Friday, September 30, 2005

October Message From The President

Here it is! “It’s recognition time again!” This is so much fun for me.. in part because it is so easy to do. Recognizing our fellow BCMGV can go on forever.
This time I am humbled by the work of our editors. There are four, for those of you who may not know. Becky Dus is our lead Newsletter editor. Nancy Einbinder and Cathie Rod help with the copying and mailing. Lisa Miner is the “website editor and webmaster”. These poor people have suffered under my less than precise harassment and one of the measures of their capability is that they have survived me! The changeover from old to new has had its trying times, but they have done it and the results are now really beginning to show. I hope you are all going to these sites: and
BCMGVA online herbarium. You can view reports of current and future activities and useful information for gardeners.
Please join me in offering thanks to your fellow volunteers and keep your thoughts, suggestions and content input coming to constantly improve the resulting product.

Happy gardening,
