Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Joe's Kitchen

This is the time of year when very little is coming from our gardens and traditionally two pies that were made when fruit was not available were Chess and Black Bottom Pie. Both are great, but space only allows one.
Crust: Life’s too short; buy one from the refrigerator case
Filling: ½ cup of sugar
2 Tlb. cornstarch & pinch of salt
3 egg yolks
1 envelope (7g) of unflavored gelatin
4 Tbl. water
4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
1 ½ cups of whole milk
1 cup of heavy cream
1 tps. vanilla
3 Tbl. light rum
2 egg whites
Pinch of cream of tartar
Dark chocolate shavings
Prick the bottom of your crust, line it with wax paper, weigh down the paper down with dried beans or rice, and bake 15 minutes in a 400° oven. Remove the paper and beans and bake 10-15 minutes longer till golden brown. Leave to cool.
Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt, and yolks; mix well in a bowl & set aside. Mix gelatin and 2 Tbl. of water & set aside to soften. Melt Chocolate with 1 Tbl. water gently till smooth and set aside.
Scald milk and ½ cup of cream and slowly add to egg yolk mixture and stir till sugar dissolves. Stirring constantly cook mixture until thick enough to coat back of spoon. Remove from heat and add vanilla.
Add 1 cup of custard to chocolate mixture, stir till smooth and pour into pie shell, refrigerate. Stir in gelatin & rum to remaining custard. Allow to cool, but stir to prevent skin forming. Whip remaining cream (not stiff), beat egg whites and tartar to soft peaks. Mix whipped cream & fold egg whites into remaining custard and spoon evenly over chocolate layer. Refrigerate 3 hr. and serve with a topping of chocolate shavings.
from American Tradition, a classic guide to regional cooking.


Master Gardener, Carol Wilson reminded everyone to join the State Association. Dues are $10.00 and to see her if you want to join. You will find a form on the last page that you may print out, fill in, and send in.

Work Days

Please come and help us when you have time, but especially on the work days. April 7th & 15th and May 5th
Gardens: Jim Blake is available to direct your work.
Greenhouse: Tyler Ash always needs help weeding and getting plants ready for sale.

New Websites

New Websites are being developed for local MG sites. Go to to see what may be in store for our future. Eventually we can keep our volunteer hours online, the calendar and many other features are already working. Visit with a Guest Pass by selecting Guilford County Type Your Name and use Password = Welcome.

Charlie says...

Your hours must be recorded if you want to qualify as a master gardener and they are also important to Dave & me to show the impact Master Gardeners has on Brunswick County.
There has been a secretary realignment. Bette will be the Master Gardener secretary from now on. Gina will be the secretary for 4-H and Martha.

From the President's desk...

Welcome to the new Master Gardener Classes. Thanks to all Master Gardener's who have been faithfully attending our membership meetings you are what make the association what it is.
Our program for April will be Peter Hertyl from NCSU his topic will be Ground Pearls. Peter has been coming to speak to us since 1993 when the first class for Master Gardener's was held in Brunswick County.
Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find a list of upcoming events that need volunteer workers, sign up and don't forget the hot line.
In the April issue of "Our State" magazine is an interesting article on Master Gardeners. If you do not receive it the next time you are in the library take a look. The article is on page 140. It is written by a Transylvania County Master Gardener who lives in Brevard.
Everyone working on the 08 conference is busy trying to make it the best conference ever. If you are one of those working on the conference don't forget to keep track of your time as it counts toward volunteer hours. At the conference we will be giving door prizes and have a silent auction. If you have something you would like to donate let us know for either a door prize or silent auction. Do you paint, build something, have extra plants, etc? We will be happy to accept your donation.

Rain Barrels

Rain Barrels are available for anyone interested. We will sell them ready to go for $50.00 each.


Herbarium to make a collection of dried plants mounted and labeled for use in scientific examination. See Shirley.


Hilton Holcomb has been in charge of our gardens and hardscape for many years; He has decided to take a little break. We all thank you Hilton for all your service and dry wit. Fred Minor will take over and some of the major projects that he will be working on this year include two ramps, decking replacement, the bridge over the dry creek area, and the storage sheds. Fred used to work summers as carpenter. Please let him know if you are willing to help with some of the projects,, 278-6205

Plant Sale

Thursday and Friday hours are 8:00 until 12:30 and afternoon hours are 12:30 until 5:00. Sat. hours are 9:00 until 12:00 and afternoon hours are 12:00 until 2:00- 3:00 depending upon the traffic.

Upcoming Speakers

April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 23rd Toby Bost
Nov. 20th updates by horticulture staff

Upcoming Events…

April 7th Work Day in Garden & Greenhouse
April 9-13th Wilmington Azalea Festival
April 10,11,&12 Spring Plant Sale
April 15th Oak Island Coastal Water Watch
April 15th South Brunswick Kiwanis
April 15-16th Supply Elementary project
April 19th Coastal garden Club Tour of Gardens & Spring Tea at Woodsong
April 19th Festival, Silver Coast Winery
April 23rd Winding River, Spring preparation and waterwise seminar
April 26th River Run Firewise program
April 29-30th Supply Elementary project
May 8-9-10th Plant sale
May 3rd Southport Wal-Mart Seminar
May 7th Leland Library Seminar
May 10th Hickman Crossroads Library
May 15th Southport Library Seminar
June 18-21st Southern Region Master Gardener Conference
Oct 5-8 2008 MG Conference in Brunswick County
Dec 10th Christmas Party