Friday, March 07, 2008

March Hotline Calls

In March 2007 there were 187 inquiries to the Hotline and 37 requests for information from our participation in March Garden Shows.
General: 85 - 18 requested Newcomer packets and 17 requested soil sample kits and interpretation of analysis. The rest were for various information such as pruning, plant ID, composting, plant selection for our area, landscaping, and bird information. Lawns: 64. The majority of calls concerned Centipede and St. Augustine grasses and weed control.
Shrubs: 19. Gardenia, Azalea, and Oleander had the most questions. Roses and privets also had a few.
Trees: 36. Crepe Myrtle had the most inquiries with questions about fungus and selection for this area. Fruit trees, palms, pecan, holly's trees had several calls each.
Pests: 11. All the usual suspects; Moles, Voles, Fire Ants and deer.
Veg./Flowers:23 Grapes, Tomato, Blueberry, were the main concern. Flowers varied all over the place. I enjoyed the question about soil oysters.