Saturday, December 03, 2005

Propagation events

Mark your calendar for January 26 and 27. Dr. Blazich and his wife April will be here to provide an herb and a propagation seminar on those two days. We will sell tickets for both events.

Something from Charlie:

Don't forget to respond to the Christmas Party invitation. We need to know the count so we can plan properly. Want this one to be exceptionally well planned since it is Kathy's going away party.

More info on the joint efforts to provide programs for Supply Elementary School will be forthcoming.

For you who work the Hot Line, please Do Not put rubber bands around wet soil samples. It ruins the boxes and they will never dry. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone for a GREAT year, the best one in our 12 year history. Now a new year is starting. Hopefully we can do even better this year than last. Lots of exciting things are in the works. It looks like we may be able to get the inmates back so we can continue our projects.

Hope to see you all at the Christmas Party. Have an especially joyful holiday season and a Happy New year.

Again, thanks for all you do.

A Tribute to Kathy

Kathy Walters has accepted a position as Administrative Assistant to Brunswick County Director of Public Utilities, starting Dec. 1. Kathy received her Associate Degree in Secretarial Science from Robeson Community College in May 1978 and was an Extension Secretary II for more than 27 years, 20 in Robeson County and the balance here in Brunswick County. She provided support to David Barkley (Ext. MG Program, Urban Horticulture, Pesticides, Aquatic Weed Mgmt., Beekeepers), Charlie Spencer (Ext. Master Gardeners), Billy Privette, Lindsay Hewett (4-H Youth Development), Al Hight (Livestock/Waste Mgmt, Forestry, Field Crops, Commercial Horticulture) and was the Extension Web Site Manager. She’s earned some kudos along the way: South Central District Secretary of the Year – 1992, Southeast District Secretary of the Year – 2001, Extension Director’s Award of Excellence for Acquisition & Utilization of Computer Skills/Technology – 1989, 1999 and 2000, and the Extension Director’s Award of Excellence for Special Leadership Skills – 1989.

I would like to take this time to personally thank Kathy for all her hard work here in Brunswick County. Kathy without a doubt has been one of the best secretaries that I have worked with. She has helped me become a better Extension Agent. Without her, our programs would not have flowed as smoothly as they have and much of our success in the master gardener program starts with Kathy. She is one of the first and main contacts that many of our master gardeners see and she has been very instrumental in assisting our volunteers with information to pass along to our clients. I am very proud of the way she has handled our clients with the care and sensitivity that all of us should strive for. She has been a blessing to me in the short three years that I have worked here. I wish her the best in her new job. We will all miss you. Thanks, Dave

And from Charlie: Kathy has provided the glue that has helped hold our group together. She ensures that our rosters are correct, edits and mails out our news articles, is always available to help out any Master Gardener, works closely on any of our projects and trips, even cleans the office for us, ensures our plaques and awards are that the right place at the right time, and too many other things to list. We will really miss her and her activities involving the Master Gardener Program. Best to you on your new job! Don't forget us!

And Congratulations to Shirley, too!!

We all know Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman – she’s one of the more active members of the MG program, and has been a major force behind the very successful Gardening by the Month. In recognition of all her contributions, Shirley has been granted the North Carolina Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service. Here’s a brief overview of her contributions.

She completed the Master Gardener course in May 1993, the first in Brunswick County. Since then she has logged more than 3,000 volunteer hours. She and MG Brenda Holmes established the filing system for all the MG publications. She chaired the first fund raiser, a 1996 calendar, which put the MGs in the black for the first time. She co-chaired the 2nd calendar printing in 2004, and served on the cookbook committee. She chaired a number of committees and projects, including the Gardening by the Month fund raiser, the first holiday social, the first budget committee, the landscaping of a house for Habitat for Humanity (with assistance from the Hort. Agent), and two Southeast District all-day seminars. She also has worked as editor of the newsletter, worked the Hotline, was President of BCMGVA for 2 years, helped coordinate landscaping of Hope Harbor – with Union Elem. School, which won for them 1st place in a statewide competition – taught MG classes at the extension building and on Bald Head Island, gardening courses at the community college, conducted seminars on various gardening subjects, and wrote articles that appear in 5 local papers. This is all just what she does here at Brunswick County! Let’s look elsewhere in the state.

She also has been involved with the North Carolina MGVA, as our Liaison/Delegate since 1994, and thus as a member of the Board of Directors. She has attended training sessions in Raleigh, all State Conferences since 1994, chaired the State Conference in Brunswick County in 2000 and has acted as liaison for the Board to host counties since 2001. She was President of NCMGVA for 2 years and is currently President-Elect. She has chaired the bylaws and nominating committees and served on a committee that developed guidelines and a timetable for the state conference.

Shirley served the maximum of 6 years with the Extension State Advisory Council (SAC), attending meetings in various part of the state 3 to 4 times a year. She represented the Southeast District at various District meeting and planning sessions, and met with state legislators. She attends State Extension Conferences in Raleigh, represented SAC at a conference to give SAC’s happy birthday to Extension. She chaired the Nominating Committee, attended a Leadership Forum, met regularly with the Dean and Executive Director for Agricultural Programs, Associate Dean and Director of Cooperative Extension, Associate Director and Director of County Operations, District Director, etc. and met with NC Senators and Representatives in Washington re the Federal budget and on “back home visits: re state budgets.

Gosh – does anyone wonder why Shirley won this award? Well done!


MG Ann Duke’s husband, Bill, won a Blue Ribbon for Peach Preserves at the NC State Fair October 14 - 23, 2005 in Raleigh. The award winning preserves were made with Freestone Caro-gem peaches. The recipe - which uses peaches, spices and sugar - was first used by Ann’s mother, Jennie Griggs Brock, in the 1930s and 1940s and later by Sue Brock, Ann’s sister-in-law.

The preserves were critiqued by Edwina Shaw, a noted gourmet cook in Raleigh.

These award-winning peach preserves are for sale at Cat on A Whisk in Southport.

Promote the 2006 Extension Master Gardener Class!

Encourage your friends and neighbors to apply for the 2006 Extension Master Gardener Class. Classes will meet 9 a.m. – 12 noon each week from February 8 to June 6, at the Cooperative Extension Service. Most classes will be on Wednesdays with a few Tuesday classes. The cost of the course is $110, which covers the cost of an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Reference Notebook and other class materials and expenses. An application must be completed and returned to the Cooperative Extension Service by Monday, January 2, 2006, to apply for the course. Applications are available from our office.

December Message From Our President

While here visiting in New England, it is very plain to see that Winter is just around the corner. Most of the trees are bare, Thanksgiving preparations are in full force, and hints of Christmas are everywhere. Another year has gone by all too rapidly!!! MGVs have been evident everywhere throughout 2005, and plans and budgets are under preparation for the coming year, already under the full guidance of Richard Boland and omnipresent Shirley...with Charlie doing his imitation of several different elves.

I thank you all for your contributions to the 2005 projects and join you in looking forward to 2006.

I especially look forward to increasing our presence in and around the schools of Brunswick County as we help to spread the word to our young people about the benefits and joys of work with the soil and what it can produce. So, until I see you at one of those projects or maybe at the Holiday party, best wishes to you all for a joyeux holiday season and the coming Noel.

Signing out.......
Dan Sokoloski