Dear Master Gardeners,
This is the first of several emails we will be sending out regarding the Southern Region Master Gardener Conference, June 18-21, 2008 – A Garden of Dreams in Native America.
The Oklahoma County Master Gardeners are hosting the event and are busy putting final details together for the conference. They are very excited about the opportunity to host the conference and have already put many, many hours into the planning and organization of this grand event!
You can now find general information at the conference web site. As more details are finalized we will post them on the site, so visit regularly to keep updated on the latest news and additions.
The conference site will be at the Clarion Meridian Hotel and Convention Center in Oklahoma City. It is nestled in the hub of Oklahoma City's restaurant and entertainment district. There are over 30 sit-down and fast-food restaurants within 2 miles of the hotel. They are conveniently located off I-40 and just minutes from the Airport and other areas of interest. In addition, they provide complimentary shuttle service to and from Will Rogers World Airport and local businesses for fly-in guests.
We are still working on the registration fee, but hope to have it finalized in the near future. In the mean time, check out the web site to see a list of speakers, tours and the conference facilities.
We hope you will put this on your calendars and begin planning to visit our grand state – Oklahoma!
Remember – bookmark Southern Region Master Gardener Conference and visit often.
Happy Gardening and hope to see you in Oklahoma City in 2008!
David Hillock
Assistant Extension Specialist
Consumer Horticulture
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Oklahoma State University
360 Ag Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078-6027