Monday, June 16, 2008

Joe’s Kitchen

I started a conversation with a very successful spear fisherman last week who was cleaning a huge pile of groupers. Before I knew it, he handed me six – seven pounds of filets. Not believing my luck, I invited some friends over for;
Grouper on the Grill
1/4 cup lime juice, pineapple juice, or mango juice
2 clove garlic, finely minced
2 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
4 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoon of fresh oregano leaves
2 tablespoon of fresh basil leaves
1/4 cup of soy sauce
1/4 cup vegetable oil

Blend all but oil in a blender or food processor for 20 seconds. Add the oil and blend a few more seconds. Pour over fish in a plastic baggy and seal. Place in your refrig for about four hours turning occasionally to insure good coverage. Place on a hot grill and cook covered for about seven minutes per side. Only turn once or fish might begin to flake apart. Serve grouper with a mango salsa and grilled fresh pineapple slices.

June 2007 Hotline Calls

There were 126 inquiries to the Hotline. The breakdown is as follows:
General: 25. 13 requested Newcomer packets and 12 requested soil sample kits and interpretation of analysis.
Lawns: 25. The majority of calls concerned Centipede grass. The remainder concerned general questions about types of lawns for this area and weeds in the lawn.
Shrubs: 3. Gardenia, rose, and hydrangea were the shrubs that had problems.
Trees: 30. Dogwoods, crepe myrtle, and Leland cypress seemed to suffer the most problems since they had the most inquiries. Oak's, Magnolia's, Hickories, and Cedars also gave problem to our callers.
Pests: 12. Callers wanted information on getting rid of various pests such as bees, fire ants Japanese Beatles, moles, etc.
Vegetables: 26. Tomato's had the most calls. Squash, cucumbers, potatoes and grapes were also subjects of interest.
Flowers: 6. Lantana were the main concern of the callers last year

Annual Recognition Luncheon

... will be noon, June 26th after the regular meeting and Frank Galloway’s program. Please bring a dish that will serve 8 folks. Names A-F, appetizers; G-K, Sandwiches; L-P, Salad; Q-Z Desserts. Beverage will be provided. You and your guest are cordially invited to attend the meeting, program, and/or Luncheon.

Work Days

Please come and help us when you have time, but especially on the work days. June 15th and July 7th
Gardens: Jim Blake will direct your work.
Greenhouse: Tyler Ash always needs help weeding and getting plants ready for sale.

Charlie says...

Charlie says:
Pick up Your Membership Card!
If you are an active Master Gardener belonging to the Association, your membership cards are at the front desk. Please see Betty and pick up your
I will be on vacation from May 31st until June 18th. David will also be gone a lot of the time. As a result, you are really needed on the Hot Line. Please try and fit the Hot Line into your schedule until I get back. I will be training the new class members as soon as I return. Until then, please come as much as you can. We have a great reputation for assisting folks and we sure don't want to see that go down the drain.
Rain Barrels are available for anyone interested. We will sell them ready to go for $50.00 each.

Hardscape, Fred Mina needs some carpenter helpers! He will be building a new shed in June. Please let him know when you can help.
Al Hight and Kelly from Holden Brothers are doing a research project on trapping and counting moths and volunteers are needed to help out.

Hort Agent, David Barkley indicated that the new MG classes are completed. He is still working with the Advanced Landscaping class and we will hopefully be seeing some new additions to our garden. Maggie Hoon will be cutting new identification labels for the plants in the gardens.

From the President's desk...

Thank you to all who continue to attend the membership meetings. Mark your calendar for the June meeting as our speaker will be Frank Galloway. Some of the new classes have been attending the membership meeting we encourage more of you to attend.

Very shortly I will be looking more volunteers for the conference hope we can count on you.

Our dues year is from January thru December. If you are not sure you have paid this year's dues check with Al Smith. He will have a record of dues payments. Only dues paying members may hold office or vote at Association meetings

Banquets/Parties, Becky Dus:

The Recognition Banquet date has been changed to June 26th which is the same day as the June general meeting.


The new cover and exhaust fans for the greenhouse are ready to be installed. Ash mentioned the state might drop the Restitution program next year due to considerable budget reductions but he is hopeful the program won’t be cut. Sales for the May plant sale were $8,886 with $4,900 in expenses.

2008 Conference Report

With the cost of printing and mailing for the 2008 State Convention, the conference committee has requested that all Master Gardeners who plan to attend the conference please pay your registration fee now to help us out. The normal refund policy applies. The registration fee for the conference is 130.00 dollars if you are a Master Gardener State member, or 135.00 dollars which includes 5.00 dollars for 6 months of state dues, or 145.00 dollars which includes this year's dues as well as next year's state dues. The cost of printing and mailing over 4000 invitations exceeds the money available at this time and we need your support so that we can get the word out to invitees about this exceptional conference. Remember, the Brunswick Master Gardeners share in the profit of the conference!

There will be 24 different workshops so there will be something for everyone. When you receive your official package, there may be some trips etc that you want to sign up for that will have an additional cost. You can pay those costs at that time.

Help us make this the best conference ever by signing up.

We also need your help. If you are not already on a committee, email me or call me about helping. If you’re on a committee, be sure your committee is moving forward with their work. There is a lot to do and October will be here sooner than we think.


Upcoming Events…

June 18-21st Southern Region Master Gardener Conference
June 26th Recognition Luncheon
Oct 5-8 2008 MG Conference in Brunswick County
Dec 10th Christmas Party
Upcoming Speakers
June 26th Frank Galloway - Plants for local use
July 24th Dr. Frank Blazich - NCSU - Summer Propagation
Aug 28th Charlotte Glen - Plants for difficult situations
Sept. 25th Ronda Sherman - Vermicomposting
Oct 23rd Toby Bost
Nov. 20th updates by horticulture staff