Monday, April 17, 2006


April 10 – 15, Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents Only. Brunswick County Landfill. They will also be giving away free mulch.

And the Survey Said:

“Thank You” to the 21 MGs who responded to the survey questions. You provided some good feedback and suggestions for future issues.

Of the respondents, 18 read the newsletter online, 3 read the hard copy that is mailed out and one does both. Everyone reads it every month and most read all of it.

Of the items you rated as to their importance, the speakers for upcoming meetings, info on projects and activities, gardening tips and Dave’s gardening information ranked the highest, but everything ranked above average.

As far as adding items of interest, several people said they really weren’t interested but more of you said “Yes” to this and made some suggestions – recipes (especially easy to make ones) for the snacks served at our monthly meetings or at the June banquet and holiday party. Some of you also suggested member news or a “member spotlight” article, cartoons, photos or tips/links to gardening sites on the internet.

So, if you are willing to share the recipe for that great snack or banquet/party food, make a copy and give it to me for a future issue of the newsletter. Or, if you want a recipe, let me know what it is and who provided it and I’ll ask for the recipe to share. I’ll also give some thought to a ‘spotlight’ item and look into the other suggestions.

Only one person never goes to the website; otherwise, it was pretty evenly split among those who visit it weekly, 2 - 4 times a month, monthly or ‘seldom.’ The only other comments were re the redundancy between other areas of the website and the newsletter, a wish for photos in the newsletter, and a comment that all the notifications/emails re what’s available on the website are confusing.

Overall, the feedback was positive and that’s good, and the suggestions were helpful and gave me some ideas to work on. If you come up with other suggestions and ideas, be sure to let me know. I’d like to be sure the newsletter is serving its purpose and is interesting to all its readers.


Springtime in Asheville!

Carolina Gardener magazine invites you to the 9th annual Carolina Gardens & Gardeners Symposium and Tours in Asheville, NC, on May 5 and 6, 2006. Visit the North Carolina Arboretum, Peter Loewer’s garden and more beautiful gardens in Asheville, plus shop B.B. Barns and the perennial plant sale at the Botanical Gardens at Asheville. Top off your weekend experience with an evening learning from garden authors Felder Rushing and Barbara Pleasant. You’ll lunch at the Arboretum and stay on to see part of the 65 acres of gardens and their new bonsai collection – the largest in the Southeast. Your stop at the Botanical Garden of Asheville will coincide with the garden’s annual native plant sale, which draws selections from nurseries from around the region, and a B.B. Barns, an exceptional regional garden center. If you wish to extend your visit with a tour of the world-famous Biltmore Estate gardens, you can purchase tickets at discounted rates at the hotel where you stay.
We are looking for MGs who might be interested in attending as a group. For more information or to sign on, contact Arlene Hubner at 253-3269 or

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week will be celebrated from April 23-29, 2006. The Volunteer Center of Brunswick County is hosting a Special Recognition Celebration on April 26, 2006, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Odell Williamson Auditorium, Brunswick Community College. There will be a reception and refreshments from 3:30 to 4:15 followed by a program to honor all volunteers beginning at 4:15 with guest speaker Frank Capra, Jr. There will be door prizes and a special thank-you gift for each volunteer. Please RSVP by April 17 by calling the Extension Center office.

Project Update

• Our first Plant Sale of the year will be Thursday, April 20 – Saturday, April 22. (You can do your shopping early, on the 19th from 9 a.m. until noon.) Let Charlie know if you can help out during the sale. Come in before then and help Ash out in the greenhouse – the sale takes a lot of preparation.

• Hilton is still looking for members to join the Hardscape Team – you don’t need previous experience to participate in this group. Let Hilton know if you can help.

• The Supply Elementary School program has had a very successful beginning. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the activities, including the MG instructors. If other schools hear about this, we may have more than we can handle. Thanks to everyone involved in the effort. We have two more sessions scheduled – April 4-5 and April 25-26.

• We will be working at the Dosher Nursing Home on a project with the Oak Island Beautification Club to improve a small courtyard. Let Charlie know if you are interested in this project.

• We continue to explore the possibility of a new program at Shallotte Middle School – keep watching for details as (or if) the program comes to be.

• The NCMGVA Board of Directors meeting will be held here in Brunswick County at the Extension Building on April 17 at 10 a.m. All Master Gardeners are welcome. Let Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman know if you plan to attend so lunch can be arranged for you.

• Turf and Vegetable Seminars:

o Thursday, April 7, 2:00 p.m., Hickman’s Crossroads Library
o Thursday, April 13, 2:00 p.m., Southport Library
o Thursday, April 15, 11:00 a.m., Southport Wal-Mart
o Wednesday, April 19, 10:00 a.m., Leland Library

• The Hot Line needs you!

• Supply Elementary has asked us to help them develop a garden area – we are exploring this potential project.

• There will be a plant clinic for MGs at Brunswick Community College from 10:15 to 12:15 on May 2.

• Ash has lots of projects in the greenhouse that can use some extra help, among them starting @700 tomato plants for the students and teachers at Supply Elementary School, and all the preparation for the April plant sale. Ash is in the greenhouse most mornings, including Saturday.

Master Gardener Conferences

Information on the State Master Gardener Conference – “Gardening on the Edge” - is now available on the NCMGVA web site – go to The conference is scheduled for October 2 - 4 in Kill Devil Hills. This conference will feature great speakers and workshops, plus pre-conference tours. Watch for your invitation packet this summer.

Information on the Southern Region Master Gardener Conference in Chattanooga, TN on June 8 - 11 is also on this web site, also under “Events.” This too looks like an excellent conference, with lots of good seminars and activities.

April and May Meeting Speakers

The speaker at our April 27 meeting will be Dr. Lane Tredway, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Dr. Tredway has a B.S. in Agronomy from Penn State Univ., a M.S. in Plant Science from Rutgers Univ., and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from the Univ. of Georgia. His subject will be “Turf Diseases: Identification, Management and Control.” The meeting will begin at 9 a.m.

The May meeting will feature Bryce Lane, in the department of Horticulture Science at NCSU, and host of the PBS series “in the Garden,” who will provide a hands-on workshop on Container Gardening.