Be on the look out for insects which will soon be looking for places to over winter. Boxelder bugs occur on Acer negundo and will cover your window screens looking for a place to come inside. Even though they are not harmful they cause a stir of excitement from people who are not familiar with them making them think about Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds”. Well, in a sense, I guess the birds could come and try to feast on them. They become quite a nuisance pest as well once they get inside the house. Usually a stream of water is all that is needed to wash them away.
Ladybugs seem harmless enough but they can swarm in huge numbers congregating on the outside of your house during the fall as well. Consider a preemptive strike. Bifenthrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin are labeled for boxelder bugs and would take out the ladybugs if necessary. Treat door thresholds, window ledges and any places insects congregate or gain entry.
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Festival of Lights
this year will be held on the evenings of Dec. 13th and 14th starting around 6:00PM. We will need help setting up and lighting the Luminaries and preparing the big room for the kids. Help us make this a wonderful event for both kids and parents.
Christmas Party
is Dec. 13th at 12:30. Invitations will be in the mail shortly. Make a note that the Master Gardeners donate canned and dry food to the County Family Assistance organization each year. Please remember to bring your donations of food for those less fortunate.
Budget Time
It's that time again! Please prepare your budget requests for the coming year and submit them to Al Smith ( by November 19.
Thanks, Richard Boland
Thanks, Richard Boland
Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman
asked for more volunteers for the 08 State MG Conference. Program ads, sponsors, door prizes, decorations and possibly a silent auction are some areas needing volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please see or contact Shirley.
New Officers
President - Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman
Vice President – Grace Wrigley
Treasurer – Al Smith
Joe Loughlin and Dominique Loewenstein will be the nominating committee for 08
Vice President – Grace Wrigley
Treasurer – Al Smith
Joe Loughlin and Dominique Loewenstein will be the nominating committee for 08
Ash Tyler informed all that approximately 1,400 plants would be received the week of January 7. Help is needed to ready these plants for the 08 plant sales. The first sale will be April 10, 11 and 12 with the second on May 8, 9 and 10.
The fans in the greenhouse need upgrading to provide better circulation for all the plants.
Currently, consideration for renewing the Restitution program funds is in committee and the continuation of the budget for this program looks favorable.
The fans in the greenhouse need upgrading to provide better circulation for all the plants.
Currently, consideration for renewing the Restitution program funds is in committee and the continuation of the budget for this program looks favorable.
Upcoming Events
Dec 13th Christmas Luncheon Party
Dec.13&14 Festival of Lights
Upcoming Speakers
Jan 24th Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.
Dec.13&14 Festival of Lights
Upcoming Speakers
Jan 24th Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Message from Charlie
Please sign up for the Christmas if you haven’t already done so. The party is on the 13th of Dec. at 12:30.
Following the party, don’t forget the Festival of Lights. We can use some help on the 13 and 14th of Dec., 6:00 -8:00 PM. Bring a friend and join us for the activities on both days. Talk it up!
Please bring your volunteer hours up to date.
Dues are 5.00 dollars, payable by Jan. 1st, 2008. Might as well pay a couple of years in advance so you don’t have to worry about it next year.
For those of you I may not see until next year, have a safe and joyous Christmas season.
By the way, understand our fearless leader, Mr. Barkley, will be on hand for the Christmas Party. You don’t want to miss that.
Following the party, don’t forget the Festival of Lights. We can use some help on the 13 and 14th of Dec., 6:00 -8:00 PM. Bring a friend and join us for the activities on both days. Talk it up!
Please bring your volunteer hours up to date.
Dues are 5.00 dollars, payable by Jan. 1st, 2008. Might as well pay a couple of years in advance so you don’t have to worry about it next year.
For those of you I may not see until next year, have a safe and joyous Christmas season.
By the way, understand our fearless leader, Mr. Barkley, will be on hand for the Christmas Party. You don’t want to miss that.
Monday, November 19, 2007
“Charlie Said”
Time to start bringing your Volunteer Time Sheets up to date. With David out, I'll need extra time to get everything caught up. We will be sending out info on the new classes starting in Feb. Talk it up. If you haven't been out to the Greenhouse lately, you need to stop and see all the great plants that are being readied for the spring plant sale.
Ash Needs help!
Plants and seeds have been coming in hot and heavy. We need help! More will arrive the week of Nov. 12th. Even more plants will arrive the week of Dec. 3rd. The last of the plants for the Spring sale will arrive the week of Jan. 7th. We still have a lot of work that needs to be accomplished in the Garden.
Member News
David Barkley has had foot surgery and will be laid up for sometime. We wish him a speedy recovery and that he has some valuable down time.
Festival of Lights
The Festival of Lights this year will be held on the evenings of Dec. 13th and 14th starting around 6:00PM. We will need help setting up and lighting the Luminaries and preparing the big room for the kids. Help us make this a wonderful event for both kids and parents.
Christmas Party
Christmas Party is Dec. 13th at 12:30. Invitations will be in the mail shortly. Make a note that the Master Gardeners donate canned and dry food to the County Family Assistance organization each year. Please remember to bring your donations of food for those less fortunate.
Budget Time
It's that time again! Please prepare your budget requests for the coming year and submit them to Al Smith by November 19.
Thanks, Richard Boland
Thanks, Richard Boland
Camellia Symposium at the NHC Arboretum
On December 1, 2007 the Tidewater Camellia Club is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Camellia Symposium at the NHC Arboretum. It would be greatly appreciated if you could inform your members of the FREE event. There will be displays of camellias and three speakers. Cindy Watson is co-owner of Cam Too, the largest camellia nursery in the United States. Dr. Ray Campbell was the former head of the NC soil test division. Bill Howell is a former agent at the Arboretum and a senior member of the Tidewater Camellia Club. 9-3 Three Seminars - 9:00 A. M. to Noon
2008 MG NC Convention
In Brunswick County
October 5-8 – Please Volunteer
Many of the committees in support of the conference have been filled up but we still need quite a few more volunteers. Some of the spaces where we need help include: Donations from the community for door prizes, soliciting ads and sponsors from the business community in both South and North Carolina, Soliciting items to fill the welcome bags. We don't expect individuals to do this on their own, but to work on teams. I need the names as soon as we can get them even though the actual work will not start until after the New Year and things have settled down. Contacting the businesses will NOT be cold turkey as we will send out letters identifying ourselves and stating the purpose and what we are doing. As I look down our roster, there are many qualified folks that can really help us make this the best Conference ever. We still need help on all committees so if no job above excites, I'll be glad to discuss some of the other options.
Please help so I don't have to call too many people! I should be back into work the week after next on a fulltime basis.
October 5-8 – Please Volunteer
Many of the committees in support of the conference have been filled up but we still need quite a few more volunteers. Some of the spaces where we need help include: Donations from the community for door prizes, soliciting ads and sponsors from the business community in both South and North Carolina, Soliciting items to fill the welcome bags. We don't expect individuals to do this on their own, but to work on teams. I need the names as soon as we can get them even though the actual work will not start until after the New Year and things have settled down. Contacting the businesses will NOT be cold turkey as we will send out letters identifying ourselves and stating the purpose and what we are doing. As I look down our roster, there are many qualified folks that can really help us make this the best Conference ever. We still need help on all committees so if no job above excites, I'll be glad to discuss some of the other options.
Please help so I don't have to call too many people! I should be back into work the week after next on a fulltime basis.
November Meeting Date !!
Since the 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving, the general meeting will be on the 5th Thursday November 29th. Election of Officers! Great Speaker, Dick Bir !! Native & Exotic Plants for You !!!!
Upcoming Speakers
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC. Native & Exotic Plants for You !!!!
Jan 24th Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.
Jan 24th Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.
Upcoming Events
Nov.17th Fall Seminar Southport Walmart
Nov. 29th Regular Meeting – Dick Bir
Dec. 1st Camellia Symposium at the NHC Arboretum
Dec 13th Christmas Luncheon Party
Dec.13&14 Festival of Lights
Nov. 29th Regular Meeting – Dick Bir
Dec. 1st Camellia Symposium at the NHC Arboretum
Dec 13th Christmas Luncheon Party
Dec.13&14 Festival of Lights
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Another Comment from Joe
I attended the Tuesday meeting of the State Convention. My hat is off to those that put together this year’s convention. We are going to need to work hard to put together a better one next year. They had 6 speakers on Tuesday and my head is still spinning with all the information presented. I also can’t wait to visit two of the speaker’s nurseries next spring. Tony Avent from Raleigh’s “Plant Delights Nursery” and Ted Stevens from North Augusta, SC’s Nurseries Carolina both showed us what we won’t be seeing at Walmart. New, unusual, and beautiful describe the plants they feature. I was also lucky enough to win $80 worth of merchandise, plus all the freebies they gave away. Think I made money by going. (Now that’s just silly, because I will spend a fortune next spring on all those new plants).
Reminders from Charlie
Don't forget the upcoming election for the new Board of Officers. Please try and be here for the Nov. meeting. Don't forget to please get your time sheets up to date by the end of Dec. If you're short on volunteer time, try and get caught up or give me a call and we will see if we can't work something out.
Ash Needs help!
The first of the flower plugs for the Spring sale will be shipped. Ash will need a few folks to transplant the plugs when they arrive Oct 24th. Approximately 750 plugs will arrive. Trees for the Spring sale that need potting will arrive the week of Nov. 5th, followed by plants on the week of Nov. 12th.More plants will arrive the week of Dec. 3rd. The last of the plants for the Spring sale will arrive the week of Jan. 7th. Still have a lot of work that needs accomplishing in the Garden.
Member News
David Barkley has had foot surgery and will be laid up for sometime. We wish him a speedy recovery and that he has some valuable down time.
Upcoming Speakers
Oct. 25th Marcia P Doering - Arboretum Coordinator - New Hanover County.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Jan 24th Richard Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Jan 24th Richard Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Upcoming Events…
Life on the farm, Oct. 18, 19, 22, and 26th.
Plants that need potting arrive on the week of Oct 24th.
Fall seminars start at Hickman Crossroads Library on Nov. 2nd, Leland Library on Nov. 7th, and Southport Library on Nov. 8th, finishing up at the Southport Wal-Mart on Nov. 17th.
Trees for the Spring sale that need potting will arrive the week of Nov. 5th, followed by plants on the week of Nov. 12th.
More plants will arrive the week of Dec. 3rd.
The Christmas luncheon party will be Dec 13th.
The Festival of lights will be held the evenings of Dec.13 and 14.
The last of the plants for the Spring sale will arrive the week of Jan. 7th.
Still have a lot of work that needs accomplishing in the Garden.
As you can see, lots of things going on and all help is greatly appreciated.
Don't forget the upcoming election for the new Board of Officers. Please try and be here for the Nov. meeting.
Don't forget to please get your time sheets up to date by the end of Dec. If you're short on volunteer time, try and get caught up or give me a call and we will see if we can't work something out.
This has been a tremendous year and so much has been accomplished. Thanks to everyone who has helped in all our efforts. I'm hoping for even a better year upcoming. We have a great opportunity to show the State what we can accomplish as we're holding the State Master Gardener annual get together in Oct. Please give Shirley lots of help in the planning and execution of the Convention.
Last but not least, David is in good spirits and should know a little more about what's going on soon. We all wish him well and a speedy recovery.
Plants that need potting arrive on the week of Oct 24th.
Fall seminars start at Hickman Crossroads Library on Nov. 2nd, Leland Library on Nov. 7th, and Southport Library on Nov. 8th, finishing up at the Southport Wal-Mart on Nov. 17th.
Trees for the Spring sale that need potting will arrive the week of Nov. 5th, followed by plants on the week of Nov. 12th.
More plants will arrive the week of Dec. 3rd.
The Christmas luncheon party will be Dec 13th.
The Festival of lights will be held the evenings of Dec.13 and 14.
The last of the plants for the Spring sale will arrive the week of Jan. 7th.
Still have a lot of work that needs accomplishing in the Garden.
As you can see, lots of things going on and all help is greatly appreciated.
Don't forget the upcoming election for the new Board of Officers. Please try and be here for the Nov. meeting.
Don't forget to please get your time sheets up to date by the end of Dec. If you're short on volunteer time, try and get caught up or give me a call and we will see if we can't work something out.
This has been a tremendous year and so much has been accomplished. Thanks to everyone who has helped in all our efforts. I'm hoping for even a better year upcoming. We have a great opportunity to show the State what we can accomplish as we're holding the State Master Gardener annual get together in Oct. Please give Shirley lots of help in the planning and execution of the Convention.
Last but not least, David is in good spirits and should know a little more about what's going on soon. We all wish him well and a speedy recovery.
2008 Southern Region Conference
Dear Master Gardeners,
This is the first of several emails we will be sending out regarding the Southern Region Master Gardener Conference, June 18-21, 2008 – A Garden of Dreams in Native America.
The Oklahoma County Master Gardeners are hosting the event and are busy putting final details together for the conference. They are very excited about the opportunity to host the conference and have already put many, many hours into the planning and organization of this grand event!
You can now find general information at the conference web site. As more details are finalized we will post them on the site, so visit regularly to keep updated on the latest news and additions.
The conference site will be at the Clarion Meridian Hotel and Convention Center in Oklahoma City. It is nestled in the hub of Oklahoma City's restaurant and entertainment district. There are over 30 sit-down and fast-food restaurants within 2 miles of the hotel. They are conveniently located off I-40 and just minutes from the Airport and other areas of interest. In addition, they provide complimentary shuttle service to and from Will Rogers World Airport and local businesses for fly-in guests.
We are still working on the registration fee, but hope to have it finalized in the near future. In the mean time, check out the web site to see a list of speakers, tours and the conference facilities.
We hope you will put this on your calendars and begin planning to visit our grand state – Oklahoma!
Remember – bookmark Southern Region Master Gardener Conference and visit often.
Happy Gardening and hope to see you in Oklahoma City in 2008!
David Hillock
Assistant Extension Specialist
Consumer Horticulture
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Oklahoma State University
360 Ag Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078-6027
This is the first of several emails we will be sending out regarding the Southern Region Master Gardener Conference, June 18-21, 2008 – A Garden of Dreams in Native America.
The Oklahoma County Master Gardeners are hosting the event and are busy putting final details together for the conference. They are very excited about the opportunity to host the conference and have already put many, many hours into the planning and organization of this grand event!
You can now find general information at the conference web site. As more details are finalized we will post them on the site, so visit regularly to keep updated on the latest news and additions.
The conference site will be at the Clarion Meridian Hotel and Convention Center in Oklahoma City. It is nestled in the hub of Oklahoma City's restaurant and entertainment district. There are over 30 sit-down and fast-food restaurants within 2 miles of the hotel. They are conveniently located off I-40 and just minutes from the Airport and other areas of interest. In addition, they provide complimentary shuttle service to and from Will Rogers World Airport and local businesses for fly-in guests.
We are still working on the registration fee, but hope to have it finalized in the near future. In the mean time, check out the web site to see a list of speakers, tours and the conference facilities.
We hope you will put this on your calendars and begin planning to visit our grand state – Oklahoma!
Remember – bookmark Southern Region Master Gardener Conference and visit often.
Happy Gardening and hope to see you in Oklahoma City in 2008!
David Hillock
Assistant Extension Specialist
Consumer Horticulture
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Oklahoma State University
360 Ag Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078-6027
Friday, September 21, 2007
Volunteers needed for 2008 conference
Below is a list of volunteers needed to begin work on the 2008 conference. A meeting will be held on October 3rd at 1 PM in the meeting room at Extension (where we hold our MG meetings). Please come and volunteer for one of the jobs listed below. Questions contact me.
Need a Conference Name
Conference Treasurer - establish a separate conference account - receives and disburse all funds.
Registrar - Receives all conference registration - relays all information on registration form to appropriate person.
Statistician and registrar can be the same person. Both jobs require a lot of computer work. Statistician keeps track of all those attending conference, special events such as tours etc.
Web Site - Establish a conference web site and keep it updated.
Vendors - sell vendor space. Price will be established, have a sample contract.
The following should be committees consisting of a chair and members. Chair will be responsible for reporting on the conference status.
Tours - pre-conference tours. Have list started.
Sponsors - solicit cash or in kind donations. Businesses can sponsor breaks, meals, etc.
Tote Bag - kind, price, logo, sponsor for tote bag etc.
Door Prizes - Solicit from the community.
Decorations - for tables at meals, podium, etc.
Ads - solicit ads to be placed in conference program. Price for ads will be established.
Signage - any signage needed for the conference site.
Invitation - Design, price for printing, etc.
Program - assemble, prepare for printer, cost etc.
Name tags - design, purchase, print etc.
Evaluation forms - have samples. Price for printing etc.
Solicit items to be placed in the tote bags ie visit chamber of commerce for information on the area. Donations from businesses ie pen, pencils, pads, seeds, samples of all kinds, etc.
Do we have a silent auction and a book sale?
Do we offer conference t-shirts?
Will we need entertainment at banquet. lunches etc.
Will be needed later.
Host/ Hostess - one for each speaker, workshop presenter day of their arrival at the conference.
Goofers - will be able to assist where needed.
Help mailing out invitations.
Hospitality Suite
Other items will come up where volunteers are needed.
Phone # 754-4148
Need a Conference Name
Conference Treasurer - establish a separate conference account - receives and disburse all funds.
Registrar - Receives all conference registration - relays all information on registration form to appropriate person.
Statistician and registrar can be the same person. Both jobs require a lot of computer work. Statistician keeps track of all those attending conference, special events such as tours etc.
Web Site - Establish a conference web site and keep it updated.
Vendors - sell vendor space. Price will be established, have a sample contract.
The following should be committees consisting of a chair and members. Chair will be responsible for reporting on the conference status.
Tours - pre-conference tours. Have list started.
Sponsors - solicit cash or in kind donations. Businesses can sponsor breaks, meals, etc.
Tote Bag - kind, price, logo, sponsor for tote bag etc.
Door Prizes - Solicit from the community.
Decorations - for tables at meals, podium, etc.
Ads - solicit ads to be placed in conference program. Price for ads will be established.
Signage - any signage needed for the conference site.
Invitation - Design, price for printing, etc.
Program - assemble, prepare for printer, cost etc.
Name tags - design, purchase, print etc.
Evaluation forms - have samples. Price for printing etc.
Solicit items to be placed in the tote bags ie visit chamber of commerce for information on the area. Donations from businesses ie pen, pencils, pads, seeds, samples of all kinds, etc.
Do we have a silent auction and a book sale?
Do we offer conference t-shirts?
Will we need entertainment at banquet. lunches etc.
Will be needed later.
Host/ Hostess - one for each speaker, workshop presenter day of their arrival at the conference.
Goofers - will be able to assist where needed.
Help mailing out invitations.
Hospitality Suite
Other items will come up where volunteers are needed.
Phone # 754-4148
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Update from Charlie
Update on the various opportunities coming up in the near future.
Several of the new members have expressed a desire to help out with the " Life on the Farm " series. We have three firm dates starting on Oct 18th, 19th , and the 26th. All of the classes will be held at the Funston farm. For the newcomers to the program, instructional classes will be held to acquaint you with your subject matter. All members who have helped before will be contacted. I would like to train several more folks. Please call and let me know or sign up at next week's meeting and party. Don't forget to RSVP if you are coming to the party. We are waiting on some of the other schools to reply so may have some more dates during this time period.
PLANT SALE on Oct. 4th, 5th, and 6th. This is the last one of the year so we need all the help we can get. Again, let me know or sign up at next week's meeting. Along the same lines, the inmates will be out next week to prepare the concrete pad for the new building with hopes it will be installed before the plant sale. The inmates will also construct a drainage system around the flower pad inside the fence which should help the drainage problem we have. With our luck, it will probably rain all next week!!!
Have an interesting trip being planned for next May. Details to follow. Might want to mark your calendar for the period May 15th through May 19th.
In case you are unaware, David will have a foot operation on Oct. 1st and will be out for up to 4 months. I will be on vacation from Oct 10th through Oct. 21st. I have back surgery on Oct 25th and am unsure of how long I'll be out. ( IT won't be 4 months so you can quit dreaming). The good Lord willing, David and I will be back!
With your support, we will host the State wide convention for 2008. It will be held at Seatrail on Oct. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th., 2008. What a great chance to show the state what we can do. Our Vice President, Shirley Wagoner-Eisenman will head up the effort. She will need all our help with several committees being required. Many more details to follow.
Thanks for all you do. For the new class members, your name badges are in and you can pick them up when you're here for the Hot Line or any other activity that you are participating in.
Several of the new members have expressed a desire to help out with the " Life on the Farm " series. We have three firm dates starting on Oct 18th, 19th , and the 26th. All of the classes will be held at the Funston farm. For the newcomers to the program, instructional classes will be held to acquaint you with your subject matter. All members who have helped before will be contacted. I would like to train several more folks. Please call and let me know or sign up at next week's meeting and party. Don't forget to RSVP if you are coming to the party. We are waiting on some of the other schools to reply so may have some more dates during this time period.
PLANT SALE on Oct. 4th, 5th, and 6th. This is the last one of the year so we need all the help we can get. Again, let me know or sign up at next week's meeting. Along the same lines, the inmates will be out next week to prepare the concrete pad for the new building with hopes it will be installed before the plant sale. The inmates will also construct a drainage system around the flower pad inside the fence which should help the drainage problem we have. With our luck, it will probably rain all next week!!!
Have an interesting trip being planned for next May. Details to follow. Might want to mark your calendar for the period May 15th through May 19th.
In case you are unaware, David will have a foot operation on Oct. 1st and will be out for up to 4 months. I will be on vacation from Oct 10th through Oct. 21st. I have back surgery on Oct 25th and am unsure of how long I'll be out. ( IT won't be 4 months so you can quit dreaming). The good Lord willing, David and I will be back!
With your support, we will host the State wide convention for 2008. It will be held at Seatrail on Oct. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th., 2008. What a great chance to show the state what we can do. Our Vice President, Shirley Wagoner-Eisenman will head up the effort. She will need all our help with several committees being required. Many more details to follow.
Thanks for all you do. For the new class members, your name badges are in and you can pick them up when you're here for the Hot Line or any other activity that you are participating in.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Blue Bird House for sale
Bluebird houses continue to be sold in all 213 State Employees' Credit Union (SECU) branches for$10 each, the cost to build each house.
Ash Needs help!
The first of the flower plugs for the Spring sale will be shipped. Ash will need a few folks to transplant the plugs when they arrive the week of Oct 22nd. Approximately 750 plugs will arrive.
State Conference Information
The 2007 Conference is three days of packed information. Registration forms were mailed to you the end of June. If for some reason you have misplaced this information it may be obtain via the following web site: www.ncmastergardeners. org - click under events. Beginning on Monday the 8th with optional garden tours, plus a campus tour. Monday night there will be a Garden Design Competition plus a pig pickin at the J.C. Raulston Arboretum.
Tuesday will be a full day of educational speakers such as Bryce Lane, Pam Beck and Todd Lasseigne. The speaker for the evening will be Tony Avent, owner of Plants Delight Nursery.
On Wednesday there will be morning and afternoon concurrent sessions such as weed management, organic gardening and rain gardens just to name a few. Conference closes at 4:00 pm. Plants Delight Nursery will hold an open house after close of the conference. Shirley
Tuesday will be a full day of educational speakers such as Bryce Lane, Pam Beck and Todd Lasseigne. The speaker for the evening will be Tony Avent, owner of Plants Delight Nursery.
On Wednesday there will be morning and afternoon concurrent sessions such as weed management, organic gardening and rain gardens just to name a few. Conference closes at 4:00 pm. Plants Delight Nursery will hold an open house after close of the conference. Shirley
We will Host 2008 MG NC Convention!
The membership voted to host next year’s convention. Shirley will be sending out an email requesting volunteers to chair or co-chair committees or serve on a committee. Many hands make light work, so be sure to find somewhere to serve.
Upcoming Events…
October 4, 5, 6th Fall Plant Sale
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
Master Gardener seminars for the Fall Season
“Winning the grass wars “and” Divide and multiply”
Sept 12th, Leland Library, 10:00 AM
Sept 13th, Southport Library, 2:00 PM
Sept 15th, Southport Wal-Mart, 10:00 AM
Sept 21st, Hickman Crossroads Library, 2:00 PM
"Insuring color for Spring " and " Helping your growies have a Happy New Year "
Nov 2nd, Hickman Crossroads Library, 2:00 PM
Nov 7th, Leland Library, 10:00 AM
Nov 8th, Southport Library, 2:00 PM
Nov17th, Southport Wal-Mart, 10:00 AM
December 13th Holiday Party
Upcoming Speakers
Sept. 27th - Reunion Social
Oct. 25th - Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - authors books on gardening.
Nov 29th - Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Jan 24th - Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College
Feb 28th - Charlotte Glen - Hort Agent, Pender County - Plants for difficult situations.
March - Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April - Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May - Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
July - Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Wilmington Hobby Greenhouse Club
Free Admission 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Friday & Saturday, September 7 & 8
This is one of the main fundraisers for
our non-profit club
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
Master Gardener seminars for the Fall Season
“Winning the grass wars “and” Divide and multiply”
Sept 12th, Leland Library, 10:00 AM
Sept 13th, Southport Library, 2:00 PM
Sept 15th, Southport Wal-Mart, 10:00 AM
Sept 21st, Hickman Crossroads Library, 2:00 PM
"Insuring color for Spring " and " Helping your growies have a Happy New Year "
Nov 2nd, Hickman Crossroads Library, 2:00 PM
Nov 7th, Leland Library, 10:00 AM
Nov 8th, Southport Library, 2:00 PM
Nov17th, Southport Wal-Mart, 10:00 AM
December 13th Holiday Party
Upcoming Speakers
Sept. 27th - Reunion Social
Oct. 25th - Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - authors books on gardening.
Nov 29th - Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Jan 24th - Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College
Feb 28th - Charlotte Glen - Hort Agent, Pender County - Plants for difficult situations.
March - Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April - Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May - Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
July - Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Wilmington Hobby Greenhouse Club
Free Admission 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Friday & Saturday, September 7 & 8
This is one of the main fundraisers for
our non-profit club
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Season Premiere - In the Garden with Bryce Lane
Watch UNC-TV Saturday, August 25th at noon for the season premiere of In the Garden with Bryce Lane!
Now in it's fifth season, In the Garden continues to get rave reviews from viewers across the state. This program is a 30-minute home horticulture show that doubles as an introduction to horticulture course
AND it's a product of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences!
Bryce Lane, instructor in the horticultural science department hosts the show. Communication Services produces the program.
This season Bryce will feature some beautiful and unique North Carolina gardens and highlight some of the latest gardening trends, so tune in to
UNC-TV each Saturday at noon!
The show repeats Sundays at 11:30am. Check local listing for airtimes on UNC-TV's digital channels.
Now in it's fifth season, In the Garden continues to get rave reviews from viewers across the state. This program is a 30-minute home horticulture show that doubles as an introduction to horticulture course
AND it's a product of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences!
Bryce Lane, instructor in the horticultural science department hosts the show. Communication Services produces the program.
This season Bryce will feature some beautiful and unique North Carolina gardens and highlight some of the latest gardening trends, so tune in to
UNC-TV each Saturday at noon!
The show repeats Sundays at 11:30am. Check local listing for airtimes on UNC-TV's digital channels.
10 years award
David presented Jo (Josephine) Chebat with a certificate for 10 years of volunteer service.
Gardens: Hilton Holcomb
Work continues in the garden with the work teams meeting the 1st Monday and the 3rd Tuesday of every month. When trying to water the large planters out front, use the new watering cans found in the hot line office. Get water from the kitchen or any other location in the building.
State Conference Information
If you are going to Conference this fall, now is the time to make your reservations. You should have received a packet in the mail. If not, go to the internet site I gave you on page 1 and get a form. Let’s all go party together and learn something to boot!
If any of you own a "Mini Cooper" please contact Charlie. The 4-H in the state is selling tickets with the first prize being a Mini. We would like to have the owner make their car available for a couple of hours to help sell tickets to support our local 4-H.
If any of you own a "Mini Cooper" please contact Charlie. The 4-H in the state is selling tickets with the first prize being a Mini. We would like to have the owner make their car available for a couple of hours to help sell tickets to support our local 4-H.
Member news
David Nash is facing cancer treatments and David Barkley asked all to keep him in their thoughts.
David Barkley will be having foot surgery at some time in the future.
David Barkley will be having foot surgery at some time in the future.
Other news
Jim Blake thanks all volunteers who helped move plants at the sight of the new pond.
David asked all interested members to attend the plant clinic update at the BCC Leland campus. If participation declines, this program may be stopped.
Charlie added details:
held at the BCC in Leland on Aug. 14th, from 10:00 until 12:00.A lot of good info will be presented. Should help answer some questions on the Hot Line. I will drive a van and can take 6 more folks from here at the Extension. May even stop somewhere for lunch if anyone is interested. Give me a call. (910-253-2610)
If a member does a garden activity that might be considered toward volunteer hours, a short written report should be given to David. This would help with his yearly reports of “good success stories”.
Al Hight is conducting a seminar on Aug. 23rd, at 4:00 PM at the Woodsong Subdivision in Shallotte. The topic will be learning to design and install "Rain Gardens". There is no cost and this is a good way to help control storm runoff. Please call 253-2610 to register.
David asked all interested members to attend the plant clinic update at the BCC Leland campus. If participation declines, this program may be stopped.
Charlie added details:
held at the BCC in Leland on Aug. 14th, from 10:00 until 12:00.A lot of good info will be presented. Should help answer some questions on the Hot Line. I will drive a van and can take 6 more folks from here at the Extension. May even stop somewhere for lunch if anyone is interested. Give me a call. (910-253-2610)
If a member does a garden activity that might be considered toward volunteer hours, a short written report should be given to David. This would help with his yearly reports of “good success stories”.
Al Hight is conducting a seminar on Aug. 23rd, at 4:00 PM at the Woodsong Subdivision in Shallotte. The topic will be learning to design and install "Rain Gardens". There is no cost and this is a good way to help control storm runoff. Please call 253-2610 to register.
Becky Dus spoke of the Reunion Social planned for September 27. She gave details of the event and asked for volunteers to sign up for such duties as setup, food, program, etc. There will be garden information and decorations located at different stations in the Botanical garden coming from the “Gardening by the Month” book along with a possible “What type of Gardener Are You” quiz. Some of these items may be used by David Barkley for the State and County fairs.
Upcoming Speakers
Aug. 23rd Program will be a tape of an “In the Garden” segment by Brice Lane.
Sept. 27th Reunion Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - authors books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Sept. 27th Reunion Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - authors books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Upcoming events…
Aug 14th Plant Clinic on Vegetables
Aug 23rd Regular Meeting
Aug 23rd Rain Gardens Seminar in Shallotte
October 4, 5, 6th Fall Plant Sale
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13th Holiday Party
Aug 23rd Regular Meeting
Aug 23rd Rain Gardens Seminar in Shallotte
October 4, 5, 6th Fall Plant Sale
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13th Holiday Party
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The wind in the pines
By Master Gardener Ford Balch 1-07
I paused at an old fenceline, an old boundary line,
With darkness approaching it was time to go back,
A grove of pine trees was on the other side,
It’s growth a barrier but I knew a track.
In the pines, it was the shortest way home,
The wind unnoticed until now began to blow-
A sound magnified by the number of trees,
Being steady and eerie it seemed to follow.
Sounds in the forest were told by lore
For it was here that the Satyrs played,
Deities of the woodlands they were merry
And with gaiety danced and drank all day.
At gloaming they fell asleep
Breathing heavily, as they dreamed
Of nymphs chased earlier that day,
And attending to Pan in between.
Pan, the God of Woodlands and Fields,
His music was wind through rushes
At woodland edges where reeds were found,
But most surely it was just a simple gust.
Leaving the pines we go through a field,
It is not far from here to home,
When a bird glides to a tree for the night,
It is a ruffled grouse that is alone.
Leaving the woods I cross the bridge,
Looking back-the ridge is now all dark
But the lights in the village are aglow
As I return to home, until I again embark.
I paused at an old fenceline, an old boundary line,
With darkness approaching it was time to go back,
A grove of pine trees was on the other side,
It’s growth a barrier but I knew a track.
In the pines, it was the shortest way home,
The wind unnoticed until now began to blow-
A sound magnified by the number of trees,
Being steady and eerie it seemed to follow.
Sounds in the forest were told by lore
For it was here that the Satyrs played,
Deities of the woodlands they were merry
And with gaiety danced and drank all day.
At gloaming they fell asleep
Breathing heavily, as they dreamed
Of nymphs chased earlier that day,
And attending to Pan in between.
Pan, the God of Woodlands and Fields,
His music was wind through rushes
At woodland edges where reeds were found,
But most surely it was just a simple gust.
Leaving the pines we go through a field,
It is not far from here to home,
When a bird glides to a tree for the night,
It is a ruffled grouse that is alone.
Leaving the woods I cross the bridge,
Looking back-the ridge is now all dark
But the lights in the village are aglow
As I return to home, until I again embark.
You Know you’re a Master Gardener When…
You grab other people's banana peels, coffee grinds, apple cores for your compost pile.
You have to wash your hair to get your fingernails clean.
All your neighbors ask you questions.
You spend more time volunteering than at home.
You buy a bigger truck so that you can haul more mulch.
Everything you touch turns to "fertilizer".
Your non-gardening spouse becomes conversant in botanical names
Your boss makes "taking care of the office plants" an official part of your job description
You smile often at God’s Beautiful Creation
You have to wash your hair to get your fingernails clean.
All your neighbors ask you questions.
You spend more time volunteering than at home.
You buy a bigger truck so that you can haul more mulch.
Everything you touch turns to "fertilizer".
Your non-gardening spouse becomes conversant in botanical names
Your boss makes "taking care of the office plants" an official part of your job description
You smile often at God’s Beautiful Creation
Come see the New Fountain in the Connector Garden
Come see the new tropical garden to surround this beautiful new addition. Palms and exotic plants have filled the space. Hard to believe what it was and is now! Our thanks to Jim, Hilton, and all the volunteers that helped.The fountain will be lighted and make a dramatic focus.
Got Ground Pearl?
David Barkley, Hort Agent: Peter Hertyl NC. Crops Department – is continuing his study and research on ground pearl and is asking for help from BCMGVA members. He will train volunteers on all aspects of gathering information.
For the Most Current Info…
Our website has a calendar that is now being updated regularly. Check it out and be a member that knows what is going on. Better yet, if you know of an event you feel our members would be interested in, email me and I will post them.
Automation Committee
Al Smith & I were very interested in the Intranet project that Lucy Bradley is working on. Looks like she may have the answer for how we will maintain a good website in the future. She should have the first test sites up soon and we hope to offer her suggestions for how the site could better serve our needs.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help.
State Conference Information
If you are going to Conference this fall, now is the time to make your reservations. You should have received a packet in the mail. If not, go to the internet site I gave you on page 1 and get a form. Let’s all go party together and learn something to boot!
Southport Farmers Market
Market Has been successful on Wednesdays for 8-1 on the Garrison Lawn. Charlie has been offering a plant clinic and a couple dozen vendors have been present to sell produce, plants, and home made merchandise. Come see what you’re missing!
Lucy Bradley, PHD – Urban Hort. Specialist
... was our last speaker. Lucy came to NC from Phoenix, Arizona were she directed the largest Master Gardener Program in the Country. She should be a very helpful resource to our program as she puts together a number of new programs and tools available to us. Some of her projects include; Video training for Urban Tree Care, Forestry Training for Local Agents, a Natural Environment Preschool program, Carolina Yards & Neighborhoods workbook, Plant Clinics, Community Gardens, Plant Databases, Intranet (that we could use as our local web page + be part of a state wide site)
Was the Recognition Meeting/ Luncheon a success?
I thought so! What did you think? Email Becky Dus with your thoughts. I know we had a room full of people. I know we had an enthusiastic bunch from both new classes get their Certificates and many of my classmates from last year were present to get our recognition as the newest Master Gardeners. I also know I ate too much great food. Do want it the same next year or go back to a dinner? Let us know.
Hilton Holcomb, Gardens
We need help in the gardens, there is a tremendous amount of work required to maintain them. Work Days are 1st Monday and 3rd Tuesday.
New Storage Building Approved
A new storage building and cement pad are now is now ordered in the greenhouse area. The irrigation is now in place, so no more hand watering. Hurray! Ash advised electrical hook up is still to be completed.
Upcoming Speakers
July 26th Bruce Williams will be our July Speaker. The DownEast Gardener will give us some tips on local plants.
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Upcoming Events…
July 13th&14th Plant Sale for Gov. Center & Master Gardeners
Aug 14th Plant Clinic on Vegetables
October 4, 5, 6th Fall Plant Sale
Oct 8,9,10th State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13th Holiday Party
Aug 14th Plant Clinic on Vegetables
October 4, 5, 6th Fall Plant Sale
Oct 8,9,10th State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13th Holiday Party
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
By Master Gardener Ford Balch 1-07
Prodigious beauties, jewels of the fields,
Brightly colored blooms for our delight,
Created by God: they self-propagate seeds,
Returning each year for us to walk by.
With nectar provided for bees and butterflies,
Who inadvertently cross-pollinate while they feed,
Honeycombs will be found in the fall; God looking down
Must be proud of his Garden of Adam and Eve.
Bluettes bloom in the spring much to a small child’s ecstasy,
Awakened from dormancy buds and growth re-appear,
Our spirits soar this season of re-birth and innocence,
God must be satisfied with all that he sees and hears.
This summer we will enter field and forest once again,
Looking for old friends whose presence we anticipate,
Daisies and Black-EyeD-Susan’s delight the way to the stonewall,
where red blossoms of fireweed are belied by their ignoble name.
We enter a woodland road interspersed with springs,
To walk beside lady slippers-Adirondack Orchids
Crowns slightly bent unaffected by their glory,
They are difficult to find and a treasure indeed.
Returning, we pass by invasive Purple Loosestrife,
Gently waving in breezes we feel compelled to stop,
Enchanted for we seem to hear the Siren’s song,
Refusing submission we leave them to go on.
There are many old favorites to revisit and admire,
Some by the river stream and some in the shade,
Some new encounters that we will struggle to name,
With a child’s spirit we kneel in the garden God made.
Prodigious beauties, jewels of the fields,
Brightly colored blooms for our delight,
Created by God: they self-propagate seeds,
Returning each year for us to walk by.
With nectar provided for bees and butterflies,
Who inadvertently cross-pollinate while they feed,
Honeycombs will be found in the fall; God looking down
Must be proud of his Garden of Adam and Eve.
Bluettes bloom in the spring much to a small child’s ecstasy,
Awakened from dormancy buds and growth re-appear,
Our spirits soar this season of re-birth and innocence,
God must be satisfied with all that he sees and hears.
This summer we will enter field and forest once again,
Looking for old friends whose presence we anticipate,
Daisies and Black-EyeD-Susan’s delight the way to the stonewall,
where red blossoms of fireweed are belied by their ignoble name.
We enter a woodland road interspersed with springs,
To walk beside lady slippers-Adirondack Orchids
Crowns slightly bent unaffected by their glory,
They are difficult to find and a treasure indeed.
Returning, we pass by invasive Purple Loosestrife,
Gently waving in breezes we feel compelled to stop,
Enchanted for we seem to hear the Siren’s song,
Refusing submission we leave them to go on.
There are many old favorites to revisit and admire,
Some by the river stream and some in the shade,
Some new encounters that we will struggle to name,
With a child’s spirit we kneel in the garden God made.
Hilton & Joyce Holcomb
How To Plant Your Garden
First, you Come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses....
For the Garden of your Daily Living,
Plant Three Rows of Peas:
1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul
Plant Four Rows of Squash:
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness
Plant Four Rows of Lettuce:
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
No Garden is Without Turnips
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another
To Conclude our Garden We Must Have Thyme:
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
Water Freely with Patience & Cultivate with Love. There will be Much Fruit in your Garden because You Reap as You Sow.
First, you Come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses....
For the Garden of your Daily Living,
Plant Three Rows of Peas:
1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul
Plant Four Rows of Squash:
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness
Plant Four Rows of Lettuce:
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
No Garden is Without Turnips
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another
To Conclude our Garden We Must Have Thyme:
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
Water Freely with Patience & Cultivate with Love. There will be Much Fruit in your Garden because You Reap as You Sow.
Come see the New Fountain in the Connector Garden
We are making a tropical garden to surround this beautiful new addition. Palms and exotic plants are filling the space. The fountain will be lighted and make a dramatic focus. Come help us!
Got Ground Pearl?
David Barkley, Hort Agent: Peter Hertyl NC. Crops Department – is continuing his study and research on ground pearl and is asking for help from BCMGVA members. He will train volunteers on all aspects of gathering information.
Automation Committee
Al Smith stated the web calendar has been updated to include all events of the BCMGVA. Anyone wishing to add information should e-mail Joe Loughlin. The web pages are also being updated and if anyone would like to volunteer their help with this see Al or Joe.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help.
Our website has a calendar that is now being updated regularly. Check it out and be a member that knows what is going on. Better yet, if you know of an event you feel our members would be interested in, email me and I will post them.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help.
Our website has a calendar that is now being updated regularly. Check it out and be a member that knows what is going on. Better yet, if you know of an event you feel our members would be interested in, email me and I will post them.
New book purchased for the library
Garden Insects of North America The Ultimate Guide to Back Yard Bugs.
Beacon To Carry Extension Page
Brunswick Beacon will have a weekly Extension page. First was Thursday May17. This will enable the Extension office to publicize our classes and various events through out the county. Al Hight is also working to have a similar format with the Southport Pilot, the LA Reporter (Leland) and the Sun Times (Northern Edition).
Ash Tyler, Greenhouse
Needs help repotting every Thursday 800 am except 4th Thursday of month or See Ash if you can work other days.
Hilton Holcomb, Gardens
We need help in the gardens, there is a tremendous amount of work required to maintain them . Need to weed and there is mulch to spread. Fountain to left of office entrance is completed. Work Days are 1st Monday and 3rd Tuesday.
New Storage Building Approved
A new storage building and cement pad are now in our future plans in the greenhouse area. The irrigation is now in place, so no more hand watering. Hurray! . Ash advised electrical hook up is still to be completed.
Al Hight, Co. Extension Director...
spoke about a newsletter based on the area comprised of Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties that is being created. The newsletter will be similar to the Successful Gardener but directed specifically towards our three county area and costal gardening
Charlie Spencer
Some Master Gardener Greenhouse Aprons are missing if you have one please return it. Thanks to everyone for all their help on the plant sales. The new classes were unbelievably helpful and much appreciated.
Upcoming Speakers
June 28th: Lucy Bradley
July 26th: Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
Sept. 27th: Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th: Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th: Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC
July 26th: Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
Sept. 27th: Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th: Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th: Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC
Upcoming Events…
June 14: Annual Marietta Day Lilly Trip
June 28: Regular Meeting guest speaker, Lucy Bradley- NCSU
June 28: Recognition Luncheon after the regular meeting
Oct 8,9,10th: State MG Conference in Raleigh
Oct 10, 11, 12, 2007: Fall plant sale
December 13: Holiday Party
June 28: Regular Meeting guest speaker, Lucy Bradley- NCSU
June 28: Recognition Luncheon after the regular meeting
Oct 8,9,10th: State MG Conference in Raleigh
Oct 10, 11, 12, 2007: Fall plant sale
December 13: Holiday Party
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Gardening Today Keeps The Doctor Away
I was happy to note in the latest issue of Bottom Line Health an article entitled "Why Most Calcium Supplements Are Useless for Osteoporosis." The author observed that for years, American women have been taking calcium supplements for stronger bones. Yet they continue to get osteoporosis in record numbers. Apparently, taking supplements is not enough, but weigh-bearing exercise is needed. Here is the good news. No heavy weights or torturous aerobic workouts are needed. Researchers have studied different activities and found that gardening is one of the best bone-building activities. And there is a bonus because gardening is performed outdoors. Your body is exposed to sunlight, which provides bone-building vitamin D. Just remember to apply sunscreen for more the 15 min exposures.
News From the Greenhouse
A new storage facility will be built in the greenhouse area with some of the proceeds coming from other Extension funds and MG plant sale revenues. A new water retention pond will be created to allow this storage facility to be built.
Inmates will be working on the irrigation system in the greenhouse and expanding its current scope.
Inmates will be working on the irrigation system in the greenhouse and expanding its current scope.
Rain Lily Project
David Barkley thanks all who had participated in the Rain Lily Project. Over 1,200 bulbs were reclaimed.
NCSTU publications
Charlotte Glen has reworked NCSTU publications on plants, trees and shrubs specifically for the coastal area. They have been copied and will be placed in the newcomer packets offered by the MG association. These publications will also be found on the web site.
Got Ground Pearl?
David Barkley, Hort Agent: Peter Hertyl NC. Crops Department – is continuing his study and research on ground pearl and is asking for help from BCMGVA members. He will train volunteers on all aspects of gathering information.
Automation Committee
Al Smith stated the web calendar has been updated to include all events of the BCMGVA. Anyone wishing to add information should e-mail Joe Loughlin. The web pages are also being updated and if anyone would like to volunteer their help with this see Al or Joe.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help
Hilton Needs Help!
Projects are on going in all areas. Lots of work is being done in the “swamp/bog/damp” garden to the back of the Botanical Garden. Inmates will be working on irrigation during their visit in May. Lighting in the gardens will also receive more work.
Work Groups Tasks
Next work day is Tuesday the 15th
• Stir/fluff up mulch around all plants and pull away from stems. More pine straw is available at green house fence. No hardwood mulch is available.
• Remove winter damage from all plants. Prune back, remove dead leaves, stems
• Pull weeds that are up close to plants. Spray roundup on those that are far enough away to not cause damage. Add roundup concentrate to new gallon sprayers to get mix to 13 percent.
• Hand water as needed through out the garden. Pay close attention to any areas not covered by sprinklers. The area around the rain garden is a good example. Be sure to check all containers.
• Mow as needed. Note: In garden paths, use push mower only, the riding mower is too big and will damage the sprinkler heads. Riding mower can be used on turf areas.
• Run edger along all paths.
• Check plants and shrubs for any insect or other damage.
• See Jim for any plantings. Also ask for his assistance to clarify any of the tasks. David may be available also.
Work Groups Tasks
Next work day is Tuesday the 15th
• Stir/fluff up mulch around all plants and pull away from stems. More pine straw is available at green house fence. No hardwood mulch is available.
• Remove winter damage from all plants. Prune back, remove dead leaves, stems
• Pull weeds that are up close to plants. Spray roundup on those that are far enough away to not cause damage. Add roundup concentrate to new gallon sprayers to get mix to 13 percent.
• Hand water as needed through out the garden. Pay close attention to any areas not covered by sprinklers. The area around the rain garden is a good example. Be sure to check all containers.
• Mow as needed. Note: In garden paths, use push mower only, the riding mower is too big and will damage the sprinkler heads. Riding mower can be used on turf areas.
• Run edger along all paths.
• Check plants and shrubs for any insect or other damage.
• See Jim for any plantings. Also ask for his assistance to clarify any of the tasks. David may be available also.
Master Gardener volunteer projects must meet at least three (3) of the following criteria to be eligible for consideration:
1. Is it a community oriented project?
2. Do Master Gardener volunteers wish to do the project?
3. Is it a good educational experience?
4. Is it good public relations?
5. Is it a fund raiser?
The executive board will consider all requests and make recommendations to the membership who will then vote on the project proposal.
1. Is it a community oriented project?
2. Do Master Gardener volunteers wish to do the project?
3. Is it a good educational experience?
4. Is it good public relations?
5. Is it a fund raiser?
The executive board will consider all requests and make recommendations to the membership who will then vote on the project proposal.
Master Gardener Plant Sale
The plant sales provide much of our funding for the year. Be sure to help! We need;
Help Ash Tag Plants
Volunteers to Clerk the Sale
Spread the Word to Buyers
Come and Buy for Your Garden
Thur. May 10th 9-5, Fri.11th 9-5, Sat.12th 9-2
Flowers, veggies and vines, fruits, ornamental grasses. GREAT PRICES!
Cooperative Extension Service County Government Center, Bolivia, NC Greenhouse behind building N
Help Ash Tag Plants
Volunteers to Clerk the Sale
Spread the Word to Buyers
Come and Buy for Your Garden
Thur. May 10th 9-5, Fri.11th 9-5, Sat.12th 9-2
Flowers, veggies and vines, fruits, ornamental grasses. GREAT PRICES!
Cooperative Extension Service County Government Center, Bolivia, NC Greenhouse behind building N
Upcoming Speakers
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC
Upcoming Events
May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
May 16th Coastal Garden Club has a field trip to garden nurseries in the Raleigh. Call Dorothea at 579-9134
May 20th Oak Island Garden Tour
May 24th MG Regular Meeting 9-12 Program will be by Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28 Recognition Luncheon guest speaker, Lucy Bradley
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13 Holiday Party
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
May 16th Coastal Garden Club has a field trip to garden nurseries in the Raleigh. Call Dorothea at 579-9134
May 20th Oak Island Garden Tour
May 24th MG Regular Meeting 9-12 Program will be by Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28 Recognition Luncheon guest speaker, Lucy Bradley
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13 Holiday Party
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Brunswick County Green Pages …
directory is now available online! Follow the link. This quick-reference directory outlines horticultural products and services available in Brunswick County and lists the business locations, hours of operation, products and/or services, telephone numbers, and addresses.
The directory may be obtained by visiting the Brunswick County Welcome Center, Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce, Southport-Oak Island Chamber of Commerce, North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce, Southport Visitors Center, public libraries, or the Cooperative Extension Service in the County Government Center in Bolivia.
The directory may be obtained by visiting the Brunswick County Welcome Center, Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce, Southport-Oak Island Chamber of Commerce, North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce, Southport Visitors Center, public libraries, or the Cooperative Extension Service in the County Government Center in Bolivia.
Come to the work days
Work days are scheduled on the First Monday and Third Tuesday, monthly, 8-11.
Tools you will need will be provided, bring your own gloves & safety equipment.
Hilton and Jim have many tasks to accomplish:
1. Incorporation of organic matter in the planting bed at the fuel station
2. Plant the trees at the fuel pump garden
3. Remove gardenia stump and the vitex tree stump
4. Add fill dirt to the area where the gardenia stump is taken out
5. Re-grade the rain garden
6. Set the drain tile through the rain garden to the ditch
7. till the connector building garden
8. Transplant trees and shrubs needing to be moved
9. Fluff all the mulched areas lightly to refresh
10. Move the pallet of stone to an out of way place
11. Move the pile of rock to the greenhouse area and apply where needed - under propagation beds
12. Cut undergrowth along the tree trail path
13. Weed beds
14. Edge along walks
15. Plant labeling
The gardens that have the highest priority are:
1. Connector garden
2. Fuel station planting
3. Circle garden - for crape myrtle planting
4. Rain garden/shade garden
5. Garden area near the water pool where gardenia was removed -proposed conifer garden site
6. Finish plantings for building F
Thanks for your interest in the gardens.
Tools you will need will be provided, bring your own gloves & safety equipment.
Hilton and Jim have many tasks to accomplish:
1. Incorporation of organic matter in the planting bed at the fuel station
2. Plant the trees at the fuel pump garden
3. Remove gardenia stump and the vitex tree stump
4. Add fill dirt to the area where the gardenia stump is taken out
5. Re-grade the rain garden
6. Set the drain tile through the rain garden to the ditch
7. till the connector building garden
8. Transplant trees and shrubs needing to be moved
9. Fluff all the mulched areas lightly to refresh
10. Move the pallet of stone to an out of way place
11. Move the pile of rock to the greenhouse area and apply where needed - under propagation beds
12. Cut undergrowth along the tree trail path
13. Weed beds
14. Edge along walks
15. Plant labeling
The gardens that have the highest priority are:
1. Connector garden
2. Fuel station planting
3. Circle garden - for crape myrtle planting
4. Rain garden/shade garden
5. Garden area near the water pool where gardenia was removed -proposed conifer garden site
6. Finish plantings for building F
Thanks for your interest in the gardens.
Pruning Seminars Completed
There were approximately 20 people at the St James pruning seminar and 15 at River Run. Special thanks to Al & David for their additional work at the Moon residence
Pesticide Disposal Success
David Barkley announced that over 15,000 pounds of pesticides were received at the extension disposal day program
Member News
Charlie Spencer: He had another surgery, but says this one is minor.
Maggie Hoon is now in Brunswick Cove Rehabilitation Center.
Becky Dus has volunteered to be the new Social Chairman.
Maggie Hoon is now in Brunswick Cove Rehabilitation Center.
Becky Dus has volunteered to be the new Social Chairman.
Bed Edging
Once a year gardeners need to redefine the edges of the plant borders. Adding mulch is a good idea, but the area will look much better and be easier to manage throughout the summer if they re edge. Take a flat blade shovel and trench out about 2 3 inches deep and 5 6 inches wide all around the beds. Re mulch, letting the trench be the border. This fresh, crisp line will accentuate the grass and the bed. Professional landscape managers do this routinely. Available now are several power trench masters that do an excellent job.
Automation Committee
Al Smith stated the web calendar has been updated to include all events of the BCMGVA. Anyone wishing to add information should e-mail Joe Loughlin. The web pages are also being updated and if anyone would like to volunteer their help with this see Al or Joe.
MG Articles in the Office
The MG Office is a great place to research gardening questions. I hope everyone (especially our new Master Gardeners) is aware that all the recent (last several years) newspaper articles that are written by the Brunswick County Master Gardeners are on file in the office. There is a set of two large notebooks which hold the articles. There is an index in the front of the first book with all the articles listed in
alphabetical order. One of these articles may be the perfect response to a hot-line question. You can easily remove the article, make a copy and send it off the gardener with the question! Two very recent articles discuss the merits of the Encore Azalea and the Knock Out Rose. Please browse through the two volumes the next time you are in the
office to become familiar with them and remember that they are a great resource readily available to all master gardeners.
Judy Koehly
alphabetical order. One of these articles may be the perfect response to a hot-line question. You can easily remove the article, make a copy and send it off the gardener with the question! Two very recent articles discuss the merits of the Encore Azalea and the Knock Out Rose. Please browse through the two volumes the next time you are in the
office to become familiar with them and remember that they are a great resource readily available to all master gardeners.
Judy Koehly
Master Gardener Plant Sale
The plant sales provide much of our funding for the year. Be sure to help! We need;
Help Ash Tag Plants
Volunteers to Clerk the Sale
The Word Spread to Buyers
Come and Buy for Your Garden
Thur. April 12th 9-5, Fri.13th 9-5,
Sat.14th 9-2
The greenhouse will have lots of tomato plants for the April sale as well as annuals and perennials. Flowers, veggies and vines, fruits, ornamental grasses. GREAT PRICES!
Cooperative Extension Service
County Government Center, Bolivia, NC
Greenhouse behind building N
Help Ash Tag Plants
Volunteers to Clerk the Sale
The Word Spread to Buyers
Come and Buy for Your Garden
Thur. April 12th 9-5, Fri.13th 9-5,
Sat.14th 9-2
The greenhouse will have lots of tomato plants for the April sale as well as annuals and perennials. Flowers, veggies and vines, fruits, ornamental grasses. GREAT PRICES!
Cooperative Extension Service
County Government Center, Bolivia, NC
Greenhouse behind building N
Upcoming Speakers
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Upcoming Events
April 26th Debbie Roos - Organic Gardening – Hort. Agent, Chatham County
April 12, 13,14th … MG Plant sale
April 22nd Coastal Water Watch
April 28th Leland Spring Fest
May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
May 20th Oak Island Garden Tour
June 28 Recognition Luncheon guest speaker, Lucy Bradley
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13 Holiday Party
April 12, 13,14th … MG Plant sale
April 22nd Coastal Water Watch
April 28th Leland Spring Fest
May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
May 20th Oak Island Garden Tour
June 28 Recognition Luncheon guest speaker, Lucy Bradley
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13 Holiday Party
Friday, March 16, 2007
Free Pesticide Collection Day
Do you have pesticides at your home of farm that you no longer need or use? If your answer is ‘yes’, then you'll be interested in the Brunswick County Pesticide Collection Day on Tuesday, March 6, 2007.
The NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Pesticide Disposal Assistance Program, a NON-Regulatory and Cost-Free program, in cooperation with the Brunswick County Extension Center, will be offering this Pesticide Collection Day for residents in Brunswick County and all of the surrounding North Carolina counties.
County Agricultural Extension Agent David Barkley will be the local contact for the event. The Collection will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Cooperative Extension Office located at 25 Referendum Drive, Brunswick County Government Complex in Bolivia.
Nearly all pesticide products will be accepted at this amnesty collection event, including banned and out-dated pesticides. For pesticides with unreadable or missing labels, please contact the Cooperative Extension Office for instructions. Please save any portion of the label to help identify the material so you can be assisted with disposal. Unknown materials cannot be accepted.
For gas cylinders or containers greater than 5 gal in size, please contact the Extension Office BEFORE the Collection Day for special instructions and information. For tips on transporting the pesticides safely to the Collection event, contact the Extension Office.
Each year the Pesticide Disposal Assistance Program ( visits between 40-50 counties to collect unwanted and unused pesticides through this NON-regulatory amnesty Program. This means that a Collection Day of this kind only happens about once every other year in each county!
Don't miss this pesticide collection opportunity in Brunswick County co-sponsored by NCDA&CS and the NCCES. For more information contact David Barkley County Agricultural Extension Agent at (910) 253-2610.
The NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Pesticide Disposal Assistance Program, a NON-Regulatory and Cost-Free program, in cooperation with the Brunswick County Extension Center, will be offering this Pesticide Collection Day for residents in Brunswick County and all of the surrounding North Carolina counties.
County Agricultural Extension Agent David Barkley will be the local contact for the event. The Collection will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Cooperative Extension Office located at 25 Referendum Drive, Brunswick County Government Complex in Bolivia.
Nearly all pesticide products will be accepted at this amnesty collection event, including banned and out-dated pesticides. For pesticides with unreadable or missing labels, please contact the Cooperative Extension Office for instructions. Please save any portion of the label to help identify the material so you can be assisted with disposal. Unknown materials cannot be accepted.
For gas cylinders or containers greater than 5 gal in size, please contact the Extension Office BEFORE the Collection Day for special instructions and information. For tips on transporting the pesticides safely to the Collection event, contact the Extension Office.
Each year the Pesticide Disposal Assistance Program ( visits between 40-50 counties to collect unwanted and unused pesticides through this NON-regulatory amnesty Program. This means that a Collection Day of this kind only happens about once every other year in each county!
Don't miss this pesticide collection opportunity in Brunswick County co-sponsored by NCDA&CS and the NCCES. For more information contact David Barkley County Agricultural Extension Agent at (910) 253-2610.
David’s a Winner!

Did you know that “Goodness Grows in North Carolina”? If that is correct (and there is a lot of evidence across this great state to back that up) then “It’s Got to be NC”. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture has combined these two marketing campaigns to provide a stronger marketing focus to increase awareness on how important it is to the local economy that consumers buy locally grown produce. By doing so not only does the farmer benefit but, so does the whole community. Besides, buying locally grown produce can mean better nutrition, better quality and better flavor because the produce is often fresher and allowed more time on the plant to reach full ripeness and maturity.
Each year in North Carolina the county and regional fairs have the opportunity to enter an exhibit which promotes supporting the local farmers in their respective communities. Buying locally grown produce is the goal from this Goodness Grows in North Carolina and It’s Got to be NC combined campaigns. The Commissioner of Agriculture gives out an award to the County and Regional Fairs that best promotes supporting local farmers each year at the annual NC/SC Fair Convention. This year’s winner was our own David Barkley with the Cape Fear Fair and Expo. David has worked hard and diligently to increase awareness for supporting local farmers and buying locally grown produce. This is the first time the Cape Fear Fair and Expo has won the award.
Got Ground Pearl?
David Barkley, Hort Agent: Peter Hertyl NC. Crops Department – is continuing his study and research on ground pearl and is asking for help from BCMGVA members. He will train volunteers on all aspects of gathering information.
Joint County Seminars
Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman, Vice President, stated that New Hanover County has invited BCMGVA members to attend seminars offered in New Hanover County and Brunswick County has reciprocated. There is a push to do more regional seminars and help eliminate specialists from doing the same presentations in adjoining areas multiple times. There is the possibility of Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties coming together for such events. Shirley noted the combined group might benefit from obtaining costly guest speakers by sharing fees.
Member news
Charlie Spencer
Charlie’s Hip is doing great and he is back at the grind stone. He has another surgery coming up, but says this one is minor.
Maggie Hoon
Maggie is still in rehab and is starting to walk.
Charlie’s Hip is doing great and he is back at the grind stone. He has another surgery coming up, but says this one is minor.
Maggie Hoon
Maggie is still in rehab and is starting to walk.
Contact list
Dave Barkley is trying to create a list of all the garden clubs, beautification clubs, etc. with contact names in Brunswick County. Call or email him those that you know.
Not Getting Mail?
If you are not receiving e-mails from Charlie re: upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, it’s because either he doesn’t have your correct e-mail address (verify your address with the office) or your carrier is, which blocks his e-mails (you will have to take care of this – Charlie can’t).
What is “HOT LINE” TIME ???
There continues to be some confusion about what is considered hot line time and what is not. When you are volunteering, if you are in direct contact with the public, those hours are considered hotline. So here are some examples:
Working the Hot Line
Plant Sale
Giving talks or training
“Life on the Farm”
School Programs
What would not be hotline would be; attending seminars, meeting, working in the gardens or greenhouses. All members are required to put in forty hours per year as a volunteer. Twenty of those hours must be hot line. First year members must put all forty as hotline.
Working the Hot Line
Plant Sale
Giving talks or training
“Life on the Farm”
School Programs
What would not be hotline would be; attending seminars, meeting, working in the gardens or greenhouses. All members are required to put in forty hours per year as a volunteer. Twenty of those hours must be hot line. First year members must put all forty as hotline.
State Conference

The State Master Gardener Conference will be held in Raleigh at the McKimmon Center at NC State. October 8 - 10, 2007. The conference begins on Monday October 8th with guided bus tours of Triangle area
gardens. On Monday evening there will be a Carolina pig pickin reception at the JC Raulston Arboretum. The conference Hotel is the Brownstone Holiday Inn on Hillsborough Street. The North Carolina Master Gardener State Association will host a hospitality suite. Some of the speakers will be Dennis Werner, Todd Lesseigne, Tony Avent, Jeff Gilmore, Bryce Lane, Pam Beck and Jeff Gilmore. Tuesday evening the annual banquet and awards ceremony will be held at the McKimmon Center. The training sessions will conclude by mid afternoon on Wednesday. Interested Master Gardeners may take advantage of a special opening of Tony Avent's Plant Delights Nursery. You should receive your invitation by late spring or early summer. Please reply promptly.
Upcoming MG Classes
• The New Master Gardener Classes are started and have over 30 in each.
• Advance MG Turf Classes – 3/15, 4/11, 6/7, 6/15
• Plant ID class will begin the March 27th. & continue on Tues 2-4:30, 10 classes
• Advance MG Turf Classes – 3/15, 4/11, 6/7, 6/15
• Plant ID class will begin the March 27th. & continue on Tues 2-4:30, 10 classes
Upcoming Speakers
April 26th Debbie Roos - Organic Gardening – Hort. Agent, Chatham County
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Upcoming Events
March 22nd Regular MG Meeting 9-12…. The March Speaker is Gloria Kidd - Subject Butterfly Gardening
March 24-25th… BC Home & Garden Show
April 12,13,14th … MG Plant sale
May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
June 21 Recognition Banquet
Oct 8,9,10th … State MG Conference in Raleigh see opposite for details
December 13 Holiday Party
March 24-25th… BC Home & Garden Show
April 12,13,14th … MG Plant sale
May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
June 21 Recognition Banquet
Oct 8,9,10th … State MG Conference in Raleigh see opposite for details
December 13 Holiday Party
Monday, February 05, 2007
Checkout the Calendar
We will be updating the calendar regularly on our web page. Check it out. We may also add a separate calendar for hotline. It would allow you to see what days were open and even sign-up online.
The NC Master Beekeeper Program
The Program is an educational and public service program in beekeeping which is sponsored by N.C. State University, the N.C. State Beekeepers Association, and the N.C. Dept. of Agriculture. The program is the oldest, continuously active, Master Beekeeper program in the United States. It is a multilevel program with over 3,500 individuals enrolled at some level of the program. Details of the program administration.
Keep Track of your Mileage
Please keep track of your mileage on your time sheets. One good reason; You can deduct it at tax time.
Greenhouse/ Botanical Garden
It is important that all tools are cleaned and properly stored after use. Many new plants are being received at the greenhouse which will require care. Many man hours have been given to complete hard and landscape in front of building F and Botanical garden plus night lighting in all areas. More plants and trees will be added behind building F. Screening will be planted around new area of gas pumps. There is a need for on going maintenance of the water feature in the Botanical garden.
Member news
Charlie Spencer
Charlie came along great in his operation and actually came to our office on Friday to have lunch with us and to take care of a little business He uses a walker and gets around pretty good. Keep him and his wife Lou in your prayers.
Maggie Hoon
Maggie is still in Coastal Rehab and is responding to therapy after her stroke. After 3pm she can have visitors. She enjoys having company and is able to talk on the phone.
John Kellett
John is on the mend. He has a couple more Physical Therapy sessions to go and should be back working the Hot line soon.
Charlie came along great in his operation and actually came to our office on Friday to have lunch with us and to take care of a little business He uses a walker and gets around pretty good. Keep him and his wife Lou in your prayers.
Maggie Hoon
Maggie is still in Coastal Rehab and is responding to therapy after her stroke. After 3pm she can have visitors. She enjoys having company and is able to talk on the phone.
John Kellett
John is on the mend. He has a couple more Physical Therapy sessions to go and should be back working the Hot line soon.
Master Gardener Pest Management Training
Feb 26, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm JC Raulston Arboretum
• What is an Insect and Pest Management in the Landscape,” Steven Bambara, Extension Specialist, Entomology Department, NC State University
• What New Master Gardeners Need to Know About Plant Disease,” Dr. Tom Creswell, Plant Pathology Department, NC State University
The cost is only $10 including lunch. Make check payable to NC State University. We will be taking a van full up so sign up soon. Visit the JC Raulston Arboretum before the meeting, at lunch, or after the meeting. Call for registration.
• What is an Insect and Pest Management in the Landscape,” Steven Bambara, Extension Specialist, Entomology Department, NC State University
• What New Master Gardeners Need to Know About Plant Disease,” Dr. Tom Creswell, Plant Pathology Department, NC State University
The cost is only $10 including lunch. Make check payable to NC State University. We will be taking a van full up so sign up soon. Visit the JC Raulston Arboretum before the meeting, at lunch, or after the meeting. Call for registration.
MG Classes are Filling Fast
• David reports that the Tuesday class beginning February 6th has 34 students and the Wednesday class beginning February 28th now has 30. If you have friends wanting to sign up, they should do it now.
• Proposed dates for the Turf class – 3/25,4/12,6/7,6/15
• Plant ID class will begin the March 27th.
• Pro Day Seminar at BCC in Leland on February 28th from noon to 4:30
• Proposed dates for the Turf class – 3/25,4/12,6/7,6/15
• Plant ID class will begin the March 27th.
• Pro Day Seminar at BCC in Leland on February 28th from noon to 4:30
Upcoming Speakers
April 26th Debbie Roos - Organic Gardening - Hort Agent, Chatham County.
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 27th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent,Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 26th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 27th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent,Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 26th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Upcoming Speakers
April 26th Debbie Roos - Organic Gardening - Hort Agent, Chatham County.
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 27th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent,Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 26th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
May 24th Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 27th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent,Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 26th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC.
Upcoming Events
Feb 10th & 11th … Wilmington Garden Show Schwartz Center, Cape Fear Community College, 601 N. Front St
February 12th … 4-H Lasagna Lunch & Candy-Gram Sale! Make your Valentine Happy! Call Blair for details
Feb 17th 9-5& 18th 12-5… Brunswick Co Greenhouse Tour…Alma Buffkin 117 Lee Drive, Sheldon Herb Farm 340 Goodman Dr, Louis & Carol Lee 149 Maco Rd.
Feb 22nd Regular MG Meeting 9-12…. Dan Keir and David Barkley - Grafting - Dan also attended the Master Gardener Training as one of David's students in the early 80's. Owner operator of Japanese Maples of Wilmington. The art of grafting will be a hands on opportunity. We will also have some visitors from Bladen Co MG.
Feb 26th … Join a van of MGs for a trip to JC Raulston Arboretum for a MG class on Pest Management. $10 includes lunch so call Charlie
March 24-25th … BC Home & Garden Show
April 12,13,14th … MG Plant sale
March 1-7th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
Oct 8,9,10th … State MG Convention in Raleigh
February 12th … 4-H Lasagna Lunch & Candy-Gram Sale! Make your Valentine Happy! Call Blair for details
Feb 17th 9-5& 18th 12-5… Brunswick Co Greenhouse Tour…Alma Buffkin 117 Lee Drive, Sheldon Herb Farm 340 Goodman Dr, Louis & Carol Lee 149 Maco Rd.
Feb 22nd Regular MG Meeting 9-12…. Dan Keir and David Barkley - Grafting - Dan also attended the Master Gardener Training as one of David's students in the early 80's. Owner operator of Japanese Maples of Wilmington. The art of grafting will be a hands on opportunity. We will also have some visitors from Bladen Co MG.
Feb 26th … Join a van of MGs for a trip to JC Raulston Arboretum for a MG class on Pest Management. $10 includes lunch so call Charlie
March 24-25th … BC Home & Garden Show
April 12,13,14th … MG Plant sale
March 1-7th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
Oct 8,9,10th … State MG Convention in Raleigh
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