Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Charlies says:

The Conference was A TREMENDOUS success. I received many complements on the entire conference from speakers, to facilities, tours, vendors and even the food. Each and every one of you needs to give yourself a large pat on the back for “A job well done”. Let’s not forget what our leaders, Al Hight and David Barkley did to help insure the success of the conference. Their efforts were way over and above what is required. We all owe a debt of gratitude to our President, Shirley, who really make all this possible. I know there were many others of you that put in many hours and lots of worry and panic at times and to those, I really want to thank you for all you accomplished. The folks that attended will not soon forget their visit to our lovely County.

Now that the conference is past history, it’s time to plan your schedule for the upcoming Plant Sale. Oct. 16, 17 and 18. We need help on all shifts for all three days. If you have not signed up and can help, please call me and get scheduled. Thank heaven; this is the last big function of the year except for the Holiday Party. Please give me a call or e-mail me for working on the Plant Sale.

Last but surely not least, Al Hight wants to provide a lunch for the Association in appreciation for the Association’s efforts on behalf of the Cooperative Extension. The Extension staff will provide a Lasagna dinner with salad and desert on October. 23rd right after the monthly meeting. As the staff will be preparing the food, it is important that we know how many people will be attending. Please call either Betty or me and let us know if you are planning on joining us. This action is known as “RSVP”. You will be receiving a postcard invitation to this event also. We will even have chicken and vegetable lasagna!!!! How’s that for variety!!!