Thursday, May 08, 2008

Located in the heart of Brunswick County

... is a place of peace – tranquility or bustling activity plus learning. This spot is the Greenhouse/hoop house located along Government Center Drive at the Government complex in Bolivia. This spot had its origin through the work of the Restitution program of Brunswick County.

In the seventies, County Extension employee, Billy Privet, applied for grant funds to create a place where convicted teens could fulfill their court sentences. Through the Restitution program, these teens who have broken the law, can repay their debt to society by performing specified tasks at the greenhouse. The program is administered and monitored by a dedicated group of Brunswick County Master Gardener Volunteer Association (BCMGVA) members.

The teens are given a variety of garden tasks which include; planting, watering, repotting, cleaning/ stacking and maintaining order of pots, rearranging bedding areas, set up for plant sales and general maintenance of grounds. It is hoped that through these tasks, the teens learn gardening skills, a good work ethic and pursuits that will replace their previous delinquent behavior.

Over the years this area has grown from the humble beginnings of just one small greenhouse and shed to the addition of a hoop house, 3 storage sheds plus an enclosed area with an electronic fence to afford all plants protection from wild life.

The growth has been spurred – in large part – through the efforts of the BCMGVA as a means for fund raising as well as horticultural education for the community. Classes are given during the yearly Master Gardener training course and seasonal plant sales are offered. Hands on learning sessions are offered for BCMGVA members and the community in general throughout the year.

The public is welcomed at the seasonal plant sales where gardening advice is always available. So if you are new to the region or just new to gardening, stop by and enjoy this spot in the heart of Brunswick County.

BCMGVA donates trailer to the Brunswick County Extension Service

The trailer is for use in promoting the Master Gardener Volunteer Program in Brunswick County. The purchase of a trailer was voted by the membership on March 27, 2008 at a regular meeting. There are several advantages to Extension owning the trailer. Extension, the Restitution Program, and Master Gardeners have through the years all benefited by working together and sharing resources.

Work Days

Please come and help us when you have time, but especially on the work days. April 7th & 15th and May 5th
Gardens: Jim Blake is available to direct your work.
Greenhouse: Tyler Ash always needs help weeding and getting plants ready for sale.

Hardscape, Fred Mina:

We now have a new ramp to the Botanical Garden and a new stone bridge over the dry creek. Materials for the bridge were donated by George Patterson of “Mulch and More” and landscape class helped install it.

Joe’s Kitchen

I recently had the pleasure of dining with Bill and Marge Finley. Bill & I share an interest in cooking. It hasn’t, however, affected his waist line like mine. Everything was great, but the dish that really caught my attention was “Bill’s Citrus Almond Rice”. By the way, if you would like your recipe published, I can almost guarantee that if you invite me to dinner, I’ll print it!

2 Tbs. butter
½ cup slivered or sliced almonds
2 cups white rice
1 orange zested
1 lemon zested
1 quart chicken stock

Heat a sauce pot over medium heat, add butter to the pot and melt. Add almonds and toast 3 to 4 minutes. Add rice and the zest of an orange and a lemon then turn to coat the rice. Add chicken stock, bring to a boil then reduce to simmer. Cover and cook 17 to 18 minutes. Fluff and serve.

Bill Finley

Wanted! Name our Newsletter

Let’s come up with a catchy name!
We now have a suggestion from Paula Cline, a new 2008 class member, “Growing Together - Brunswick County and BCMGVA”. Thanks Paula! How about your suggestion?
Send me your suggestions

Rain Barrels

Rain Barrels are available for anyone interested. We will sell them ready to go for $50.00 each.

Charlie says...

Your hours must be recorded if you want to qualify as a master gardener and they are also important to Dave & me to show the impact Master Gardeners has on Brunswick County.

from the President's desk...

Thank you to all who continue to attend the membership meetings. Mark your calendar for the May meeting as our speaker will be Bryce Lane. Why not check with fellow Master Gardeners in your area and car pool.

We had a successful plant sale another one is scheduled for May 8th - 10th. We are conducting seminars across the county. Master Gardeners are always welcome to attend these seminars even if you are not scheduled to work them. If you have had a change of address, phone number or e-mail address let us know so you can continue to be contacted. Some of the new classes have been attending the membership meeting we encourage more of you to attend.

Very shortly I will be looking more volunteers for the conference hope we can count on you.

Our dues year is from January thru December. If you are not sure you have paid this year's dues check with Al Smith. He will have a record of dues payments. Only dues paying members may hold office or vote at Association meetings

2008 Conference Report

The conference committee will be asking you to pay conference registration early so we will have sufficient funds to mail out the conference announcement around the end of June. If you pre-pay now when you receive your registration all you have to do is fill it out and return it. If you are a member of the North Carolina Master Gardener Volunteer Association the registration fee for full conference is $130.00, for non members and guest the registration fee is $145.00 if paid by September 1st. Bring your checkbook and avoid the late charge and help us get the conference announcement out on time. There will be a late charge after September 1st. The committee started with a lower registration fee, however with the increase cost of living we had to raise the registration fee. We will have approximately 24 workshops there should be something for everyone.

Coastal Gardening Seminar, May 22

10:30 Dr. Bryce Lane, Horticulture Professor - NC State University, “If You Can’t Stand the Heat Then Get Out of the Kitchen: Plants that Handle the Stress of North Carolina Landscapes
11:45 Lunch – RSVP (nominal fee to support 4H Youth)
12:30 Dr. Bryce Lane, “Using Native and Exotic Plants in the Landscape
1:30 Al Hight, Brunswick County Extension Director, “What is Your Plant Telling You!”
2:30 David Barkley, “Tips on How to Keep Your Plants from Yelling at You

Upcoming Speakers

May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU See Coastal Gardening Seminar below
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 23rd Toby Bost
Nov. 20th updates by horticulture staff

Upcoming Events

May 8-9-10th Plant sale
Seminars on Insects and diseases
May 3rd Southport Wal-Mart Seminar
May 7th Leland Library Seminar
May 10th Hickman Crossroads Library
May 15th Southport Library Seminar
June 18-21st Southern Region Master Gardener Conference
Oct 5-8 2008 MG Conference in Brunswick County
Dec 10th Christmas Party