Welcome to the new Master Gardener Classes. Thanks to all Master Gardener's who have been faithfully attending our membership meetings you are what make the association what it is.
Our program for April will be Peter Hertyl from NCSU his topic will be Ground Pearls. Peter has been coming to speak to us since 1993 when the first class for Master Gardener's was held in Brunswick County.
Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find a list of upcoming events that need volunteer workers, sign up and don't forget the hot line.
In the April issue of "Our State" magazine is an interesting article on Master Gardeners. If you do not receive it the next time you are in the library take a look. The article is on page 140. It is written by a Transylvania County Master Gardener who lives in Brevard.
Everyone working on the 08 conference is busy trying to make it the best conference ever. If you are one of those working on the conference don't forget to keep track of your time as it counts toward volunteer hours. At the conference we will be giving door prizes and have a silent auction. If you have something you would like to donate let us know for either a door prize or silent auction. Do you paint, build something, have extra plants, etc? We will be happy to accept your donation.