Tuesday, June 26, 2007


By Master Gardener Ford Balch 1-07

Prodigious beauties, jewels of the fields,
Brightly colored blooms for our delight,
Created by God: they self-propagate seeds,
Returning each year for us to walk by.

With nectar provided for bees and butterflies,
Who inadvertently cross-pollinate while they feed,
Honeycombs will be found in the fall; God looking down
Must be proud of his Garden of Adam and Eve.

Bluettes bloom in the spring much to a small child’s ecstasy,
Awakened from dormancy buds and growth re-appear,
Our spirits soar this season of re-birth and innocence,
God must be satisfied with all that he sees and hears.

This summer we will enter field and forest once again,
Looking for old friends whose presence we anticipate,
Daisies and Black-EyeD-Susan’s delight the way to the stonewall,
where red blossoms of fireweed are belied by their ignoble name.

We enter a woodland road interspersed with springs,
To walk beside lady slippers-Adirondack Orchids
Crowns slightly bent unaffected by their glory,
They are difficult to find and a treasure indeed.

Returning, we pass by invasive Purple Loosestrife,
Gently waving in breezes we feel compelled to stop,
Enchanted for we seem to hear the Siren’s song,
Refusing submission we leave them to go on.

There are many old favorites to revisit and admire,
Some by the river stream and some in the shade,
Some new encounters that we will struggle to name,
With a child’s spirit we kneel in the garden God made.

Hilton & Joyce Holcomb

How To Plant Your Garden
First, you Come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses....

For the Garden of your Daily Living,
Plant Three Rows of Peas:
1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul
Plant Four Rows of Squash:
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness
Plant Four Rows of Lettuce:
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
No Garden is Without Turnips
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another
To Conclude our Garden We Must Have Thyme:
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
Water Freely with Patience & Cultivate with Love. There will be Much Fruit in your Garden because You Reap as You Sow.

Come see the New Fountain in the Connector Garden

We are making a tropical garden to surround this beautiful new addition. Palms and exotic plants are filling the space. The fountain will be lighted and make a dramatic focus. Come help us!

Got Ground Pearl?

David Barkley, Hort Agent: Peter Hertyl NC. Crops Department – is continuing his study and research on ground pearl and is asking for help from BCMGVA members. He will train volunteers on all aspects of gathering information.

Automation Committee

Al Smith stated the web calendar has been updated to include all events of the BCMGVA. Anyone wishing to add information should e-mail Joe Loughlin. The web pages are also being updated and if anyone would like to volunteer their help with this see Al or Joe.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help.
Our website has a calendar that is now being updated regularly. Check it out and be a member that knows what is going on. Better yet, if you know of an event you feel our members would be interested in, email me and I will post them. jloughlin@ec.rr.com

Plants Sales are Big Success

Thanks to all who helped and especially our newest classes.

New book purchased for the library

Garden Insects of North America The Ultimate Guide to Back Yard Bugs.

Beacon To Carry Extension Page

Brunswick Beacon will have a weekly Extension page. First was Thursday May17. This will enable the Extension office to publicize our classes and various events through out the county. Al Hight is also working to have a similar format with the Southport Pilot, the LA Reporter (Leland) and the Sun Times (Northern Edition).

Ash Tyler, Greenhouse

Needs help repotting every Thursday 800 am except 4th Thursday of month or See Ash if you can work other days.

Hilton Holcomb, Gardens

We need help in the gardens, there is a tremendous amount of work required to maintain them . Need to weed and there is mulch to spread. Fountain to left of office entrance is completed. Work Days are 1st Monday and 3rd Tuesday.

New Storage Building Approved

A new storage building and cement pad are now in our future plans in the greenhouse area. The irrigation is now in place, so no more hand watering. Hurray! . Ash advised electrical hook up is still to be completed.

Al Hight, Co. Extension Director...

spoke about a newsletter based on the area comprised of Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties that is being created. The newsletter will be similar to the Successful Gardener but directed specifically towards our three county area and costal gardening

Charlie Spencer

Some Master Gardener Greenhouse Aprons are missing if you have one please return it. Thanks to everyone for all their help on the plant sales. The new classes were unbelievably helpful and much appreciated.

Upcoming Speakers

June 28th: Lucy Bradley
July 26th: Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
Sept. 27th: Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th: Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th: Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC

Upcoming Events…

June 14: Annual Marietta Day Lilly Trip
June 28: Regular Meeting guest speaker, Lucy Bradley- NCSU
June 28: Recognition Luncheon after the regular meeting
Oct 8,9,10th: State MG Conference in Raleigh
Oct 10, 11, 12, 2007: Fall plant sale
December 13: Holiday Party