Be on the look out for insects which will soon be looking for places to over winter. Boxelder bugs occur on Acer negundo and will cover your window screens looking for a place to come inside. Even though they are not harmful they cause a stir of excitement from people who are not familiar with them making them think about Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds”. Well, in a sense, I guess the birds could come and try to feast on them. They become quite a nuisance pest as well once they get inside the house. Usually a stream of water is all that is needed to wash them away.
Ladybugs seem harmless enough but they can swarm in huge numbers congregating on the outside of your house during the fall as well. Consider a preemptive strike. Bifenthrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin are labeled for boxelder bugs and would take out the ladybugs if necessary. Treat door thresholds, window ledges and any places insects congregate or gain entry.