Friday, September 21, 2007

Volunteers needed for 2008 conference

Below is a list of volunteers needed to begin work on the 2008 conference. A meeting will be held on October 3rd at 1 PM in the meeting room at Extension (where we hold our MG meetings). Please come and volunteer for one of the jobs listed below. Questions contact me.

Need a Conference Name

Conference Treasurer - establish a separate conference account - receives and disburse all funds.

Registrar - Receives all conference registration - relays all information on registration form to appropriate person.

Statistician and registrar can be the same person. Both jobs require a lot of computer work. Statistician keeps track of all those attending conference, special events such as tours etc.

Web Site - Establish a conference web site and keep it updated.

Vendors - sell vendor space. Price will be established, have a sample contract.

The following should be committees consisting of a chair and members. Chair will be responsible for reporting on the conference status.

Tours - pre-conference tours. Have list started.

Sponsors - solicit cash or in kind donations. Businesses can sponsor breaks, meals, etc.

Tote Bag - kind, price, logo, sponsor for tote bag etc.

Door Prizes - Solicit from the community.

Decorations - for tables at meals, podium, etc.

Ads - solicit ads to be placed in conference program. Price for ads will be established.

Signage - any signage needed for the conference site.

Invitation - Design, price for printing, etc.

Program - assemble, prepare for printer, cost etc.

Name tags - design, purchase, print etc.

Evaluation forms - have samples. Price for printing etc.

Solicit items to be placed in the tote bags ie visit chamber of commerce for information on the area. Donations from businesses ie pen, pencils, pads, seeds, samples of all kinds, etc.

Do we have a silent auction and a book sale?

Do we offer conference t-shirts?

Will we need entertainment at banquet. lunches etc.

Will be needed later.

Host/ Hostess - one for each speaker, workshop presenter day of their arrival at the conference.

Goofers - will be able to assist where needed.

Help mailing out invitations.

Hospitality Suite

Other items will come up where volunteers are needed.

Phone # 754-4148
