Monday, August 29, 2005

Speakers for September, October and November

Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman and David Barkley have scheduled speakers for the rest of the year and are working hard on the 2006 speaker roster. They have found some excellent speakers who will address topics that should be interesting to all of us.

September: Erv Evans, State Coordinator for Master Gardeners, NCSU, will talk to us regarding the legal aspects of Master Gardener activities and responsibilities. He wrote many of the chapters in the Master Gardener manual. MEETING DATE = SEPTEMBER 22.

October: Chuck Friedrich, a registered landscape architect and member of the American Society of Landscape Architects and the ASTM Green Roof Task Subcommittee, will talk to us about rooftop gardens, or “Green Roofs.” MEETING DATE = OCTOBER 27.

November: Dr. Wanda Sykes is the Southeast District Extension Director. She will talk about the 13-county district that includes Brunswick County, its structure and operations and how it fits in with NCSU. MEETING DATE = NOVEMBER 17.

If you have any suggestions for speakers who can extend our knowledge of gardening, or if you have ideas for topics for the General Meetings, let Shirley or Dave know.