Saturday, August 09, 2008

David Barkley:

North Carolina Agriculture Agents hosted the 2008 National meeting in Greensboro with close to 2000 participants attending from all around the country. We have heard many compliments about this meeting and the success of this meeting was all because of one thing – our agents stepping up and volunteering for the various tasks we needed to be done before during and after the me There are two things I want to express to our organization of Master Gardener Volunteers. First I would like to thank you for your financial support for this meeting. It was great to know that our county could be counted on for its support.

The second item I want to express is that we, our Master Gardeners, will be hosting the state meeting of the NC Master Gardeners Association. In order for attendees to go away with the same kind of feeling people had from our National Meeting it is going to take the same kind of volunteer dedication for our State Meeting which is being held at Sea Trail near Sunset Beach. I know we can do it and I ask that you make your plans now to be a part of this meeting. I think you are going to be impressed with the line up of speakers and activities we have planned for you.

How do you get involved? The first thing is to go ahead and register especially if you want to get first choice of the workshops. Second, contact Shirley, Charlie or me about things you would be interested in helping us out with.

Third, promote and encourage your master gardener friends to get their registration in as soon as possible. We want to have a good showing from our county and to show off our talents.

You are the best and I am proud of the work you do.

Sincerely and with much thankfulness,
David Barkley

Brunswick 4-H'ers Win

The 4H Horticulture Judging Team from Brunswick County placed first in the state contest testing their knowledge of horticulture. The event was part of North Carolina 4-H Congress, which is the high point of the 4-H year, bringing young people from across the state to the North Carolina State University campus and Raleigh for a week of activity.

This year’s Congress was held July 21-25.
Winning team members were Victoria Harman, 18, daughter of John and Vickie Harman of Ash; Bryan Evans, 17, son of Timmy and Kelly Evans of Ash; Emily Mercer, 16, daughter of Aziza and Dana Mercer of Ocean Isle Beach; and Justin Simmons, 16, son of Cleve and Sybil Simmons of Supply.

By winning, the team receives three $150 scholarships toward expenses to the National Junior Horticultural Association Convention.

The 4-H program is the youth education program of North Carolina Cooperative Extension, based at North Carolina State and North Carolina A&T State universities. More than 204,000 young people between the ages of 5 and 19 participate in North Carolina 4-H activities each year with the help of 19,000 adult and youth volunteers.

August 2007 Hotline Calls

In August 2007 there were 85 inquiries to the Hotline. The breakdown of these calls is as follows:
General: 28. 2 requested Newcomer packets, 7 requested soil sample kits and interpretation of analysis, 7 requested info on weed control or interpretation and the rest were for various garden information.
Lawns: 23. The majority of calls concerned Centipede grass (12). The remainder concerned general questions about types of lawns for this area and lawn weeds. Shrubs: 3. Azaleas had problems with insects and caterpillars.
Trees: 21. Oaks, Dogwoods, crepe myrtle, seemed to suffer the most problems since they had the most inquiries.
Pests: 10. Callers wanted information on getting rid of various pests such as bees, fire ants spiders, and snakes.
Vegetables: 6. Tomato's and eggplant were the problems.
Flowers: 4. Houseplants were the main concern of the callers last year.

Wanted - Talented Members

We are looking for items for our Silent Auction or to be used for door prizes to be awarded to our fellow master gardeners who will be attending the conference. If you have a craft or hobby or other artistic or creative pastime, and would like to donate something to help support the conference, let us know. If you would like to donate something for the Silent Auction, contact Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman (754-4148), or for a door prize, talk to Peggy Halfpenny (253-9624). Thanks!

Recognition Banquet

Gene Allen, Hilton Holcomb, Jackie Lewis, and Joan Wilsusen received their five year pins. Vicki Kay received her ten year pin.

Richard Boland, Pat Hagerty, Maggie Hoon, Vicki Kay, Barbara McCoy, and Tom Pezanowski received their 1000 hour pins. Patty Burns, Hilton Holcomb, John Kellett, and Jim Meyer received their 2000 hour pins. Carole Wilson received her pin for 5000 hours. Our top volunteers, Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman and Ash Tyler were awarded their pins for volunteering 6000 hours! As you can image, these Master Gardeners who have received their awards are some of major reasons for the success of this organization.

Master Gardeners from the 2007 class that were awarded their certificates for meeting the requirements to be Master Gardeners: Kenneth Aadsen, Gail Aaron, Phil Andreano, Grace Bacon, John Baronowski, Baird Bell, Monica Bender, Carlo Chadwick, Nancy Creasman, Verda Darrell, JoAnn Edwards-Norman, Ellen Englehardt, Bill Fairley, Sandra Farrell, Kay Forbes, Wayne Freas, Rodney Gore, Peggy Halfpenny, Leslie Harlow, Alfonso Herrera, Maryann Horgan, Virginia Howell, Michelle Keenan, Ellen Levinson, Happy McCrary, Sue Miller, Jenny Newton, Carolyn O'Brien,Bill Ormerod, Billy Privette, Mary Stoddard, Gloria Summerour, George Wong-Chong, and Sandra Yaun. Hopefully, many of those will continue on and earn various awards in the future.
Congratulations to everyone on the list. Thanks for another wonder year.

Joe's Kitchen

Mediterranean Stuffed Flounder
I recently caught some nice flounder and found this recipe that worked great. You can use Kalamata or your favorite olives in this dandy dish. I love the combination of olives and basil.
4 flounder fillets
salt and pepper
juice of one lemon
8 large olives or 12 small
¼ cup of julienned sweet basil leaves
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 pint milk
8 to 12 olives
¼ cup of julienned sweet basil leaves
Salt and pepper
Rinse and dry fillets and sprinkle with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Roll each fillet up with a couple of olives and some basil inside -- big fillets might need more olives end to end in the roll. Place rolls in a sauté pan with olive oil, cover and cook over high heat 6 minutes on a side or until done.
While fish bakes melt butter and stir in flour over mild heat. Add a small amount of the liquid from the baking fish. Then gradually add milk, raise heat and stir until it boils. Reduce heat to a simmer, add olives and basil, salt and pepper. Top fillet rolls with sauce. I served one large fillet and two braised sea scallops with fresh green beans and some garlic toast. Serves 8.

Work Days

Please come and help us when you have time, but especially on the work days. Aug. 19th and September 1st
Gardens: Jim Blake will direct your work.
Greenhouse: Tyler Ash always needs help weeding and getting plants ready for sale.

Hort Agent, David Barkley

The last “Plants, Pests and Pathogens” training of the year will be on Tuesday 8/12 from 10am - 12pm at the Leland campus of BCC. Guest presenters this month include:
➢ Joe Neal, Weed Management in the Landscape
➢ Barb Fair, Water Conservation in the Landscape
➢ Gerald Holmes, Pathogens in the Landscape
➢ David Stephan, Insects in the Landscape
This is the last TV conference of the year, Should be an exceptional program. Hope to see you. We'll caravan and also provide some transportation. Let me know

Charlies says:

I need some folks to volunteer for the Hot Line. Lots of empty spaces on the sign up sheet. Would be a great time for the new class members to come and receive your initial training with me. Don't be bashful!
Time to sign up for the State Conference. That will insure that you get to attend the workshops that you are interested in. I have extra copies of the registration form if you need one. Let me know.
Be careful out there in this heat. Enjoy the summer here in Paradise.

From the President's desk...

Beverly Mastrovich mentioned that Ginny Howell was the person in charge of getting over 100 “Gardening by the Month” books to the St. James residents who ordered them during the garden tour. Great job Ginny!

2008 Conference Report

Link to the 2008 Conference Web Site

Listed below are where volunteers are need for the 2008 conference. Contact me if you can volunteer for any of them. My phone number 754-4148,
e-mail is
The silent auction Chair has resigned and we are in need of a Chair. A lot of work has been done and there is a committee in place.
Hostess and Host are needed for each of our speakers/workshop presenters. Some of you have volunteered, however more are needed. It will be your responsibility to meet the presenter help, them register, see to their lodging needs if necessary. You will be their go to person for whatever they need, i.e time their presentation, if necessary introduce them. A short bio will be provided.
We presently have two item donated that we will be selling raffle tickets on. We need a person who will take the responsibility for seeing that we have enough volunteers to cover the necessary hours.
We will need a few signs, such as signs by appropriate rooms for workshop, etc. Hopefully we will be allowed to place signs along the road way leading to conference site.
We will need table decorations for two (2) lunches and one banquet. It is my thought to use any plants that are donated for door prize as decoration and give them away at the end of the conference.
The conference will be selling shirts and possible garden tools we will need volunteers to work the table.
Needed are small items to be put in the tote bags, i.e. pads, pens, pencils, samples of products, etc.

Upcoming Events

Sept. 13th Firewise Demo at St. James
Sept 22nd Continuing Ed Seminar on Herbs at BCC, 2-4pm
Sept. 26th Fall Coastal Gardening Program with Peter Hertyl, Lucy Bradley, Matt Martin
Sept 29th Continuing Ed Seminar on Herbs at BCC, 6-8pm
Oct 5-8 2008 MG Conference in Brunswick County
Oct 23, 24 & 25th Plant Sale
Dec 10th Christmas Party
Upcoming Speakers
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 23rd Toby Bost
Nov. 20th updates by horticulture staff