Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holiday party

The Holiday Party is December 14. This event is always a lot of fun, but it takes some work to put it together, so be sure to sign up to help when the chance comes up.

Botanical Garden

The next time you come to Extension, be sure to look at all the changes that are taking place around the Botanical Garden and in front of Building N. The night lighting should be completed by mid-November and there will be a program some time around Thanksgiving/early December to unveil it

Pack Your Bags!

The Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender county Master Gardener groups are planning a trip for next spring. The itinerary is still being planned, but some of the stops could include Philadelphia, Brandywine Valley, Richmond, Norfolk, Maryland and a stop or two at a winery. Watch for details as the planning comes together.

Richard O'Dwyer

We are sad report that Richard O’Dwyer, class of 2006, passed away on Thursday, September 21 in Charlotte. Richard was born in Wilmington, DE and was a resident of Shallotte. He enjoyed golf and gardening and was a member of the National Arbor Day Foundation. At the request of the family, memorials can be directed to the Brunswick County Master Gardner’s Volunteer Association.

The date has changed

The Reunion Social, originally scheduled for November 10, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 15 because the building will be closed on the 10th for Veterans Day. So, mark your calendars for this new date, watch for your invitation, to arrive later this month, and plan to join your fellow Master Gardeners for a fun afternoon in the garden.


• LIFE ON THE FARM will start up again during the last two weeks of October. We will probably work with three schools each week. Let Charlie know right away if you can help so he can put you on the schedule.

• The date for HERITAGE DAY at Indigo Farm is October 7. We will be doing a plant clinic that day and help publicize the Extension. As per usual, Charlie is looking for volunteers for this event – he needs about 3 people for the morning shift, including setting up the tents and the same number in the afternoon to take down the tents when it’s over. This counts as Hot Line time! Call Charlie if you’re able to participate.

• We will be continuing with the rain lily project, going back out to collect more bulbs once the grass dies back. David will be looking for help with this so be sure to let him know if you are interested.

• The North Carolina State Fair is Oct. 13 – 22. If you have any plants, produce, etc. that you want to submit, let David know. His deadline is October 10!

• The County Fair for Brunswick, Pender and New Hanover counties will follow the State Fair. We will be setting up an educational booth – need someone from October 24 through Nov. 5. Again let David know if you can volunteer some time.

• Our next PLANT SALE is scheduled for October 12, 13 and 14. Call Charlie if you can help out. Ash needs some additional help, too, preparing the plants.

October 26 meeting

Don Gilbert… will be our speaker at the October 26 general meeting. His topic will be “Hydroponically Grown Fruits and Vegetables.” Don is a local businessman who grows hydroponic fruits and vege-tables.