Tuesday, January 29, 2008

From the President's desk...

Hope everyone had a great holiday. 2008 is going to be a busy year. We should have one new class maybe two depending on how much interest is shown in becoming a Master Gardener. We have a list of great speakers lined up for 2008. Mark your calendar. We meet the 4th Thursday of each month expect for November. If there are items you would like to discuss please let me know and if necessary I will place them on the agenda for action.

We need items for the newsletter. Let us know what you would like to see in the newsletter. Do you go on line and read the newsletter? How do you get information about what is happening with the Master Gardeners? Does our newsletter need a "Name"? What can you contribute to the newsletter?

Volunteer early and often.

Look forward to seeing you at our January 24th meeting.
