gardens.

Pruning Seminars Completed

There were approximately 20 people at the St James pruning seminar and 15 at River Run. Special thanks to Al & David for their additional work at the Moon residence

Pesticide Disposal Success

David Barkley announced that over 15,000 pounds of pesticides were received at the extension disposal day program

Member News

Charlie Spencer: He had another surgery, but says this one is minor.
Maggie Hoon is now in Brunswick Cove Rehabilitation Center.
Becky Dus has volunteered to be the new Social Chairman.

Bed Edging

Once a year gardeners need to redefine the edges of the plant borders. Adding mulch is a good idea, but the area will look much better and be easier to manage throughout the summer if they re edge. Take a flat blade shovel and trench out about 2 3 inches deep and 5 6 inches wide all around the beds. Re mulch, letting the trench be the border. This fresh, crisp line will accentuate the grass and the bed. Professional landscape managers do this routinely. Available now are several power trench masters that do an excellent job.

Automation Committee

Al Smith stated the web calendar has been updated to include all events of the BCMGVA. Anyone wishing to add information should e-mail Joe Loughlin. The web pages are also being updated and if anyone would like to volunteer their help with this see Al or Joe.

MG Articles in the Office

The MG Office is a great place to research gardening questions. I hope everyone (especially our new Master Gardeners) is aware that all the recent (last several years) newspaper articles that are written by the Brunswick County Master Gardeners are on file in the office. There is a set of two large notebooks which hold the articles. There is an index in the front of the first book with all the articles listed in
alphabetical order. One of these articles may be the perfect response to a hot-line question. You can easily remove the article, make a copy and send it off the gardener with the question! Two very recent articles discuss the merits of the Encore Azalea and the Knock Out Rose. Please browse through the two volumes the next time you are in the
office to become familiar with them and remember that they are a great resource readily available to all master gardeners.

Judy Koehly


Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are forming a technology committee to help bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667

Master Gardener Plant Sale

The plant sales provide much of our funding for the year. Be sure to help! We need;
Help Ash Tag Plants
Volunteers to Clerk the Sale
The Word Spread to Buyers
Come and Buy for Your Garden
Thur. April 12th 9-5, Fri.13th 9-5,
Sat.14th 9-2
The greenhouse will have lots of tomato plants for the April sale as well as annuals and perennials. Flowers, veggies and vines, fruits, ornamental grasses. GREAT PRICES!
Cooperative Extension Service
County Government Center, Bolivia, NC
Greenhouse behind building N

Upcoming Speakers

May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.

Upcoming Events

April 26th Debbie Roos - Organic Gardening – Hort. Agent, Chatham County
April 12, 13,14th … MG Plant sale
April 22nd Coastal Water Watch
April 28th Leland Spring Fest
May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
May 20th Oak Island Garden Tour
June 28 Recognition Luncheon guest speaker, Lucy Bradley
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13 Holiday Party