Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Message From The President: New Year's Resolutions

As a rule I avoid making New Year’s resolutions as they usually last until January 2. But as we embark upon a new year as a Master Gardener chapter I thought I’d give it one more shot. So, here goes.

I resolve:
1. To lend a hand whenever I can.
2. To look for ways to make new ideas work and not for reasons they won’t.
3. That when in doubt I’ll check things out and not make negative assumptions.
4. To help others succeed, and celebrate their accomplishments.
5. To speak positively about others and about the organization. Someone might be listening.
6. To maintain a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances.
7. To act with initiative and courage, believing that if it‘s to be, it‘s up to me.
8. To act with enthusiasm. I have found it to be contagious.
9. That whatever I want for myself (recognition, respect, loyalty, etc.) I will give to others.
10. To keep faith and never give up.

I know this sounds ambitious but I think it’s worth a try. I invite you to join with me in working for an exciting and productive year of growing our chapter.

Happy New Year…..Richard