Friday, March 07, 2008

Master Gardeners' Library

The library in the Master Gardeners' Office now consists of over 270 books. The 2008 recent additions are The Southern Living Garden Book (the most recent edition), Pass Along Plants (recommended by Bryce Lane on his TV show), The Handbook of Oleanders, Dirr's Trees and Shrubs for Warm Climates (a beautiful book) and 3 children's books on gardening related topics that will be used for the Supply Elementary School project and Life on the Farm.

In February 2008 the book inventory was completed. The next steps are to find missing books, organize the books in the MG office so that they're easy to locate and possibly make the updated inventory accessible from the Website. The inventory is currently on the computer in the Master Gardener Office (in Excel).
If you have any suggestions for new books or would like to donate books to the library, please contact Grace Wrigley at 846-3341 or email