North Carolina Agriculture Agents hosted the 2008 National meeting in Greensboro with close to 2000 participants attending from all around the country. We have heard many compliments about this meeting and the success of this meeting was all because of one thing – our agents stepping up and volunteering for the various tasks we needed to be done before during and after the me There are two things I want to express to our organization of Master Gardener Volunteers. First I would like to thank you for your financial support for this meeting. It was great to know that our county could be counted on for its support.
The second item I want to express is that we, our Master Gardeners, will be hosting the state meeting of the NC Master Gardeners Association. In order for attendees to go away with the same kind of feeling people had from our National Meeting it is going to take the same kind of volunteer dedication for our State Meeting which is being held at Sea Trail near Sunset Beach. I know we can do it and I ask that you make your plans now to be a part of this meeting. I think you are going to be impressed with the line up of speakers and activities we have planned for you.
How do you get involved? The first thing is to go ahead and register especially if you want to get first choice of the workshops. Second, contact Shirley, Charlie or me about things you would be interested in helping us out with.
Third, promote and encourage your master gardener friends to get their registration in as soon as possible. We want to have a good showing from our county and to show off our talents.
You are the best and I am proud of the work you do.
Sincerely and with much thankfulness,
David Barkley