Since I received no names for the newsletter I can only assume we do not wish to have a name for the newsletter. No interest was shown in the Herbarium project. Hopefully someone in the 08 Master Gardener Class will be interested in taking on this project. Help is needed in the greenhouse to prepare for the April Plant sale. Work days in the garden are first Monday and the third Tuesday. With spring right around the corner a lot of help is needed in the garden.
I recommend that you go to the web site and read the newsletter, schedule of events, speakers, minutes, etc. The newsletter needs news. Let Joe know what is happening.
Welcome to the 2008 Master Gardener Classes. They are already volunteering.
The 2008 Conference Committee is hard at work. Silver Coast Winery has been chosen for the reception. Have mailed out approximately 275 letters asking for support. We will start following up on the letters shortly. Our first money has been received for an ad in the program. We have been promised a 5 inch plant for each attendee at the conference. Have received two silent auction donations. If you would like to help on the conference contact me. There is still a lot that needs to be done.