Update on the various opportunities coming up in the near future.
Several of the new members have expressed a desire to help out with the " Life on the Farm " series. We have three firm dates starting on Oct 18th, 19th , and the 26th. All of the classes will be held at the Funston farm. For the newcomers to the program, instructional classes will be held to acquaint you with your subject matter. All members who have helped before will be contacted. I would like to train several more folks. Please call and let me know or sign up at next week's meeting and party. Don't forget to RSVP if you are coming to the party. We are waiting on some of the other schools to reply so may have some more dates during this time period.
PLANT SALE on Oct. 4th, 5th, and 6th. This is the last one of the year so we need all the help we can get. Again, let me know or sign up at next week's meeting. Along the same lines, the inmates will be out next week to prepare the concrete pad for the new building with hopes it will be installed before the plant sale. The inmates will also construct a drainage system around the flower pad inside the fence which should help the drainage problem we have. With our luck, it will probably rain all next week!!!
Have an interesting trip being planned for next May. Details to follow. Might want to mark your calendar for the period May 15th through May 19th.
In case you are unaware, David will have a foot operation on Oct. 1st and will be out for up to 4 months. I will be on vacation from Oct 10th through Oct. 21st. I have back surgery on Oct 25th and am unsure of how long I'll be out. ( IT won't be 4 months so you can quit dreaming). The good Lord willing, David and I will be back!
With your support, we will host the State wide convention for 2008. It will be held at Seatrail on Oct. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th., 2008. What a great chance to show the state what we can do. Our Vice President, Shirley Wagoner-Eisenman will head up the effort. She will need all our help with several committees being required. Many more details to follow.
Thanks for all you do. For the new class members, your name badges are in and you can pick them up when you're here for the Hot Line or any other activity that you are participating in.