... is a place of peace – tranquility or bustling activity plus learning. This spot is the Greenhouse/hoop house located along Government Center Drive at the Government complex in Bolivia. This spot had its origin through the work of the Restitution program of Brunswick County.
In the seventies, County Extension employee, Billy Privet, applied for grant funds to create a place where convicted teens could fulfill their court sentences. Through the Restitution program, these teens who have broken the law, can repay their debt to society by performing specified tasks at the greenhouse. The program is administered and monitored by a dedicated group of Brunswick County Master Gardener Volunteer Association (BCMGVA) members.
The teens are given a variety of garden tasks which include; planting, watering, repotting, cleaning/ stacking and maintaining order of pots, rearranging bedding areas, set up for plant sales and general maintenance of grounds. It is hoped that through these tasks, the teens learn gardening skills, a good work ethic and pursuits that will replace their previous delinquent behavior.
Over the years this area has grown from the humble beginnings of just one small greenhouse and shed to the addition of a hoop house, 3 storage sheds plus an enclosed area with an electronic fence to afford all plants protection from wild life.
The growth has been spurred – in large part – through the efforts of the BCMGVA as a means for fund raising as well as horticultural education for the community. Classes are given during the yearly Master Gardener training course and seasonal plant sales are offered. Hands on learning sessions are offered for BCMGVA members and the community in general throughout the year.
The public is welcomed at the seasonal plant sales where gardening advice is always available. So if you are new to the region or just new to gardening, stop by and enjoy this spot in the heart of Brunswick County.