Friday, December 14, 2007

Pests Lurking Outside

Be on the look out for insects which will soon be looking for places to over winter. Boxelder bugs occur on Acer negundo and will cover your window screens looking for a place to come inside. Even though they are not harmful they cause a stir of excitement from people who are not familiar with them making them think about Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds”. Well, in a sense, I guess the birds could come and try to feast on them. They become quite a nuisance pest as well once they get inside the house. Usually a stream of water is all that is needed to wash them away.

Ladybugs seem harmless enough but they can swarm in huge numbers congregating on the outside of your house during the fall as well. Consider a preemptive strike. Bifenthrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin are labeled for boxelder bugs and would take out the ladybugs if necessary. Treat door thresholds, window ledges and any places insects congregate or gain entry.

The Festival of Lights

this year will be held on the evenings of Dec. 13th and 14th starting around 6:00PM. We will need help setting up and lighting the Luminaries and preparing the big room for the kids. Help us make this a wonderful event for both kids and parents.

Christmas Party

is Dec. 13th at 12:30. Invitations will be in the mail shortly. Make a note that the Master Gardeners donate canned and dry food to the County Family Assistance organization each year. Please remember to bring your donations of food for those less fortunate.

Budget Time

It's that time again! Please prepare your budget requests for the coming year and submit them to Al Smith ( by November 19.

Thanks, Richard Boland

Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman

asked for more volunteers for the 08 State MG Conference. Program ads, sponsors, door prizes, decorations and possibly a silent auction are some areas needing volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please see or contact Shirley.

New Officers

President - Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman
Vice President – Grace Wrigley
Treasurer – Al Smith
Joe Loughlin and Dominique Loewenstein will be the nominating committee for 08


Ash Tyler informed all that approximately 1,400 plants would be received the week of January 7. Help is needed to ready these plants for the 08 plant sales. The first sale will be April 10, 11 and 12 with the second on May 8, 9 and 10.
The fans in the greenhouse need upgrading to provide better circulation for all the plants.
Currently, consideration for renewing the Restitution program funds is in committee and the continuation of the budget for this program looks favorable.

Upcoming Events

Dec 13th Christmas Luncheon Party
Dec.13&14 Festival of Lights
Upcoming Speakers
Jan 24th Dean Bennett - Brunswick Community College - Plant Diseases
Feb 28th Chris Moorman - Wildlife Management
March 27th Ken Fager NCSU Growing Organic
April 24th Peter Hertyl - NCSU - Ground Pearls
May 22nd Bryce Lane NCSU Gardening Ideas
June 28th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 24th Toby Bost
Nov. 29th updates by horticulture staff or in the garden tape.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Message from Charlie

Please sign up for the Christmas if you haven’t already done so. The party is on the 13th of Dec. at 12:30.
Following the party, don’t forget the Festival of Lights. We can use some help on the 13 and 14th of Dec., 6:00 -8:00 PM. Bring a friend and join us for the activities on both days. Talk it up!
Please bring your volunteer hours up to date.
Dues are 5.00 dollars, payable by Jan. 1st, 2008. Might as well pay a couple of years in advance so you don’t have to worry about it next year.
For those of you I may not see until next year, have a safe and joyous Christmas season.
By the way, understand our fearless leader, Mr. Barkley, will be on hand for the Christmas Party. You don’t want to miss that.