Thursday, January 31, 2008


New class starts Feb. 5th at 9:00. Stop in and say “Hello” if you in the area. The second class starts on Feb. 20th.
Supply Elementary School project. Mar. 18 and 19, April 15 and 16, April 29th and 30th,
Plant Makeover (pruning seminar) Feb. 28th at Village of Calabash, March 7th at Magnolia Greens, and March 13th here at the Extension.
Brierwood seminar, March 10th, Subject is Spring Preparation
Sandfiddler Restaurant, Mar 11th, Spring Preparation
Library seminars, Subject is “Water Wise”, March 14th, Hickman Crossroads, Leland March 17th, and Southport on March 27th,
Same seminar at the Southport Wal-Mart on March 15th.
Water Wise seminar provided to Magnolia Greens folks on March 27th.
Water Wise seminars provided for the three Counties by the Extension, April 3rd, here at the Extension, same program at New Hanover Arboreum, and Popular Grove in Pender County on April 5th.
Plant Sale, April 10th, 11th, and 12th.
Seminar at Oak Island Parks and Rec. on April 15th, subject “Spring Preparation”
Seminar at Winding River on April 23rd, “Spring Preparation and Pruning”.
There will be flyers on most of these events providing specific times for the events.

Supply Elementary project

We have been asked again to provide training at the school for grades K through 5. Subjects include “gardening and nutrition”, “propagation and pollination” and “landscaping”. The date of the first two day session will be March 18 and 19.The second session will be held on April 15 and 16 and the final session will be held on April 29 and 30.
Our planning meeting is scheduled for Wed., Feb. 6th at 1:30 in the Training room. All folks interested in working with kids please let me know even if you can’t make the meeting. I have a lot of info for planning the sessions.
This will count as Hot Line time. All 2007 class members are invited to participate. We did something similar two years ago and had a ball. The kids are fun.
A special invitation is offered for all of you that participated in the last project two years ago.
Thanks, Charlie

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Secretary

We have a New Secretary

Patty Burns

Our sincere thanks to our outgoing Secretary Cathy Rod for all her service and welcome to Patty.


Myra Reported that the Master Gardeners and the Extension Staff turned in over 260 pounds of non-perishable food items to the Brunswick Family Assistance Agency this week. They were very appreciative. What a nice way to help out those in need during the Holidays! Thanks to all who participated and to Myra for being "Mrs. Clause”!

From the President's desk...

Hope everyone had a great holiday. 2008 is going to be a busy year. We should have one new class maybe two depending on how much interest is shown in becoming a Master Gardener. We have a list of great speakers lined up for 2008. Mark your calendar. We meet the 4th Thursday of each month expect for November. If there are items you would like to discuss please let me know and if necessary I will place them on the agenda for action.

We need items for the newsletter. Let us know what you would like to see in the newsletter. Do you go on line and read the newsletter? How do you get information about what is happening with the Master Gardeners? Does our newsletter need a "Name"? What can you contribute to the newsletter?

Volunteer early and often.

Look forward to seeing you at our January 24th meeting.


2008 Dues are due!

Dues are payable by January 1 each year.

Make checks payable to: Brunswick County Master Gardener Volunteer Association (BCMGVA)
$5.00 per Individual
Name _________________________________
Mail checks to: Allen Smith

New officers for 2008

President - Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman
Vice President – Grace Wrigley
Treasurer – Al Smith
Joe Loughlin and Dominique Loewenstein will be the nominating committee for 08

2008 Conference Planning Meeting

January 14, 2008 @ 9 am
We need to get working on the conference to have everything ready in a timely
fashion. Items to be discussed

Committee updates
Establish a small conference Committee
Decide on a conference name.
Do we need a logo? Why not just the outline of NC?
Update on workshops and speakers
Fund raising and more.

Some suggested names:
Old North State Gardening
Gardening in the Old North State
Growing through Gardening
Achieving Gardening Knowledge
Gardening in North Carolina
Growing through Gardening
Gateway to Gardening
Gardening in the State You Are In

Don' forget all work on the conference counts as volunteer time.

Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman

Joe Requests

Joe Requests…that you try to get any news items to me by the 5th of each month. I would like to start to get the newsletter out a little earlier. I also update the calendar, so anytime you know an event the members would be interested in, let me know.

Thanks, Joe Loughlin

Upcoming Events

Jan 14th State Convention Planning Meeting @ 9:00
Jan 24th Regular Meeting
Oct 5-8 2008 MG Conference in Brunswick County

Upcoming Speakers
Jan 24th Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 20th updates by horticulture staff