Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gardening Today Keeps The Doctor Away

I was happy to note in the latest issue of Bottom Line Health an article entitled "Why Most Calcium Supplements Are Useless for Osteoporosis." The author observed that for years, American women have been taking calcium supplements for stronger bones. Yet they continue to get osteoporosis in record numbers. Apparently, taking supplements is not enough, but weigh-bearing exercise is needed. Here is the good news. No heavy weights or torturous aerobic workouts are needed. Researchers have studied different activities and found that gardening is one of the best bone-building activities. And there is a bonus because gardening is performed outdoors. Your body is exposed to sunlight, which provides bone-building vitamin D. Just remember to apply sunscreen for more the 15 min exposures.

News From the Greenhouse

A new storage facility will be built in the greenhouse area with some of the proceeds coming from other Extension funds and MG plant sale revenues. A new water retention pond will be created to allow this storage facility to be built.
Inmates will be working on the irrigation system in the greenhouse and expanding its current scope.

Rain Lily Project

David Barkley thanks all who had participated in the Rain Lily Project. Over 1,200 bulbs were reclaimed.

NCSTU publications

Charlotte Glen has reworked NCSTU publications on plants, trees and shrubs specifically for the coastal area. They have been copied and will be placed in the newcomer packets offered by the MG association. These publications will also be found on the web site.

Got Ground Pearl?

David Barkley, Hort Agent: Peter Hertyl NC. Crops Department – is continuing his study and research on ground pearl and is asking for help from BCMGVA members. He will train volunteers on all aspects of gathering information.

Automation Committee

Al Smith stated the web calendar has been updated to include all events of the BCMGVA. Anyone wishing to add information should e-mail Joe Loughlin. The web pages are also being updated and if anyone would like to volunteer their help with this see Al or Joe.
Wanted: Master Gardeners with expertise in creating web pages. We are trying to bring information to you more efficiently. Call Al Smith 910-457-667if you could help

Hilton Needs Help!

Projects are on going in all areas. Lots of work is being done in the “swamp/bog/damp” garden to the back of the Botanical Garden. Inmates will be working on irrigation during their visit in May. Lighting in the gardens will also receive more work.
Work Groups Tasks
Next work day is Tuesday the 15th
• Stir/fluff up mulch around all plants and pull away from stems. More pine straw is available at green house fence. No hardwood mulch is available.
• Remove winter damage from all plants. Prune back, remove dead leaves, stems
• Pull weeds that are up close to plants. Spray roundup on those that are far enough away to not cause damage. Add roundup concentrate to new gallon sprayers to get mix to 13 percent.
• Hand water as needed through out the garden. Pay close attention to any areas not covered by sprinklers. The area around the rain garden is a good example. Be sure to check all containers.
• Mow as needed. Note: In garden paths, use push mower only, the riding mower is too big and will damage the sprinkler heads. Riding mower can be used on turf areas.
• Run edger along all paths.
• Check plants and shrubs for any insect or other damage.
• See Jim for any plantings. Also ask for his assistance to clarify any of the tasks. David may be available also.


Master Gardener volunteer projects must meet at least three (3) of the following criteria to be eligible for consideration:
1. Is it a community oriented project?
2. Do Master Gardener volunteers wish to do the project?
3. Is it a good educational experience?
4. Is it good public relations?
5. Is it a fund raiser?
The executive board will consider all requests and make recommendations to the membership who will then vote on the project proposal.

Master Gardener Plant Sale

The plant sales provide much of our funding for the year. Be sure to help! We need;
Help Ash Tag Plants
Volunteers to Clerk the Sale
Spread the Word to Buyers
Come and Buy for Your Garden
Thur. May 10th 9-5, Fri.11th 9-5, Sat.12th 9-2
Flowers, veggies and vines, fruits, ornamental grasses. GREAT PRICES!
Cooperative Extension Service County Government Center, Bolivia, NC Greenhouse behind building N

Upcoming Speakers

June 28th Lucy Bradley - NCSU
July 26th Bill Lord - Water Quality – Area Specialized Agent, Franklin Co.
August 23rd Emily Revels - Hort Agent, Cumberland County
Sept. 27th Some type of MG Social
Oct. 25th Toby Bost, Hort Agent, Forsyth County - Has written books on gardening.
Nov 29th Dick Bir - Retired - worked at Fletcher Research Station in Fletcher NC

Upcoming Events

May 1-5th International Convention Little Rock
May 10,11,12th … MG Plant sale
May 16th Coastal Garden Club has a field trip to garden nurseries in the Raleigh. Call Dorothea at 579-9134
May 20th Oak Island Garden Tour
May 24th MG Regular Meeting 9-12 Program will be by Bryon Capo - Trees - Urban Forestry - County Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County.
June 28 Recognition Luncheon guest speaker, Lucy Bradley
Oct 8,9,10th…. State MG Conference in Raleigh
December 13 Holiday Party