Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Another Comment from Joe
I attended the Tuesday meeting of the State Convention. My hat is off to those that put together this year’s convention. We are going to need to work hard to put together a better one next year. They had 6 speakers on Tuesday and my head is still spinning with all the information presented. I also can’t wait to visit two of the speaker’s nurseries next spring. Tony Avent from Raleigh’s “Plant Delights Nursery” and Ted Stevens from North Augusta, SC’s Nurseries Carolina both showed us what we won’t be seeing at Walmart. New, unusual, and beautiful describe the plants they feature. I was also lucky enough to win $80 worth of merchandise, plus all the freebies they gave away. Think I made money by going. (Now that’s just silly, because I will spend a fortune next spring on all those new plants).