Listed below are where volunteers are need for the 2008 conference. Contact me if you can volunteer for any of them. My phone number 754-4148,
e-mail is
CHECK IN (REGISTRATION) place, time and hours. Three volunteers for each slot.
Sunday, October 5th at Sea Trail
noon - 3pm, 3pm - 6pm, 6pm - 8pm
Monday, October 6th at Sea Trail
7am - 10am, 10am - 1pm, 1pm - 4pm
Monday, Oct. 6th at Silver Coast Winery
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, October 7th at Sea Trail
7:00 am - 9:am
The silent auction Chair has resigned and we are in need of a Chair. A lot of work has been done and there is a committee in place.
Hostess and Host are needed for each of our speakers/workshop presenters. Some of you have volunteered, however more are needed. It will be your responsibility to meet the presenter help, them register, see to their lodging needs if necessary. You will be their go to person for whatever they need, i.e time their presentation, if necessary introduce them. A short bio will be provided.
We presently have two item donated that we will be selling raffle tickets on. We may have more before the conference. We need a person who will take the responsibility for seeing that we have enough volunteers to cover the necessary hours. In short a chair for a raffle committee.
We will need a few signs, such as signs by appropriate rooms for workshop, etc. Hopefully we will be allowed to place signs along the road way leading to conference site.
We will need table decorations for two (2)lunches and one banquet. It is my thought to use any plants that are donated for door prize as decoration and give them away at the end of the conference. This will save money and the plants will be put to good use.
The conference will be selling shirts and possible garden tools we will need volunteers to work the table during vendor hours as listed in your conference announcement.
Needed are small items to be put in the tote bags, i.e. pads, pens, pencils, samples of products, etc. I have spoken with the Chamber of Commerce and they will provide information on Brunswick County.