Thursday, January 31, 2008


New class starts Feb. 5th at 9:00. Stop in and say “Hello” if you in the area. The second class starts on Feb. 20th.
Supply Elementary School project. Mar. 18 and 19, April 15 and 16, April 29th and 30th,
Plant Makeover (pruning seminar) Feb. 28th at Village of Calabash, March 7th at Magnolia Greens, and March 13th here at the Extension.
Brierwood seminar, March 10th, Subject is Spring Preparation
Sandfiddler Restaurant, Mar 11th, Spring Preparation
Library seminars, Subject is “Water Wise”, March 14th, Hickman Crossroads, Leland March 17th, and Southport on March 27th,
Same seminar at the Southport Wal-Mart on March 15th.
Water Wise seminar provided to Magnolia Greens folks on March 27th.
Water Wise seminars provided for the three Counties by the Extension, April 3rd, here at the Extension, same program at New Hanover Arboreum, and Popular Grove in Pender County on April 5th.
Plant Sale, April 10th, 11th, and 12th.
Seminar at Oak Island Parks and Rec. on April 15th, subject “Spring Preparation”
Seminar at Winding River on April 23rd, “Spring Preparation and Pruning”.
There will be flyers on most of these events providing specific times for the events.