Monday, August 01, 2005

A Toast to Oliver

Judy Koehly's story about Oliver is both enjoyable and thought provoking, as intended. There is a little bit of the same theme as the old saw about “the trees and the forest." Even in our retirement there seem to be lots of trees to attend to and it is possible to forget to step back every now and then and view the entire forest. Oliver the cat saw it all, every element of the fauna and flora created for him and then others. So, my message is simple. In MGV we have lots of "trees" to attend to and you all do a marvelous job. Make sure to pause and take a look around you, and continue to add to that view. I am looking as I type at cannas, abelia, crapes, roses, elephant ear, zinnias, straw flowers, and tomatoes to be picked. And there is more... indeed just this thought has convinced me to order those reblooming bearded iris on p.121 of August Better Homes and Gardens. Boy, am I glad that you all reminded me to do that so they will be added to my view.... and thanks to Oliver as well.

Happy Planting!!!

(from the August newsletter)