In August 2007 there were 85 inquiries to the Hotline. The breakdown of these calls is as follows:
General: 28. 2 requested Newcomer packets, 7 requested soil sample kits and interpretation of analysis, 7 requested info on weed control or interpretation and the rest were for various garden information.
Lawns: 23. The majority of calls concerned Centipede grass (12). The remainder concerned general questions about types of lawns for this area and lawn weeds. Shrubs: 3. Azaleas had problems with insects and caterpillars.
Trees: 21. Oaks, Dogwoods, crepe myrtle, seemed to suffer the most problems since they had the most inquiries.
Pests: 10. Callers wanted information on getting rid of various pests such as bees, fire ants spiders, and snakes.
Vegetables: 6. Tomato's and eggplant were the problems.
Flowers: 4. Houseplants were the main concern of the callers last year.