Friday, September 30, 2005

October Message From The President

Here it is! “It’s recognition time again!” This is so much fun for me.. in part because it is so easy to do. Recognizing our fellow BCMGV can go on forever.
This time I am humbled by the work of our editors. There are four, for those of you who may not know. Becky Dus is our lead Newsletter editor. Nancy Einbinder and Cathie Rod help with the copying and mailing. Lisa Miner is the “website editor and webmaster”. These poor people have suffered under my less than precise harassment and one of the measures of their capability is that they have survived me! The changeover from old to new has had its trying times, but they have done it and the results are now really beginning to show. I hope you are all going to these sites: and
BCMGVA online herbarium. You can view reports of current and future activities and useful information for gardeners.
Please join me in offering thanks to your fellow volunteers and keep your thoughts, suggestions and content input coming to constantly improve the resulting product.

Happy gardening,


September Meeting Speaker

If you didn’t attend the September meeting you missed a most informative presentation by Erv Evans, State Coordinator for Master Gardeners. Erv was able to leave additional handouts which can be found in the MG office.
Erv informed us that Brunswick MGVA is UNIQUE for its Restitution program, Work in Schools, Creation of a Monthly Calendar Guide and use of prison labor.
When talking of the Master Gardener organization, Erv encouraged us to place emphasis on the manor of help and education we offer to the community such as: plant clinics, hot line coverage, programs in county schools and the work put into maintaining the Botanical Garden and the greenhouse.

Nominating Committee News

Peggy Meinzer is joining Nancy Einbinder and Ann Duke to create the slate of officers for next year. If you wish to “throw your hat in the ring” please contact one of these members or see one of them at the October 27 general meeting. Postions to be voted (re-elected or newly elected) are: President/ Vice President and Treasurer. Also needed are two new nominating members –hopefully one seasoned Master Gardener. The slate will be presented for approval and voting at the general meeting on November 17.

Nancy Einbinder (253-3545)
Ann Duke (454-0413)
Peggy Meinzer (842-4928)

Brunswick Residents Need Our Help

I realize that you have been hit with requests for donations to support many worthy causes, but there is one here in Brunswick County to support your less fortunate neighbors. The “Make a Difference Day” concludes on Saturday, October 22. The Volunteer Center is collecting clean coats and sweaters to dispense for the upcoming winter season. However, the most important donation needed is food for the various food pantries. Of course, money is always the easiest thing to give and allows the managers of the pantries to buy what is most needed. Checks may be bade payable to “The Volunteer Center”.

I will accept all donations here, in my office. Please help support the needy located here in Brunswick County.

Thanks, Charlie

Guest Speakers for Future Meetings

October: Chuck Friedrich, a registered landscape architect and member of the American Society of Landscape Architects and the ASTM Green Roof Task Subcommittee, will talk to us about rooftop gardens, or “Green Roofs.”

November: Dr. Wanda Sykes is the Southeast District Extension Director. She will talk about the 13-county district that includes Brunswick County, its structure and operations and how it fits in with NCSU.

December: Remember the holiday party. Arlene Hubner will be forming committees and asking for volunteers at the October meeting.

If you have any suggestions for speakers who can extend our knowledge of gardening, or if you have ideas for topics for the General Meetings, let Shirley or Dave know.

Please remember that refreshments are enjoyed at all meetings. Take your turn and sign up to be host or hostess at one of the general meetings.

News from Charlie

Indigo Farms will celebrate Heritage Day on Saturday, October 1. We will staff a booth, conduct a plant clinic and do presentations (topics to be determined). Helpers are needed for this day and set up on Friday, September 30 – sign up sheet in MG office.

Sign up to work at the Fall Plant Sale on Friday and Saturday, October 7th and 8th.

Life on the Farm – has been put on hold due to lack of funding from Brunswick County Schools. Because of gas prices, field trips have been greatly reduced. We will keep you updated on this situation.

A Special Farewell - For those of you who may not be aware, Al Hight is transferring to work in the extension program of Pender County. His duties will include livestock, commercial horticulture, forestry, crops and storm water. We wished him a farewell at the September meeting so I hope you had a chance to say good by. Al has always pitched in to help us in any way he could. His assistance to the Brunswick County Master Gardener program is too large to even try to measure.
We are fortunate he is still close so we can offer our help and support as he assumes his new position. We wish him continued success in all he does.

New Copier: To use the new copier an identification number is needed. The number to use is 2602 (the last digits of the MG phone #). This helps track departmental uses.

Be on the look out for a Hickory Horn Devil – a very colorful caterpillar. It reminds David of a Chinese dragon costume used in Chinese festivals. It is approximately 6-8 inches(?). If found, bring specimen to David Barkley’s office.

We will NOT be doing the ticket sales at the Cape Fear Fair on Oct. 30. We may volunteer to take entries on Tuesday or Wednesday evening prior to the fair or greet and welcome people to the fair on Sunday, October 30. Contact David if you can help.

Surplus Budget Approvals

As some of you may be aware, we’ve had a very healthy fiscal year and have determined where and how to apply the excess funds. The following projects or items have been approved: a riding mower, a building to house all BCMGVA equipment at the greenhouse complex, more gravel walk ways in the greenhouse area, carts (much needed during plant sales), additional raised beds, expansion of sprinkler system and an addition to the electronic fence. (The last item needs the help of prison labor which is presently on hold). Treasurer, Linda Lemieux will prepare an updated budget spread sheet for the next meeting OR the next news letter.

SO with additional tools and improvements to the greenhouse, make sure you see and use these items by volunteering to work the 1st Monday, 2nd Tuesday or 3rd Monday of every month. Hilton Holcomb usually emails a work list so everyone is clear on what needs to be accomplished.

There are occasions when volunteers are needed without much advanced notification. That was true the week of the September general meeting when David requested volunteers to clean up the front entrance and some of the adjacent garden area. He greatly appreciates all the help offered in this beautification project.