The State Master Gardener Conference will be held in Raleigh at the McKimmon Center at NC State. October 8 - 10, 2007. The conference begins on Monday October 8th with guided bus tours of Triangle area
gardens. On Monday evening there will be a Carolina pig pickin reception at the JC Raulston Arboretum. The conference Hotel is the Brownstone Holiday Inn on Hillsborough Street. The North Carolina Master Gardener State Association will host a hospitality suite. Some of the speakers will be Dennis Werner, Todd Lesseigne, Tony Avent, Jeff Gilmore, Bryce Lane, Pam Beck and Jeff Gilmore. Tuesday evening the annual banquet and awards ceremony will be held at the McKimmon Center. The training sessions will conclude by mid afternoon on Wednesday. Interested Master Gardeners may take advantage of a special opening of Tony Avent's Plant Delights Nursery. You should receive your invitation by late spring or early summer. Please reply promptly.